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AHC Minutes 10/24/2013

North Stonington Affordable Housing Committee

October 24, 2013

In Attendance:  Tim Pelland, Michelle Brophy, Kristen Comstock, Tina DuBosque and Jim Scaramozza

Absent:  Mary Ann Ricker

Guests:  Juliet Leeming

Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was officially called to order by Co-Chairman Tim Pelland at 6:10 PM.  By motion, minutes from the September 26, 2013 meeting were reviewed and ratified.

No public comments were made.

The Committee first discussed an issue ultimately related to the Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) and some of the past work of the Committee, including the initial housing pamphlet it circulated a few years ago.  Tim Pelland had been approached by a member of  Planning and Zoning (P&Z), concerning the Committee’s being ostensibly neglectful in promoting greater awareness of “FHA”/”CHFA” mortgages that might assist Townspeople and count toward the Town’s meeting its affordability requirements under State law.  It was pointed out that such mortgages comprise one part of the Housing Plan of the POCD. Further, the aforementioned pamphlet discussed this too.  And, it was also noted that today’s “market” interest rates are competitive, if not below, those offer under any such programs.  Nonetheless, Michelle Brophy offered to research this further, including current interest rates being offered at CHFA for these particular mortgages.

Sticking with the POCD, Juliet Leeming shared parts of the POCD with the Committee, relative to housing, and reminded the members of this Committee that public hearings were to be conducted on November 7th and 14th respectively.  Public comment, including feedback from our Board of Selectmen (BOS), is to occur by December 5, 2013, after which P&Z will vote (at a meeting later in the month of December) on the POCD and its sought after approval.  If so approved and adopted, Juliet stated the POCD will go to the Office of Policy and Management of the State (OPM), for recognition by OPM of both the Town and its POCD being compliant with statute.  Once so recognized, this will allow for the Town to move forward with potential State and perhaps other funding for implementation of the POCD.

The project commonly referred to and known as “Meadowcourt” was next reviewed by the Committee, specifically the upcoming meeting with the North Stonington Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) on October 30, 2013.  Juliet reported that once agreement is reached with the WPCA, all State approvals will or should have been procured, so next up would be the developer’s going back to P & Z for final site plan approval. At the Committee’s request, Juliet was going to research the general standard of review by and nature of approval to be sought from P & Z.

Some discussion then took place as to the I-95, exit 93 and corridor and the need to enhance the appearance of same, insofar it is really the first exit to our Town and the (un)manicured lots and vacant buildings do not necessarily incentivize people to utilize this exit.  However, some activity is apparently taking place there, in terms of lawn maintenance and other landscaping work, and potential new businesses are expected to reside along that area.  This, too, the Committee feels can spur housing development.

Lastly, the Committee reviewed where it was in regards to the planned traveling video and display.  Various names for potential participants in the video and display were discussed, but attention was again paid to the question or questions to be posed, as well as to the format that participants would actually be involved in.  It was determined by the Committee that more work and research should be done as to the foregoing, but a diverse list of Town citizens was created, with the Committee to follow up with them to gauge interest and willingness to participate.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at Wheeler High School Media Center.

With no further action items in which to discuss, a motion for the meeting’s adjournment was made and seconded and thereafter approved. Accordingly, the meeting was adjourned by our co-chair Tim Pelland at approximately 7:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Scaramozza
Recording Secretary