Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,
February 3, 2014
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF), Ron Kern (RK)
Staff: Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Maureen Stevens (MS). Marty Tilton, Lynne Clemens (LC)
Absent: Billie Luker (BL), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Call to order: 7:18pm; Quorum, called by Rita Mullin
Audience of Citizens: LUC Committee-Ken Tar (KT), Bill Reed (BR), Mike Tyner (MT)
Gale Associates-Bill Seymour
Acceptance of Minutes: 1/15/14
(PF) Pat made a motion to accept the minutes of 1/15/14 as is.
(RK) Sergio seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business:
- LUC Craft Fair – Ken Tarr
- LUC will NOT be hosting a craft fair this year. They would like to host a farmers market during the BBQ concert series each week in the summer time. They would like to locate it at Ray’s meadow. Ken researched and Wakefield and Wilmington charge $25 per spot at their farmer’s markets.
- Committee has concerns:
- Farmer’s market vendor’s food competing with BBQ and taking away from it. The committee has never allowed anyone to bring in food before during the bbq.
- Sponsor Concerns: Concerned that sponsors will get upset as they pay a good amount of money for sponsoring BBQ and us letting crafters or vendors for only $25.
- How do we handle the gate fee? Do we charge $3 a car even if they say they are just going to farmer’s market?
- What happens if it rains? (they cannot drive on the grass or meadow if raining)
- How many vendors each week?
- LUC feels farmer’s market would enhance BBQ.
- They are fine with $3 a car being charged to anyone entering farmers market.
- They would like to have approximately 10 to 12 vendors per week for about 10 weeks.
- Farmer’s market would be rain or shine.
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- Gale Associates-Bill Seymour
- Bill made a presentation to NR Parks & Recreation and LUC for a feasibility study to build a Community center at IRP.
Gale Associates specializes in Building, Technology, Athletic & Recreation Consulting and Land Planning.
It would take 1 to 1 ½ years from beginning of feasibility study through permitting stage. It will take 60-90 days to complete a feasibility study. The study would have a 3 year life before becoming obsolete. The study will cost between $7,500 to $10,000.
A full design concept would cost upwards of $150,000.
Bill left presentation boards for our review.
LUC/P&R Committees Discussion:
- P&R has asked LUC if they would consider paying for the study.
- Discussion was had.
(BR) Bill made a motion for LUC to gift up to $10,000 to North Reading Parks & Recreation for a feasibility study to build a Community Center at IRP.
(MT) Mike seconds the motion.
App: 4 Op: 0 Abs: 0
(SC) Sergio made a motion to accept up to $10,000 from the Land Utilization Committee for a feasibility study to build a Community Center at IRP.
(PF) Pat seconds the motion.
App: 4 Op: 0 Abs: 0
- Wine & Food Social (SS)-Table
Old Business
- Parks Director Update (MT)
- Garden Club: Garden Club asked if they could place a “Blue Star Marker” at IRP. Marty will work with them to find a spot if committee approves.
- (PF) Pat made a motion to give the Garden Club space to place a Blue Star Memorial at IRP under the supervision and approval of the Parks Director and other town officials as required.
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
App: 4 Op: 0 Abs: 0
- Vending machine: We received an estimate on fixing the donated vending machine. It would cost approximately $1000. The company stated that they sold refurbished machines for under $1000. Maureen will research.
- Recreation Director Update(LC)
- Recreation Center: Cleaned and organized the upstairs of the recreation center. Also, receiving quotes on flooring. Hard line for the phone installed and wifi installed.
- New Employees: Hire two new employees. Jennifer Stauss and Leanna Work to instruct classes.
- Winter programs: Programs begin this week.
- Operation Director Update (MS)
- BOS Budget Hearing: We are scheduled to present and review budget on 3/3/14 at BOS meeting. We need a representative from the committee there.
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- LUC (RM): See Previous
- CIT Updates (RM): None
- FONRPRC Updates (SS): Sheila is looking into hosting another MS Dance and also planning a casino night.
Other Business
- Next Meeting: 2/17/14 is a holiday town hall closed. Schedule next meeting on 2/19/14, No staff.
- Next Agenda: Vending machines and wine & food tickets.
- Adjournment:
(SC) Sergio made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:52 pm.
(RK) Ron seconds the motion.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed