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AHC Minutes 03/28/2013

North Stonington Affordable Housing Committee

March 28, 2013

In Attendance:  Mary Ann Ricker, Tim Pelland, Michelle Brophy, Kristen Comstock, Tina DuBosque and Jim Scaramozza

Absent:  None

Guests: Juliet Leeming and, Marilyn MacKay

Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Tim Pelland at 6:05 PM.  By motion, minutes from the February 28, 2013 meeting were reviewed and ratified.

First, as an added agenda item, Marilyn MacKay spoke of the upcoming Metro Hartford Alliance forum to take place on May 30, at a location to be determined in North Stonington.  This forum will, in essence, provide information and propose strategies in promoting and developing economic development in our Town.  Various town commissions, councils, the Board of Selectmen and citizens are encouraged to and are likely to attend.    Discussion will also take place about regional cooperation and the importance of one’s updating its Plan of Conservation and Development (that coincidentally our Town is in the process of doing).  Marilyn distributed a pamphlet for our edification and said she would contact us once the site for this forum was determined.

Next, Mary Ann Ricker advised us that the concept of a Housing Trust Fund was not approved given that there will be a specific line item for affordable housing in the nature of “capital non-reoccurring” expense.  But while the Trust Fund is no longer a viable option, we are still pursuing the drafting and submission of proposed ordinances for the Housing Rehab Loan program and for tax abatement with deed restrictions.  To that end, Mary Ann was going to follow up with principals at LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation) and Michelle Brophy was going to contact Jason Vincent (formerly of Planimetrics) to acquire more information and perhaps sample ordinances that might assist us in the preparation of such ordinances.  Ultimately, the Committee may be requesting of the Board of Selectmen (BOS) that they engage counsel to do this.  However, Jim Scaramozza offered to first review any samples provided before any Town attorney’s advice and work is sought.

Juliet Leeming then discussed the status of the Community Visioning Session, to take place at the Elementary School, on April 6th from 9-1.  Additional advertising and word of mouth is sought.  And, Michelle offered to be one of the greeters, as did later on during our meeting other members of the Committee.   The Committee members will be in attendance and it is hoped that all of Juliet’s work will be “rewarded” by a stellar turnout of this Town’s citizenry.

Updates were then given on the grant that Juliet, with Michelle’s assistance, had prepared.  This grant titled “North Stonington Feasibility for Incentive Housing Zone” was approved by the BOS at its most recent meeting for submission and has now in fact been submitted.

Lastly, the status of the Meadowcourt project was discussed and the Committee continues to be strongly in favor of it and will offer its support and attend any upcoming meetings relative to the developer’s securing any final approvals.  

The next meeting is scheduled for April 25, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at Wheeler High School Media Center.

With no further action items in which to discuss, a motion for the meeting’s adjournment was made and seconded and thereafter approved. Accordingly, the meeting was adjourned by our co-chair Tim Pelland at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Scaramozza
Recording Secretary