Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of
Monday, June 23, 2014
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Ron Kern (RK), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Maureen Stevens (MS), Billie Luker (BL)
Call to order: 7:040pm; Quorum, called by Rita Mullin
Audience of Citizens: Ken Tarr-LUC at 8:10pm
Acceptance of Minutes: 6/9/14
(PF) Pat made a motion to accept the minutes of 6/9/14 as is.
(RK) Ron seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business:
- New Citizen Activity Record
- We received a Citizen Activity Record from Marco Vittozzi showing interest in joining NR Parks & Recreation. We do have 1 position open on the committee. Discussion was had. Committee would like to invite Marco to join us for a couple of meetings.
Old Business
- Signs at Chestnut Street (soccer) (RM)
- Verbiage from the school policies- School documentation on policies and procedures handed out to members for review. Rita asked members to meet with Marty to write a proposal for policy and procedures for signage at the parks. Mike Fitzpatrick will meet with Marty. It was suggested to have a workshop to create policy/procedure documentation.
- Vote on signage- Committee would like opportunity to review school documentation and meet to build our own verbiage before voting.
- Farmer’s Market- Subject tabled.
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- Parks Director Update (MT)-
- Soccer: Marty spoke with Joe Lidoski from NR YS. They are not going to Sod Maguire field. Marty is going to have to shut down Maguire field for use for the summer to repair, groom and rest for regrowth. Soccer is ok with shutting down the fields and it does not affect any rentals. The field are over used because of the over flow of use due to the school’s fields being closed down due to construction.
- 4th of July- there will be a 1 day event on 7/4. Children’s carnival, vendors, and fireworks at dusk. All activities begin at noon on 7/4.
- Facility Fee for summer programs- Marty has approached the school administration regarding the fees for facilities for summer programs. He is waiting to hear back.
- Recreation Director Update(LC)-None
- Summerscape- The program moves to the Little School on 6/25/14 and it starts on 6/26/14. So far we have 166 registrations paid for to date.
- Kid connections: Starts on 6/30/14.
- Office Intern: going to use intern this year for photo opportunities and press releases this year.
- Track N Field program: 138 Participants, record breaking numbers. Program went wonderful.
- Other Programs: registrations are steady for programs. We have some new camps this year such as the Hall of Fame.
- Enrichment programs and before/after programs at schools- Lynne and Maria met with Mike Connoly, School Business Manager regarding the possibility of taking over the enrichment programs at the school and placing a bid into the schools for running the before and aftercare programs run through the schools during the school year.
- Recreation Center: Cleaned out all old equipment in the playground. We are going to try to invest in a new structure and a canopy for shade.
- Gale Associates: Met with them to do the feasibility study. We are waiting to hear back from them.
- Operation Director Update (MS)
- Email attachment: Maureen was absent for meeting. Sheila referred to email from Maureen. Attached.
- Golf Tournament: Commissioner’s Cup Golf Save the date reminder post cards were mailed out.
- FONRPRC Updates (SS): NONE
Other Business
- Interdepartmental communication: Rita asked Lynne to head up contacting the library senior center, youth services, schools, etc. to coordinate communication regarding grants and running programs so we do not compete against each other.
- Next Meeting: 7/21/14 is the next meeting at 7pm at Town Hall Room 5.
- Next Agenda:
- Adjournment:
(MF) Mike made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:22 pm.
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed