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Affordable Housing Committee 02/23/2012 Minutes

North Stonington Affordable Housing Committee

February 23, 2012

In Attendance:  Mary Ann Ricker, Tim Pelland, James Scaramozza, Michelle Brophy and Kristen Comstock

Absent:  Tony Rose

Guests:  Marilyn Mackay, Juliet Leeming, Jason Vincent

Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Tim Pelland at 6:00 PM.  The minutes of the January 26, 2012 meeting were approved.

The attending committee members met with Jason Vincent of Planimetrics about the various steps to be taken in conjunction with the preparation of a Housing Plan.  Jason first gave an overview of his strategy and the steps/phases to the development of housing in our Town.  He then inquired of each of the members why she or he had joined.  Various reasons were given including being interested in seeing affordable housing developed; experience or interest in the area of affordable housing itself, as well as a concern about the Town’s future.

The discussion with Jason next turned to the issues confronting the committee and the misperceptions that may still exist as to what the term affordable housing means.  Going forward, our work will include our explaining to the residents (and others who may be interested in living in North Stonington) the many benefits to promoting, developing and building that which is “affordable”, including keeping our schools open, attracting new businesses to our Town and affording to those who currently live here a chance to remain here as their financial situations may change in the future.

It was decided that the Committee’s focus would be on housing in general, under which we would endeavor to diversify our housing stock and inventory, to address the myriad needs of the Town and its citizens.  We would assess what we presently have in North Stonington that might qualify as affordable, while still pursuing opportunities or at least advancing opportunities for new development in both rental housing and home ownership.  Existing stock might include accessory apartments and mobile homes.

Two groups that we collectively identified, in need of housing that is “affordable”, were our elderly citizens and younger residents.  Jason pointed out that mobility is the new phenomenon for younger people who will go where the work is and  where housing is “affordable”.  Housing and economic development, in turn, are seen as intertwined and recent studies show a direct correlation between both.  Senior citizens, on the other hand, wish to remain in the Town in which they either grew up in or have lived for a significant period of time. The challenge for many, however, is how to stay in the Town, when needing to downsize and live in a home more compatible with their current needs and in some instances financial constraints.  Again, the housing stock in our Town should be assessed to determine what opportunities might exist to accommodate such needs or if new housing, as we suspect is the case, is warranted.

Jason discussed potential funding sources in the form of Community Development Block Grants or Small Town Economic Assistance Program, from which grants or other forms of financial assistance might be available for existing homes for rehab or other improvement purposes, in exchange for certain deed restrictions.  The administration and documentation of any such grants or moneys could be handled by private parties.  

We then concluded our meeting with Jason by discussing our plans for a workshop.  Possible dates, times and venues were considered and, equally important, how we would get the message out to our Town about same.  Signs, personal  invitations, emails, etc. were all explored as various means by which we might advertise this event and garner the most support for and attendance at it.  

We are to meet with Jason again at our next meeting to further discuss the workshop and other aspects of the housing plan.

Before concluding the meeting, we reviewed the summary/insert to our webpage as prepared by Mary Ann and then commented upon by Michelle.  Their collaborative version was approved by the Committee.

The meeting was adjourned by our co-chair Tim Pelland at approximately 8:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Scaramozza
Recording Secretary