Chairman Mauceri, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in Room 14 at Town Hall in the presence of members: Mr. O'Leary, Mr. Prisco, Mr. Delaney, Mr. Yull and the Town Administrator, Greg Balukonis.
Mr. Chairman, I move to enter into Executive Session for the Purpose of Collective Bargaining and Litigation Strategy, such discussions in Open Session will have detrimental impact on the Town and further the Board of Selectmen will return to Open Session.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Mr. Mauceri: Aye Mr. O'Leary: Aye Mr. Delaney: Aye Mr. Prisco: Aye
Mr. Yull: Aye
7:43 P.m. The Board returned to open session.
Mr. Balukonis - Funding for Quinn Bill is $427,000
Mr. Mauceri - Open Hearing to the Floor.
David Doucette, 6 Carriage Way - Questioning does the Town have to pay this.
Mr. Balukonis - Yes, it is a Court Order.
Mr. Delaney - Court Judgement, we could appeal but we chose to pay and also appeal
David Doucette - How is tuition funded as far as Officers going to school.
Mr. Balukonis - Town does have tuition reimbursement for all Town employees.
David Doucette - Does a degree constitute a pay raise.
Mr. Balukonis - Yes, it does.
Mr. Prisco - $427,000 is that the final offer of what is needed, just wanting to make sure there will be no added expenses.
Mr. Balukonis - We are double checking but we believe that it is all that is needed.
Mr. Delaney - I am assuming since there is no comment from those present that this is the final amount needed.
Mr. Mauceri - They will get the money on Public Record and that is it.
Deanna Kastro - Wants to know what the Union has done to get the money from the State.
Mr. O'Leary - State doesn't owe the Police Dept. the money they owe the Town the money.
Mr. Mauceri - History of issue is the contract with Police Dept. said Town would match Quinn Bill to pay Officers, if Quinn Bill was cut then the Town would have to pay more. The Officers then filed Legal action and Town lost and has been paying. Town has also appealed the Law suit.
Mr. Mauceri - Rule Public Hearing closed.
John Wiley (owner), 16 Heritage Drive Salem, MA
New hours will be Tuesday - Sunday 11:30am-12midnight
Winter hours Thursday-Sunday 11:30am-12midnight
Mr. O'Leary - Why the change?
Mr. Wiley - To promote more patronage with the Public not just Club members.
Mr. O'Leary - This could have a substantial impact on the neighborhood - would like to look into this some more.
Mr. Delaney - Would also like to see about the impact on the neighborhood.
Charlie Hannon, 10 Crystal Lane - Golf Clubs are hurting for revenue so this is a way of promoting business. Currently there are a lot of functions at the Club so there is traffic there now.
Mr. Delaney - Thinks we should postpone this article for now.
Mr. Balukonis and Mr. Mauceri both state and agree that the owners did notify and according to ABCC rules they did all they needed to do
Mr. O'Leary and Mr. Delaney would like to postpone it for 2 weeks and put one more notice in the paper for neighbors to see.
Mr. O'Leary would like a more concrete input from Police Dept. on this plan.
Mr. Delaney does not fault the Thomson Club, just feels Board of Selectmen should notify neighbors more. Proper notice would let neighbors know about the changes.
Mr. Balukonis-The process that has been followed is the ABCC's not ours, as far as Legal notice going forward we will change the wording but not for tonight.
Mr. Hannon-Waiting 2 weeks does make a difference, they need to do menus, hire staff and alot of other prep work.
Mr. O'Leary - This is a change of operation and could have an impact.
Mr. Chairman, I move to postpone this particular motion for 2 weeks to 3/21/2011
Motion by: Mr. O'Leary Seconded by: Mr. Delaney
Motion denied
Mr. Chairman, I move to change the license for The Thomson Club, 20 Elm Street from a Club License to a Common Victuallar/All Alcohol License.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. Yull
Voted: 3-2 Mr. Delaney and Mr. O'Leary are opposed
4. CSF Proclamation
Tony Terrizzi - President of Scholarship Foundation requests this week to be proclaimed CSF week.
Mr. Chairman, I move to proclaim March 6-10, 2011 as "CSF Dollar for Scholars Week" and to read the attached proclamation.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Comments: Mr. O'Leary - CSF has done a fine job with these Scholarships and urging all to donate.
Mr. Delaney - also commends the program.
5. FA Project - One Day License
Rami Said, Mass Ave. Boston, MA - Hosting 2nd Annual Bowlathon at Candlewood Lanes
Mr. Chairman, I move to grant a One-Day Wine and Malt Beverage License to the FA Project, Inc. for an event to be held at Candlewood Lanes, 35 Main Street on April 9, 2011 between the hours of 7pm-11pm. Subject to all Regulatory Department requirements
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
6. Minutes
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the January 24, 2011 Regular Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the January 24, 2011 Executive Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the February 7, 2011 Regular Session minutes as amended.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Amendment: In regards to the Fund alternative for Quinn Bill Payments, Mr. O'Leary was opposed to it coming out of the OT for the Police Dept.
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the February 7, 2011 Executive Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the February 15, 2011 Regular Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the February 15, 2011 Executive Session minutes as written.
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)
7. Public Comment
Joe Veno, 11 Rock Street, commented on hearing the Board say that the Police Dept. Union has been unprofessional tonight and that is wrong.
Deanna Kastro, - wants it known that a Public Service committee has been formed.
8. Legal Fees
Mr. Chairman, I move to approve the Legal Bills for January 2011 in the amount of $4,777.07 as follows:
Kopelman and Paige, PC (general) $ 472.08 Kopelman and Paige, PC (labor) $3,150.00 Kopelman and Paige, PC
(water) $1,154.90
Total $4,777.07
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: 4-0 Mr. Yull opposed
9. Appointment/Re-Appointments
Youth Services
Mr. Chairman, I move to place in nomination the following name for Appointment/ Re-Appointment as member on the Youth Services Committee for a term to expire on December 31, 2013 (1 opening)
1. Tracy Helms, 16 Devons Road (incumbent)
Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Mr. O'Leary Aye Mr. Yull Aye Mr. Prisco Aye Mr. Mauceri Aye
Mr. Delaney Aye
Mr. Prisco-Tracy has done a wonderful job and works great with the kids. Mr. Yull-Also would like to commend her. Mr. O'Leary- "Ditto"
Water and Wastewater Planning Advisory Committee
Mr. Chairman, I move to place in nomination the following names for Appointment as members on the Water and Wastewater Planning Advisory Committee for a term to end at the completion of the project.
Richard Carnavale (DPW Representative) Martin Fair (Board of Health Representative) Joseph Foti (Water Commission Representative)
Warren Pearce (CBC Representative) Luke Roy (446 Park Street)
Michael Prisco (Board of Selectmen) Robert Mauceri (Board of Selectmen)
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Mr. O'Leary Mr. Yull Mr. Prisco Mr. Mauceri
Mr. Delaney
10. Town Administrator's Report
1. Update of FY2012 budget calendar - Board of Selectmen budget hearing is scheduled for 4/19/2011
2. FY2010 Financial Audit report is complete and a full report will be sent to Board shortly.
3. Negotiations are continuing on the extension of the Intermunicipal Agreement between the Town of Andover and North Reading for providing water.
4. Update on all Union Grievances and Arbitration actions - the only open grievances and arbitration cases relate to Teamster Local 25 representing the Police Union. There are no disputes on-going with any of the other Unions.
Mr. Mauceri - Has asked the Town Administrator to present grievances and so forth to the Board of Selectmen and to make them Public.
Mr. Yull - Why is there a grievance?
Mr. Balukonis - Does not know why at this time
Mr. Delaney - Questioning the request on EMT training and Body Armor Grievances.
Mr. Balukonis - Not clear why and will not speculate.
Mr. Veno, 11 Rock Street - Wants to be sure all Unions grievances will be made Public and not just the Police Union.
Assured that this is for all Unions.
11. Old and New Business
Mr. O'Leary - Resident on Pluff Ave. states the lights from the new restaurant are very bright.
Mr. Prisco - States this is being addressed already due to other compliants.
Also has kicked off Charter Review
1st Meeting was just for brainstorming - would like the Board of Selectmen to make this a Formal Committee. Annual report is one of the changing things. Mr. Prisco meets with some at Town Hall during the day and with the others at night.
Month of March - Park and Recreation Committee is trying to sell Bricks and Bench Plaques. To donate come to the Wine and Food Social on March 25, 2011 at The Hillview Country Club, tickets are $40.
Mr. Yull - Middle School has 2 plays going on. Also Barnum will play again on April 8th, Carnival and then Play, High School Students did a great job with these activities.
Mr. Mauceri - Express his condolences on the passing of Vera Hart - long time Secretary of the Board of Selectmen. She was very well liked and will be greatly missed.
Mr. Delaney - Would like to Congratulate Mr. Mauceri on being Citizen of the Year in North Reading for 5 decades. Well done
Mr. O'Leary - No one is more deserving of this.
Mr. Yull - Moved here in 1995 and knew a long time ago that he was a special person.
Mr. Mauceri - Thanks to all for their kind words about him.
Also would like to remind all that they need at least 150 people to be present at the Special Town Meeting to vote on Quinn Bill funding.
Adjourn 9:50
Mr. Chairman I move to adjourn
Motion by: Mr. Prisco Seconded by: Mr. O'Leary
Voted: Unanimous (5-0)