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AHAC 07/28/2011 Minutes

North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

July 28, 2011

In Attendance:   Michelle Brophy, James Scaramozza, Mary Ann Ricker, Stella Neves-Elbaum
Absent:  Tim Pelland

Guests:  Juliet Leeming and Marilyn Mackay
Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Co-Chairman Mary Ann Ricker at 6:05 PM.  It was moved. Seconded and carried to formally approve the minutes of the June 23, 2011 meeting.

The committee discussed the status of distribution of the final RFQ and to whom we should include in the mailing list.  The RFQ will be posted on the town website, and the RFQ will be emailed to the AHC email contact list, with instructions that the RFQ should be shared with all interested parties that our contact list may know.

We then discussed the July 12th  BOS meeting that was attended by certain Committee members It was decided that the Committee would seek to attend the Aug. 2nd  BOS meeting to further discuss certain of the requests made by BOS of the Committee.   There was much discussion about the legal process of transferring /selling / donating town-owned land for AH.

The Aug. 2nd BOS meeting will be attended by James Scaramozza, Tim Pelland, and Juliet Leeming.  Samples of existing RFP’s will be given to the BOS, as well as discussion of the process of making town land available for AH. The concept of a town meeting will also be addressed with the BOS.

The balance of the meeting was then spent on the current Senior Housing regulations on file with the town and a review of these regulations will be on the agenda for next month’s meeting.

A motion was made and thereafter seconded that the committee meeting be adjourned at 7:20 PM.  The next meeting will be held Thursday, August 25, 2011, at 6:00 PM at the Wheeler High School Media Center.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stella Neves- Elbaum
Recording Secretary