Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,
January 15th, 2014
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF),
Staff: Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Maureen Stevens (MS). Marty Tilton, Lynne Clemens
Absent: Patricia Fillmore (PF), Ron Kern (RK)
Call to order: 7:18pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:
Acceptance of Minutes: 1/6/14
(MF) Mike made a motion to accept the minutes of 1/6/14 as is.
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business:
- (SC) Sergio made a nomination and motion for Mike Fitzpatrick to remain Clerk.
(MF) Mike accepted nomination
(RM) Rita seconds the motion.
Accepted: 4 Opposed: 0 abstained: 0
- (MF) Mike made a nomination and motion for Rita Mullin to remain Vice Chair.
(RM) Rita accepted nomination
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
Accepted: 4 Opposed: 0 abstained: 0
- (MF) Mike made a nomination and motion for Billie Luker to remain Chair person.
(BL) Billie accepted nomination
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
Accepted: 4 Opposed: 0 abstained: 0
- Sheila summarized this year’s event and status. Mike (MF) has agreed to handle ordering wines again this year. He also suggested holding a meeting directly after event to make notes and suggestions. Rita suggested that if we wanted to offer babysitting downstairs at Hillview so people could attend it may be an option. Lynne stated not a good idea as it is an adult atmosphere. And we could offer a list of babysitters from our course.
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Old Business
- Reappointments (SS): Sheila passed out paperwork for everyone to complete and pass back.
- Parks Director Update (MT)-
- 4th of July: No carnival this year, just fireworks and maybe a couple of vendors. Maureen received a call from Joe Veno asking if Wilmington is doing anything this year and if they would be interested in doing a combined event. Maureen will forward Joe the contact information. Marty stated he did not want to do a combined event.
- Men’s Basketball at MS: Marty spoke with Athletic sub committee. Moving forward after new school is built the school will uphold same propriety policy as we do. Schools, Youth Sports and then outside.
- Team room at HS was suppose to be ready in spring but will not be ready until fall.
- Auxiliary room: There was question on the specs of the auxiliary room at HS to see if we could utilize it. Marty said the ceilings are high enough for volleyball and cheering. Marty asked the sub committee if we could ask for consideration in use when the time comes.
- Painting: They have been doing the painting at the Rec Center.
- Pavilion: They will be installing electric and water at the pavilion this coming spring. They will be doing most of the work themselves.
- Recreation Director Update(LC)-
- Rec Center: Marty and Lynne will be going to look for flooring for the Rec center this coming week. Maureen had a hard line wifi, cable and phone installed.
- Winter Brochure: will be in transcript on 1/16/14. is all set up and we are ready to go. Maria covered the cost of the brochure through her advertisements sold.
- New Employees: We lost 2 employees. We are interviewing to fill positions. Advertised on Craig’s List. Receiving great applicants. We hired additional instructors for some week day and weekend classes. Also, advertising through Merrimack College for a basketball coach.
- Marketing: Started looking into other marketing strategies. Want to try the Welcome Wagon idea. Have contacted Lynnfield who does the program. This is something Maria would handle.
- Operation Director Update (MS)
- Good Neighbor of the Year Award: Rich Giordano will be receiving this award on 1/27/14 at the Senior Center at 9am. The office will be covered by a senior volunteer so that our staff can attend.
- FY15 Financials: Maureen handed out draft to everyone. She summarized the budget. Discussion was had.
Mike (MF) made a motion to accept financials as presented.
Sergio (SC) seconds the motion
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
- Vending machines: Maureen is going to ask the TA about putting a vending machine back down at the TH gym to help defer the cost of cleaning the gym.
- LUC wants to meet with us on 2/3/14. Rita asked Maureen to email Ken Tarr How much we have left in the accounts. Rita stated that we are going to ask LUC to pay for the feasibility study for the community center. Hopefully Gale Associates will also be at this meeting to discuss cost.
- (MF) Mike made a nomination and motion for Rita Mullin to remain LUC member
(RM) Rita accepted nomination
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
Accepted: 4 Opposed: 0 abstained: 0
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- CIT Updates (RM): Rita is going to email everyone information.
- FONRPRC Updates (SS): Updated committee on upcoming events. Lynne stated that Senior center may have stopped running casino trips. Sheila will look into.
Other Business
- 2/3/14-ask LUC and Gale to come to this meeting
MT and LC should attend
- Next Agenda: LUC/ Gale Associates Feasibility study
- Adjournment:
(MF) Mike made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:23 pm.
(SC) Sergio seconds the motion.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed