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Board of Selectmen Minutes 05/22/2008

Chairman Mauceri called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Activity Room at the Flint Memorial Library, Park Street, in the presence of members Mr. Veno, Mr. Delaney, Mr. O’Leary and the Town Administrator Greg Balukonis.  Mr. Harris was absent.

Wastewater and Stormwater Advisory Committee
Mark Clark spoke on behalf of the Committee.  Dave Hanlon reviewed the history of wastewater efforts in the Town of North Reading.

Board of Health Chairman, Gary Hunt, presented an overview of the current wastewater planning process.  Gary Hunt summarized the recommended collection system and treatment plan recommendations.  The project costs are estimated at $38.9 million.

7:30 p.m.       Mike Harris arrived.

Mr. Mauceri addressed the timeframe for town meeting and ballot question approval.  Gary Hunt suggested the November Presidential Election should be avoided.  Mr. O'Leary spoke in favor of the October Town Meeting and a special election the 1st week in December.  There was additional discussion on the merits of different betterment scenarios between the Town and users.

Mr. Mauceri suggested a public hearing on the betterments on June 16th at 7:15 p.m.

The Board asked if the project schedule can be compressed vs. the construction being phased over 7 years.

9: 50 P.M.      ADJOURN

MOTION BY:              MR. VENO
VOTED:          UNANIMOUS (5-0)

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DATE                                    MR. MICHAEL HARRIS, CLERK