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Board of Finance Minutes 04/16/2008
North Stonington Board of Finance
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, 8:00 PM
40 Main Street, North Stonington, CT

1.      Call to Order  Chairman M. Donahue called the meeting to order at
8:00 PM. Secretary T. Oswald and members E. Pavlovics, N. Gumprecht and G.
Herbert were present.  Member L. Southwick      was not in attendance.

2.      Public Comments and Questions  None

3.      BOS: Follow-up Questions on Budget Presentation/Selected
                1. Solar PV information was presented about the Town Garage.
                2. First Selectman N. Mullane fielded questions about the
Selectmen's budget.

4       .BOE: Review of Financial Statements: Actual vs. Budget  Discussion.

5.      Budget Website/Communications/RBA Workshop   The Chairman will
contact Rep. Urban's office regarding collaborating on determining the
applicability of RBA to the Town.  The BOF will be      request a response
from Urban's office by 1st week of June.

6.      Budget/Budget Spreadsheet  
                1.  BOF members discussed several different versions and
arrangements to try to make the budget balance while keeping in mind our
Board responsibility to present a "responsible budget."                 The
primary challenge stands in how income to the Town is 'flat to receding' and
costs are generally up all across the board.   

                2.  G. Herbert motioned we cast an actual Board vote for mil
rate increase of 0.9, a reduction of the BOE budget $246K, reduction of the
BOS by approx $105K to get the Town to a balanced               budget.   M.
Donahue seconded.  Vote was 3-1-1: N. Gumprecht against; E. Pavlovics

7.      Correspondence Omitted due to the late hour.

8.      Town Report Status 6-30-07  Omitted due to the late hour.

9.      Previous Minutes  Omitted due to the late hour.

10.     Future Agenda Items Identification  Omitted due to the late hour.

11.     Adjournment  Next BOF meeting will be held in the New Town Hall Wed.
4 -23 at 8 PM.   G. Herbert moved for adjournment and N. Gumprecht seconded.
The motion carried 5-0-0.  The meeting  was adjourned at  1:10 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas Oswald
Secretary, Board of Finance
North Stonington, CT