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May 3, 2010
May 3, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Town Hall, Room 10

North Reading Youth Services Committee

Committee Members:  
Judy Hall
Terry Blade
Tracy Helms
Christine Fisher
Frank Ferraro
Jean Moubhij

Attendees:  Judy Hall, Terry Blade, Tracy Helms, Frank Ferraro, Jenny O’Leary-Youth Services Director

  • Meeting called to order: 5:45 pm
  • Minutes of March 1, 2010 will be e-mailed to committee.  April Minutes presented for review.
  • Youth Services Director update:                                                                                                               
         Jenny gave an overview of the recent April events.  See calendar

Book Discussion started on bullying. Two high school students participated. Frank mentioned article in Boston Globe on bullying.  Jenny mentioned discussions that she has had at her youth group meetings regarding bullying.  Jenny has passed on her information to schools, principals, health teachers so that they can share this information with students.

May 25 is the parent discussion meeting on “Bystander”.  Books are on reserve at library.

Jenny attended two conferences in April. Both very informative and great resources for our community.
One was on Heroin awareness and the other was a school safety conference.

Youth Service Day was May 1.  There were a handful of high school students that participated as well as elementary families from the Batch.

Youth Group meeting last week had a guest speaker who spoke to students on his upcoming possible charges of Federal offenses.  This was recommended by mental health therapist.

June calendar will be e-mailed to committee.

Discussion of the upcoming budget report.  Youth Services will be fully funded for the upcoming year and has been supported by many.

Youth at Risk conference  on June 9 at Endicott College.  Any committee members who are available are welcome to attend.

  • Outreach update:
        A) Newsletters updates and approvals:  To be sent to committee members to vote on what will go out to schools.                                                                          
        B)  Committee meeting updates:  Discussion on the upcoming in-town meetings                     
        C)  Transcript:  Articles to be consistently placed in Transcript.  Jenny sends something weekly.               
  • Parade Details:                                                                                   
                Brochure will be updated prior to parade.  Judy will inquire with NRYSSA if they have budget money for brochures.  Phil Dardeno has donated the cost of the t-shirts for parade.  Jenny will ask Jean to work table.

Next Meeting:  Monday, June 7 @ 5:30 p.m.
North Reading High School Cafeteria

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Tracy Helms