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April 5, 2010
April 5, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Town Hall, Room 10

North Reading Youth Services Committee
April 5, 2010 6:00pm
Town Hall, Room 10

Committee Members:  
Judy Hall
Terry Blade
Tracy Helms
Christine Fisher
Frank Ferraro
Jean Moubhij

Attendees:  Judy Hall, Terry Blade, Tracy Helms, Frank Ferraro, Jean Moubhij, Jenny O’Leary-Youth;
Kathy Dardeno – NRYSSA representative.

  • Meeting called to order:  6:00 pm
  • Youth Services Director Update:   
Spring/Summer 2010 calendar of events was presented.  Discussion on the upcoming events
including April vacation events.

Pause Committee:  This is a new school, district wide committee, which Jenny is a member of.  Pause stands for Public Awareness and Understanding of Social/Emotional Education.

Jenny is running bullying book discussion groups in both MS/HS students with the Youth Librarian, Kate Bell.  Jenny went to library to review the topic for age appropriate books to provide and recommend a book list for the topic of bullying.  Jenny encouraged PAL kids to get involved in these discussions as well as Youth Spreading info and mentors.

Jenny reminded all members to take their ethics receipts to Town Hall.

May 1 will be Youth Service Day.  This may be changed, but at this time it is scheduled for 5/1.

Jenny spoke on the different training conferences and meetings in April, calendar attached.

  • Outreach Campaign:  
        Kathy Dardeno will look into the details of St. Theresa’s column in their bulletin for advertising information on Youth Services.
        Jean Moubhij spoke with Sean Killeen, Dr. Manville and Mr. Faucher and also sent out the questionnaire and has heard back from all three.  Judy will follow up with Mr. Faucher regarding the questionnaire.

        Terry spoke with Rick Gorman on different ideas that would assist with our Outreach Campaign.
        For example, putting things in the newspaper frequently, literature.  Another idea was to talk with seniors, promote the website.  Discussion was also had on speaking with the finance committee prior to June.  Kathy will follow up with this.

        Jenny will be working with her aunt on the brochure.  Jenny will also be applying for the Walmart Grant.

        The school committee meeting will be April 26.  Recommended to support Jenny and attend.

        Terry also mentioned we should speak with the selectmen to see if there are any outstanding questions or issues that need to be answered.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted,
Tracy Helms