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AHAC 02/16/2011 Minutes

North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee

Feb. 16, 2011

In Attendance:  James Scaramozza, Tim Pelland, Mary Ann Ricker, Stella Neves-Elbaum

Absent:  Michelle Brophy

Guests:  Juliet Leeming, Julie Savin, Pat Spring, Marilyn Mackay

Location:  Wheeler High School Media Center

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Pelland at 6:35 PM.  It was moved. Seconded and carried to formally approve the revised minutes of the Jan. 19, 2011 meeting. (A copy is attached).

The committee discussed the planning of a town-wide workshop on affordable housing for our citizens and elected officials, including the Board of Selectmen, the Planning & Zoning Board, the Economic Development Commission, the Board of Education and the Board of Finance members to learn more about programs available including tax incentives, home repairs and mixed income senior housing.  A tentative date of Saturday, April 30, 2011 was set, with the location to be the Wheeler High School Media Center, if it’s available. The program will be scheduled from 10:00AM – 1:00PM, and a rough draft of the format will be as follows:
10:00 AM  Welcome & Greeting from AHC co-chairs Mary Ann Ricker & Tim Pelland followed  by presentations by invited guests, 20 minutes each with Q&A from the attendees with tables / booths from other organizations  and  communities on their affordable housing efforts, who might be able to share their experiences with North Stonington.

A final agenda will be prepared at the committee’s March meeting, when a formal invitation and press release will be written.  The guest list will include communities with similar demographics as North Stonington who have addressed, or are in the process of developing an Affordable Housing Plan. Pat Spring and Julie Savin have agreed to the AHC by contacting those individuals.  Marilyn Mackay will contact members of the business community, such as Chelsea Groton Bank, who might want to participate as sponsors of a coffee/snack for participants.

Juliet Leeming presented a draft of an RFQ she has prepared for the town’s Comprehensive Housing Plan for the AHC to review. (Copy attached).  She also presented maps of town-owned land that might be suitable for Affordable Housing development. (Copy attached)

Robert Fusari of HOPE Partnership will meet the committee and Juliet Leeming as a public workshop on Feb23, 2011, 2:00 PM at Town Hall, to review the town-owned land that we have discussed as possible sites for affordable housing.  The committee is welcome to participate
And any interested parties are invited to join us.

There being no other matters to discuss, a motion was made and thereafter seconded that the committee meeting be adjourned at 8:15 PM.

The next meeting will be held Thursday, March 24, 20110, at 6:00 PM at the Wheeler High School Media Center.

Respectfully Submitted,

Stella Neves Elbaum
Recording Secretary