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AHAC 10/27/2011 Minutes

North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

Oct. 27, 2011

In Attendance:  Tim Pelland, James Scaramozza, Mary Ann Ricker, Stella Neves-Elbaum
Absent:  Michelle Brophy

Guests:  Marilyn Mackay
Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Tim Pelland at 6:15 PM.  The minutes of the September 22, 2011 meeting were approved.

The committee discussed the interviews on Oct. 26th of the three finalists
  • Barbara Sokolov Associates, Inc.
  • Goderre & Associates
  • Planimetrics
The committee decided to delay voting on our recommendation to BOS until after the Nov. 8th municipal election.  The committee agreed to contact the references given by all three candidates, to learn how each firm worked with town officials in communities similar to North Stonington’s demographics; once we’ve contacted these references, we will share that information at our next meeting.

Since there was no scheduled meeting for next month, the committee agreed to meet on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011, 6:00 PM, at the Wheeler High School Media Center, if available. (That date and location were approved by the BOE office Oct. 31st.)

The schedule of meetings for 2012 was approved – the committee will meet on the 4th Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM, Wheeler High School Media Center, starting Jan. 26, 2012.

A motion was made and thereafter seconded that the committee be adjourned at 7:20 PM. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2011, 6:00 PM, Wheeler High School Media Center.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stella Neves- Elbaum
Recording Secretary