Chairman Mauceri called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in Room 14 at Town Hall in the presence of members Mr. Veno, Mr. Dardeno, Mrs. Bailey, Finance Director Joe Tassone, Liz Craveiro, members of the Finance Committee and Town Administrator Greg Balukonis.
Mr. Mauceri opened the meeting stating that the purpose was to start to go over the budget numbers and discuss the strategy for the April Town Meeting.
Finance Director Joe Tassone reviewed the FY2005 Audit and Management Letter.
Mr. Balukonis reviewed the FY07 Appropriation Projection. Next, Mr. Balukonis reviewed the Town Administrator’s FY2007 Budget, indicating that he is asking for additional money to cover the cost of an Assessment Center. Mrs. Bailey stated that she would support this item if there was room in the budget.
Under the Public Works FY2007 Budget, Mr. Balukonis indicated that under Building Maintenance, $10,000 had been set aside for exterior renovations to Town Hall. Mr. Balukonis noted that this amount does not cover asbestos removal which would be a Large Capital item. Mrs. Bailey questioned if all the town buildings could be adequately maintained on the allotted budget. A discussion followed.
Mrs. Bailey posed the question that if the town was able to get to a balanced budget, what percentage increase would the School Department and General Government receive. Mr. Mauceri calculated that it would amount to a 1.7% increase to each budget.
Mr. Mastacusa of the Finance Committee asked if a revenue amount had been determined yet. A lengthy discussion followed. There was a general consensus among the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee that Governor Romney’s numbers were optimistic and that the real number could be a much smaller amount.
8:55 PM – Mr. O’Leary Arrived
The likelihood a an override was discussed, with Mr. Brad Jones Sr. proposing a Capital Exclusion for certain budget items rather than an override, which he felt would fail.
There was further discussion about the amount of state aid that the town could reasonably expect. Mr. O’Leary commented that the numbers will come down and cautioned against using the proposed $1.3 million when building the budget. Mr. O’Leary stated that if the town does end up with a windfall, a Special Town Meeting could be called to appropriate the funds.
Mr. Mauceri proposed building a budget on $600,000 in additional state aid. Mrs. Bailey proposed building a level budget and an override budget. Mr. Dardeno was of the opinion that the town should work with the number that has been given, $1.3 million, stating that using an arbitrary number would make the board appear capricious. Mr. Dardeno stated that he would like to wait for more information before determining the dollar amount, and at the present time would only be able to support the $1.3 million.
Mr. O’Leary stated that it would be okay to wait but that the $1.3 million presents the best case scenario which historically has never happened.
Mr. Mauceri stated that the boards should start planning on a contingency budget and the amount to ask for on an override. Mrs. Hurlbert suggested that the town consider an override that would last for three years, versus going for an override every year which is what has been happening. Mr. Jones stated that an override could be authorized but not taxed. Mr. Tassone will investigate this topic further.
Mr. Mauceri stated that employees is the largest part of the budget and asked what could be done to cut expenses. Mr. Balukonis said that overtime could be examined. Mrs. Bailey suggested the town look into more creative ways to create revenue.
Mr. O’Leary supported Mrs. Hurlbert’s suggestion of developing an override that would carry the town for three years because it indicates that planning has been done.
ADJOURN (10:00 PM)
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Date Joseph Veno, Clerk