Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of
Monday, May 5, 2014
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Patricia Fillmore (PF), Ron Kern (RK)
Staff: Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Tardy: Sergio Coviello (SC) @ 8pm, Billie Luker (BL)@7:42pm, Marty Tilton (MT) @7:46pm
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Call to order: 7:42pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: North Reading Youth Softball, Kristin Carroll and Kurt Ferrazzani
Workshop from 7pm until 7:42pm
Acceptance of Minutes: 4/7/14
(PF) Pat made a motion to accept the minutes of 4/7/14 as is.
(RK) Sergio seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business:
- Konica Minolta Upgrade (MS)
- Maureen updated everyone on the conditions of the current copier we own and the financing of the current service contract. We pay $450 a quarter for a maintenance and tonier service contract. The machine is older. It is becoming outdated with the new networking system we have at Town Hall. Maureen met with Konica Minolta to price a newer unit. To upgrade it would cost approximately $6000 and a service contract would be less expensive for a new unit. Maureen wants to stop the current service contract on the new machine as it is expensive and if a repair happens handle it when it happens, if the current machine breaks then upgrade. Committee asked if we could lease a unit. Maureen will look into. Committee asked if we have the need to upgrade now. Maureen stated we could always use a newer unit
but we can make do with what we have for now. A new unit would also be capable of color copies, fax and scanning color.
- Kurt and Kristin wanted to go over some issues that they are asking for assistance with and review items they would like to achieve:
- Fencing: needs repair and updating, photo’s distributed to view the area of the fencing that have been damaged and need fixing for the safety of the players and public. Parks Director stated that the school should be helping pay as the HS team plays there as well. He is going to bring the issue up at the Athletic Sub Committee Meeting.
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- The safety netting around field 1: needs maintenance and to be zip tied up again. Zip ties have broken and netting is sagging and is not working properly, the balls are getting stuck. Need to reinforce and replace broken zip ties to tighten the netting. Parks Director stated that this is a maintenance issue that they will work on.
- More netting is need for field 2: Would like to place some more netting by field 2 as the balls are still reaching over the fencing and can cause a safety issue.
- Port-a-potty issue at the Little School fields: Softball has always paid for 1 unit at the field. Softball had previously asked Little School principal if they could have 2 units and she refused. Building inspector has informed Parks Director that due to volume at field he want to see 3 units at the facility. Parks Director explained that volume is also due to High School Softball team as well. Parks Director has suggested that the HS team be responsible for splitting the cost. He has spoken to School and they have agreed to split cost. Also, softball would like to have the units moved down next to the equipment shed so that the young children do not have to run across the parking lot to use the units. They feel it is a safety issue. Rita Mullin stated that this issue will be addressed at the
Athletic Sub Committee meeting as well.
- Port-a-Potties at Little School Field during summer season: Kurt asked if P&R was going to have a unit at the fields during the summer. Maureen stated that P&R supplies a unit for the summer.
- Town Hall Field Port-a-potty: Kurt asked Maureen if there will be a unit at the Town Hall Field. Maureen stated that there is usually one there for the rentals.
- New Bases: NR Youth Softball just purchased for approximately $1100 new safety bases to be permanently installed. The HS Team will be using as well. Not install yet. Marty stated he would help install.
- Capital Improvements at Fields: Kurt and Kristin stated that they may have some monies to make capital improvements, such as batting cages or clay. The NR Youth Softball board would vote on what they would like to spend the monies on. Kristin stated that they would send a proposal to P&R on what they wish to do for a capital improvement.
- Parks and Recreation items to address:
- Parks Director feels that the HS should be paying some of the cost to maintain and update the softball fields as they use them as well. He is going to address this at the Athletic Subcommittee meeting this coming Tuesday.
- Maureen asked for Softball Schedule stating that it would be helpful for scheduling purposes.
- Rita asked how much summer team softball organization has and Kristin responded 3 right now and looking for a coach for a fourth.
- Rita asked if softball was aware that there has been talk that if a softball field is installed at the new facilities over at the HS that the school may wish to take the score board installed at the Little School complex and move it to the new facility. Softball said they have heard rumors. The board was originally purchased for about $8000 with efforts from NR Youth Softball the schools and Athletic boosters. After receiving the scoreboard the HS realized that installing the board would be twice as expensive as the purchase and it sat for a while. Installing the board and the expenses incurred during installation were assumed by NR Youth Softball. This included installing telephone poles, running electrical, etc. The use of the board by NR Youth softball has been very little since installed. NR Youth Softball
stated that the HS could take the board.
Old Business
- Recreation Director Update(LC)-None
- Parks Director Update (MT)-Refer to Softball Issues
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- Operation Director Update (MS)
- Field Permitting: Permitting has been very busy. The new system is working.
- Farmer’s Market: LUC is working on Farmer’s market and figuring how many vendors would fit and a location. They want to meet with Marty and discuss. There will probably only be 6 dates this year to begin. The same dates as the BBQ Concert Series.
- Golf Tournament: Rita updated everyone that the 2014 golf tournament will be the first weekend in October.
- Walking trails at Smith Property: the development has been cancelled for this project for the time being.
- CIT Updates (RM): None
- FONRPRC Updates (SS): None
Other Business
- Next Meeting: 5/19/14 is the next meeting at 7pm at Town Hall Room 5. Ron Kern cannot attend. This is a committee member meeting only.
- Next Agenda:
- Adjournment:
(RM) Rita made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:12 pm.
(PF) Pat seconds the motion.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed