June 7, 2010 Meeting Minutes
North Reading High School
North Reading Youth Services Committee
Committee Members:
Judy Hall
Terry Blade
Tracy Helms
Christine Fisher
Frank Ferraro
Jean Moubhij
Attendees: Judy Hall, Terry Blade, Tracy Helms, Jean Moubhij, Jenny O’Leary-Youth Services Director; Kathy Dardeno – NRYSSA representative
- Meeting called to order: 6:00 pm
- Minutes of March 1, 2010 approved.
- Youth Services Director update:
Jenny gave an overview of bullying book discussions throughout May.
Jenny reported that the budget hearing went well.
Discussion on recent events and calendar of events.
YSI – topic was marijuana-posters were up in high school. Now YSI is working on bullying as the topic.
Youth Group focus is on drugs and alcohol. Essex County District attorneys office sent student power point presentation packets for HS/MS on drugs and alcohol. Including topics on the new marijuana law/underage drinking.
June 9 is the Youth at Risk conference.
Hornet Hustle Road Race went well. We sent both youth and adult volunteers to help out.
Mentoring year-end party was held. Jenny will share the surveys that were filled out.
Wakefield Savings Bank contacted Jenny to inform her that they have a new development director who wants to be involved with our committee events/fundraisers. Possibility of eligibility of funding.
Summer calendar of June through August was distributed. Note: Meeting times of youth group meetings are different in summer months.
- Open Meeting Law Update was discussed
- Outreach update:
A) Newsletters – Went to schools; but should be sent again.
B) Committee meeting updates: School committee meeting went well.
C) Transcript: Continue sending in articles.
D) Brochures: Discussion of beginning new school year with detailed brochure. We need to be involved with start-up meeting at each schools’ PA meeting.
Discussion on perhaps changing meeting dates. Further discussion at next meeting.
Discussion for next meeting our goals for the fall school year.
Next Meeting: Monday, July 19 @ 6:00 p.m.
Town Hall, Room 10
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracy Helms, Secretary