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AHAC 06/15/2010 Minutes
North Stonington Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
June 15, 2010
In attendance:   James Scaramozza, Tim Pelland, Stella Neves-Elbaum, Mary Ann Ricker
Absent: Michelle Brophy
Guests:  Marilyn Mackay, Robert Petriel, Juliet Leeming, Gail DeMarco, Linda Higgens
Tim Pelland, co chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
It was moved, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2010 meeting.
The Board of Selectmen, who were invited to attend tonight’s meeting, had to cancel this afternoon. They sent their regrets.
The committee discussed the June 10, 2010, meeting of the town P&Z Board, and specifically the Mill Town Commons proposal. Tim Pelland, James Scaramozza  and  Mary Ann Ricker attended the meeting representing the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee.  Mary Ann Ricker repeated our earlier recommendation that 20% of the housing in this project be affordable housing . The letter we sent to P&Z on May 5th was read into the record.
The invited faith-based organizations guests, Robert Petriel, Gail DeMarco, and Linda Higgens, were introduced and invited to share with the committee their opinions on affordable housing in our community. They discussed the needs of their congregations, and the issue of Senior housing for long time residents of town. Many options were considered, including congregate housing, multi-family housing, group homes, assisted living, and apartments for Seniors. Location of housing and the types of services needed by the residents was also discussed. They stated that educating the public on the concept of affordable housing was needed, and agreed that their congregations would be very receptive to participating in developing a plan.
They suggested we plan a joint meeting with the town’s tax assessor, P&Z, and BOS to discuss common goals and how to make Senior Housing within the community. Juliet Leeming, the town zooming officer and planner, can share sample Senior Housing regulations for our review.
The committee agreed that we want to share this information with the BOS as soon as possible. Stella Neves-Elbaum will make arrangements for our committee to be on the agenda for the June 29th meeting of the BOS.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
The next meeting will be July 20, 2010 at 6:00 pm, Elementary School Library.
Respectfully submitted,
Stella Neves-Elbaum, recording secretary