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AHC Minutes 02/28/2013

North Stonington Affordable Housing Committee

February 28, 2013

In Attendance:  Mary Ann Ricker, Tim Pelland, Michelle Brophy and Jim Scaramozza

Absent:  Kristen Comstock

Guests: Juliet Leeming , Marilyn MacKay and Tina DuBosque

Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Mary Ann Ricker at 6:15 PM.  Minutes from the January 24, 2013 meeting were reviewed and ratified.

The Committee first interviewed Tina DuBosque as a possible new member to the Committee.  Tina had questions for the Committee as well about affordable housing and the status of the Committee’s efforts to sponsor the development of it in our community.  Tina evidenced an enthusiasm and interest that each member thought would be of great benefit to the Committee going forward.  Accordingly, a motion was made, seconded and thereafter approved that Tina’s name be put before the Board of Selectmen (BOS) for consideration and hopeful approval as a new Committee member.  Mary Ann Ricker will notify the BOS of this proposed appointment.  Further, Mary Ann will  present Tony Rose’s formal letter of resignation.   

Next, Juliet advised that the Housing Plan, by virtue of its submission to Planning and Zoning (P & Z) was effectively “approved” but she will make sure this is acknowledged and part of the record at the next P & Z meeting.  The Committee then formally approved the Implementation Plan that will now similarly be submitted to both P & Z and BOS for purposes of discussion and acknowledgement.  Meetings (workshops) between the Committee, BOS and P & Z will need to occur to go over the tasks and actions therein set forth.  

The Committee then discussed at great length various ordinances that needed to be drafted and then submitted to BOS.  The three all in some fashion or another pertain to affordable housing and include the establishment of a Housing Trust Fund (recalling that the Board of Finance had recently approved a Town budget line item in the amount of $1,000 for the Committee’s work); creation of a rehab loan program; and establishment of a program by which in exchange for agreeing to certain delineated deed restrictions one could procure temporary tax abatement/relief.  We have a draft ordinance for the Housing Trust Fund essentially completed, and Michelle Brophy agreed to contact David Fink (of the Partnership for Strong Communities) for examples of ordinances for the other two items.  

Once all three ordinances are cobbled together, Mary Ann Ricker (with other Committee members’ assistance and input) will assemble a summary or memo explaining the background, nature and benefits to each such ordinance, after which a presentation will be to BOS .  

Lastly, we discussed the upcoming Community Visioning Session workshop/event to be held on Saturday, April 6 from the hours of 9-1.  Juliet Leeming requested of the Committee that it assist in the preparation of certain materials relative to the housing “booth” that will be located at this event.  Juliet also requested that we each attempt to contact friends, neighbors and the like to attend this event.  Further, Tim Pelland agreed to speak with the producer of his local TV show to confirm that the event may be advertised on an upcoming show.  

The next meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at Wheeler High School Media Center.

With no further action items in which to discuss, a motion for the meeting’s adjournment was made and seconded and thereafter approved. Accordingly, the meeting was adjourned by our co-chair Mary Ann Ricker at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Scaramozza
Recording Secretary