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Affordable Housing Committee 05/24/2012 Minutes

North Stonington Affordable Housing Committee

May 24, 2012

In Attendance:  Mary Ann Ricker and James Scaramozza

Absent:  Tony Rose, Kristen Comstock, Michelle Brophy and Tim Pelland

Guests:  Marilyn Mackay, Juliet Leeming and Jason Vincent

Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Mary Ann Ricker at 6:00 PM.  The minutes of the prior meeting were approved.

Committee members, guests and Jason Vincent of Planimetrics discussed last month’s Workshop and the information that was obtained from it.  Approximately 40 people attended the  workshop.  Mention was made of the level of spirited participation and excellent questions asked by those who attended.

Discussion centered primarily on next steps to sponsoring and creating affordable housing in our community.  “Housing choice” and economic development were again the themes and those in attendance at this meeting discussed the various means by which these intertwined concepts might be implemented.  It was preliminarily determined that one approach could be doing things in an incremental fashion.  Small scale housing through accessory apartments and/or on existing farmlands (i.e., apartments for farmhands) were considered, along with “hybrid developments”, combining open space with a certain number of units dedicated to affordable housing and possibly mixed use development.  

Jason suggested we consider both a short term and long term component to our housing  plan.  Those in attendance concurred with Jason.  It was also  acknowledged that Town leadership was vital to the ongoing process and dialogue.  Ideally, a common vision was hoped to be obtained.

A great deal of discussion then centered  on Wintechog Road  and 100+ acre parcel recently granted to  the  Town.  While it was anticipated the parcel would comprise  a part of the long term aspect of the Housing Plan, the Committee  and its advisors felt an opportunity might exist to develop portions of it in the next few years (short term), combining open space with various types of housing.  Further discussion was tabled while Planimetrics would draft some potential developmental concepts.

The meeting concluded with our agreement to focus on what can be achieved in the short term, with Town leadership and the various other Town boards, to create housing choices and to coincidentally spur economic development.  

The meeting was adjourned by our co-chair Mary Ann Ricker at approximately 7:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

James Scaramozza
Recording Secretary