Chairman Mauceri called the meeting to order at 7pm in Room 14 at Town Hall in the presence of members: Mr. Prisco, Mr. Delaney, Mr. Yull and the Town Administrator, Greg Balukonis. Mr. O'Leary was not present.
Mr. Chairman, I move to sign the May 3, 2011 Annual Town Election Warrant.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. Delaney
Voted: 4-0 Mr. O'Leary not present
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the April 4, 2011 Regular Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. Delaney
Voted: 4-0 Mr. O'Leary not present
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the April 4, 2011 Executive Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. Delaney
Voted: 4-0 Mr. O'Leary not present
Mr. O'Leary arrived at 7:06pm
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve Legal Bills for February 2011 in the amount of $7,861.78 as follows:
Kopelman and Paige, PC (General) $2,796.22 Kopelman and Paige, PC (Labor) $4,698.00 West
$ 367.56
Total $7,861.22
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Postpone until May 2, 2011
Mr. Perkins stated that according to a print out - the Town of North Reading Police Dept. earn excellent salaries - how do they get this much - $100,000 and over.
Mr. Mauceri--Police Chief has some say, Police overtime is some of this, also filling in shifts, details, and other circumstances.
Mr. Prisco--You need to look at the base salaries ($40,000-$60,000)
Richard Carnavale - DPW
Tighe and Bond Engineers (T&B) was hired by the Town to conduct a study of Water rates per use. These are the recommendations:
1. Adopt a standard for block rate usage. 2. Issue water bills based on water used per quarter. 3. Adopt a 90% collection rate to ensure it to a high probability.
4. Adopt the revised Water Dept. indirect costs. 5. Develop and Adopt a delinquent Water payment policy. 6. Adopt a rate structure to repay funds appropriately from Water
Stabilization and reserve funds to meet shortfalls. 7. Adopt a 3yr. payback period for the Water Stabilization and Reserve funds.
8. Adopt a 3yr. rate structure with 90% collection rate and anticipated
Presentation made to Finance Committee who voted to adopt the 8 recommendations.
Steve Karzaga - Chairman Water Commission
Discussed at 2 meetings the DPW recommendations that were presented.
Mr. Prisco-Finance Committee had approved #'s 2,3,4 & 5 unanimously, #'s 1,6,7 & 8 would be gone over later.
Mr. Mauceri-Budget hearing is next Monday April 25, 2011 and since Water Commission is having a problem meeting maybe they can meet before Board of Selectmen meeting on April 25th.
It was decided that the Water Commission needs to meet and come to agreements with budgets by April 25, 2011.
Mr. Mauceri-Board should consider 95% collection rate chart.
Mr. Yull-Agrees with the 95%, we are paying for the sins of the past, too many years of letting things go too far (15yrs) and not having a rate.
Mr. Prisco-would like to see the rate study, does agree with the 95% but we just raised the rates 13%.
Discussion was made as to hiring 2 Officers vs. OT whereas, there are 2 Officer day shifts open.
Sgt. Mike Murphy made up a study of cost vs. savings and presented it to the Board.
Mr. Mauceri- Earn time off replacement cost -- is this estimate based on OT.
Chief Nolan-Staffing level was never dropped, when staff decreased the "never knew" they couldn't fill thes positions. Each shift usually runs with 1 Sgt and 3 Officers. For an example, domestic abuse calls require 2 Officers to respond per case, there has been an increase in recent years, sometimes 2-5 calls per
week. If 1 person was hired for day shift the Local 25 might have an issue with staffing. Having 2 come on would be more feasible.
Mr. Mauceri-Can Dept. live with cut of OT budget if additional Officer is hired.
Officers can accrue up to 400 hrs Comp time, this is contractual.
Mr. Mauceri-We are trying not to lay people off and with hiring more people with more OT won't work. The contracts only intice more time off and OT to use.
Mr. O'Leary-Why is it contractual and managerial to fill a shift.
Mr. Prisco-Chief should have the right to determine staffing levels, but from what we are hearing here you don't.
Mr. Mauceri-The savings column is really a savings but additional OT for the Town. What is the true cost of bringing 2 people on board--how much more will the Dept need.
Mr. O'Leary-If we can pick up someone with the budget then we can do it. Hopefully this will answer Mr. Perkins question about expense of Police Dept..
Mr. Prisco-Sgt Murphy job well done during the Bank Robbery recently.
Budget and Warrant Articles
Revenue Plan is based on Governor's Budget Plan. Reviewed spreadsheet and budget from FY2011 - FY2012. Made alot of adjustments to budget revenue per Governor's budget. Within budget viewed this evening some monies have been put back in.
Monday night, April 25th, Greg can come back with the input. We will hear from Water Commission and go over Budget Hearing.
Postponed to April 25, 2011
1. The House and Senate Ways & Means released the FY2012 State Aid estimates, State Aid to North Reading would be reduced by approximately $14,500 due to elimination of reimbursements for the Quinn Bill.
2. List of budget exposures for the remainder of FY2011 which anticipate supplemental funding will be necessary: Veteran's Benefits $22,500 ; Fuel & Utilities $20,000; Retirements $65,000. Recommend funding the Veterans Benefits and Fuel & Utilities be secured via transfer from the Reserve Fund and
the Retirements be funded at the Special Town Meeting on June 6th. Also a transfer of $610,000 is necessary to fund the current year snow deficit. I propose funding for Retirements and Snow Deficit come from Free Cash and FEMA reimbursements from the March 2010 floods.
3. Information Technology Advisory Committee had a meeting, Mr. Yull attended this meeting. They will be scheduling to meet with a vendor to look at a "digital Town Hall" which is similar to the technology being used by the Police Dept. for their IT function.
4. Health Insurance consultant will have completed analysis of additional health insurance options for the FY2012 renewal. I will have information for next meeting.
Mr. O'Leary - All Set
Mr. Prisco - Best to Chief Harris in his retirement, also to the Boston Marathon runners. Fox 25 News will do a Zip Trip in North Reading on Friday, June 17, 2011. Ocean State Job Lots coming to North Reading at the old Stop & Shop site. Happy Easter to all.
Mr. Delaney - Would also like to wish Chief Harris a happy retirement. Happy Easter and Passover to all.
Mr. Yull - Would also like to wish Chief Harris well in his retirement. Town elections are coming up and hopes alot of people will come out and vote . The Smith property is anything going on with that? Happy Easter to all.
Mr. Mauceri - Best Wishes to Chief Harris. Happy Easter and Passover. Budget Hearing next Monday, April 25. May 2nd is the next Regular Board of Selectmen meeting and election is on May 3rd. No Executive Session tonight.
ADJOURN 10:50 p.m.
Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. Delaney
voted: unanimous (5-0)
_______________________________ ________________________________
Date Michael Prisco, Clerk