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AHAC 08/17/2010 Minutes
North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
August 17, 2010
In attendance:   Michelle Brophy, Stella Neves-Elbaum, Mary Ann Ricker
Absent: Tim Pelland, James Scaramozza
Guests:  Julie Savin, Marilyn Mackay
Mary Ann Ricker, co chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.It was moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2010 meeting.
The committee discussed the first draft of the educational brochure to explain the role of Affordable Housing to the community. After some minor tweaking, Julie Savin and Michelle Brophy will make the changes and bring the final version to our next meeting on Sept.21st.  
Michelle Brophy reported that James Scaramozza met with Nick Mullane about the brochure. The Board of Selectmen has asked that they see the final version for their approval, and will arrange for printing thru their budget.  Michelle Brophy will email the final version to the committee. The committee will present the final version at the BOS Aug. 31st t meeting.
Mary Ann Ricker will get copies of the Affordable Housing Survey to the faith-based leaders in the community who had requested them. She will also make additional copies of the existing housing regulations we received from  the town zoning officer Juliet Leeming,  for the towns of Old Saybrook and  Westport for our review.
Julie Savin has agreed to help by drafting a letter for the committee to send to the BOS, requesting we have the authority to pursue & accept grant monies to create a Housing Plan for our town. The Plan will include a market study of our community, current zooming issues, transportation issues, workforce and economic issues that have affected North Stonington. Once we have the authority and funds available to go forward, we can send out an RFP/RFQ to find and hire experienced and qualified personnel to create the plan. Julie Savin will email the draft of the letter to the committee, who will review and make changes electronically.  We plan to include this request at the BOS meeting on Aug.31st.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
The next meeting will be Sept.21, 2010, at 6:00 pm, Elementary School Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Stella Neves-Elbaum, recording secretary