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AHAC 11/16/2010 Minutes
North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Nov. 16, 2010
In attendance:   Michelle Brophy, Tim Pelland, Stella Neves- Elbaum
Absent:  Jim Scaramozza, Mary Ann Ricker
Guests: Juliet Leeming, Marilyn Mackay
Location:       North Stonington Elementary School, Library
Tim Pelland, co chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. It was moved, seconded and carried to formally approve the minutes of the October 19, 2010 meeting.
The committee discussed the printing and distribution of the educational brochure, now at the Board of Selectmen’s office.  The committee will send a request to the BOS that we be on the agenda for their next meeting (Nov.30th) to discuss the printing and distribution of the brochure. We agreed to ask the BOS that the number of brochures requested should be at least one per household in town, with an additional 1,000 for other distribution (approximately 4,000 totals.)
The Town Clerk’s office has asked that we determine the schedule of our meetings for 2011 and notify Town Hall no later than Dec. 8, 2010.  After some discussion, the committee decided that next year our meetings would be held on the third Wednesday of each month, 6:00 PM.  Stella Neves-Elbaum will contact the Board of Education office to reserve that space and time. (Note - the Board of Education scheduled us for the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Wheeler High School Media Center).
Juliet Leeming identified town owned land that might be considered possible sites for construction of affordable housing units in the Kingswood neighborhood and had a map and copies of the property cards for each parcel. She is planning a join meeting with our committee, P & Z and EDC to discuss the feasibility of building on these lots. Nick Mullane told her these lots were not buildable, due to water table and ledge rock issues – Stella Neves Elbaum will contact Robert Fusari from HOPE Partnership, to ask if he could take a look at the property for a second opinion.
There is land owned by the Mashantucket Tribe that might be a good location near the Ledyard town line that could be considered a possible site.  Juliet Leeming said she would make arrangements for us to meet with the new managers at the casino to discuss work force housing on the site.  

There is also a parcel of land on Rte 184 that had been approved for a subdivision, but construction has stopped for several years.  Tim Pelland will contact the owner, Steve Woods, to discuss if he might be interested in making the site available for affordable housing development.
There being no other matters in which to discuss, a motion was made and thereafter seconded that the committee meeting be adjourned at 7:05 pm.
The next meeting will be Dec. 21, 2010 at 6:00 pm at the Elementary School library.

Respectfully Submitted,
Stella Neves Elbaum
Recording Secretary