Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of
Monday, September 9, 2014
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Ron Kern (RK), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Billie Luker (BL)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Call to order: 7:04pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: Marco Vitozzi, Phil Dardeno, Ed Madden
Executive Session:
(RM) Rita made a motion for Executive Session at 7pm.
(SC) Sergio 2nd the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Call to order: 7:15pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Acceptance of Minutes: 6/23/14
(PF) Pat made a motion to accept the minutes of 6/9/14 as is.
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business:
- Field Improvements and upgrades:
- This is covered under Little league other business
- NR School buses Parking Location:
- We received a request from the bus company to install electrical outlets on post where the buses park so that the buses can run heater in the winter time. Bus Company would pay for the cost or install and monthly bill.
- (RM) Rita made a motion to charge Bus Company for parking the buses at Ipswich River Park facility on an annual basis.
- (SC) Sergio seconds the motion
- Discussion was had-we have problems with the drive parking at the rec center during class time hours, need a MOU, can only be a year to year lease. Billie asked Maureen to located original draft of MOU with school regarding buses parking at IRP.
Approved; 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Page 2
- NR Hockey Boosters: Table subject
Old Business
- Signs at Chestnut Street (soccer) (MT): Still working on policies.
- Parks Director Update (MT)-
- Gale Associates: Table Subject
- Summer crew: Parks Summer crew was excellent.
- Recreation Director Update(LC)
- Summer Season: Season went great. Great numbers at Summerscape. Low Numbers at Kid Connection. Soccer programs went amazing. Track and Field had over 130 kids.
- Fall Brochure: Brochure will be going to the printer on Thursday. Maria sold a lot of advertising for the fall brochure to cover all expenses. Also, introduced new programs: Gross Science and Archery.
- Staff: Looking for more seasonal staff. Holding interviews now.
- Library/Youth Service Programs: Library Youth services and other entities met to produce some new programs geared toward Middle School aged kids. However, no one invited Recreation to be involved in the meeting.
- Operation Director Update (MS)
- BBQ Concert Series: Will have finance information at next meeting.
- FY14 Finances: FY14 finances are balanced. Will have report at next meeting.
- Summer programing: Will have financial information at next meeting.
- programming: Our new program has helped immensely with registering participants, time management and efficiency and with permitting for the fields.
- Permits: We have a lot of permit time requested by the schools to accommodate the leagues during school construction.
- Farmer’s Market: A wonderful addition. Very successful. LUC would like to make sure next year people attending market have free admission.
- LUC (RM): Table Subject
- CIT (RM): Table Subject
- FONRPRC Updates (SS): Next meeting-Cancelled
Other Business
- North Reading Little League/Need for a senior ball field
- Phil Dardeno summarized why they came to the meeting. They wanted to talk about the loss of field space due to the school construction project and ask if P&R is interested in a joint venture in looking for a location to develop another senior league ball field to replace what was lost. They said there is difficulty getting playing and practice time now.
P&R said they know that there are field needs for all leagues. P&R suggest that possibly install lights at the HS baseball field could help with scheduling more times.
Ed Madden agrees that lights at the HS filed would help and little league would support such a project financially. He is asking if we could have an open mind to finding a solution.
- Phil stated that he thinks there are areas in town that can be looked at for an additional field such as: Behind DPW, Town Hall field extension, IRP, off Parsons Rd, Eisenhauer property, smith property, Mullin field extension.
- NRHS Athletic Boosters: Please make sure everyone gets the email memo. Discussion was had.
- Next Meeting: 9/29/14 is the next meeting at 7pm at Town Hall Room 14.
- Next Agenda:
- Adjournment:
(SC) Sergio made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:22 pm.
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Absta