Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,
September 30, 2013
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Ron Kern (RK)
Staff: Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Call to order: 7:002pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: NR Little League: Phil Dardeno, Ed Madden, Ed Cady
Acceptance of Minutes: 9/16/13
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the minutes of 9/15613 as is.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
• NR Little League (MT)
o Marty summarized the article in the NR Transcript regarding additional Middle school Little league teams being formed. He explained he received an abundance of questions and was not able to answer people as he was not informed. No one spoke with him regarding field space.
o Ed Madden explained that the wording of the article came across incorrectly. It is an Eastern Mass Independent Baseball League (EMIBL) not little league. Marco should have gone to Marty to let them know another team was added. EMIBL is a separate league. Ed Madden stated that NRLL assumed that if kids played in both leagues the fees for NRLL covered both leagues.
o Ed Cady stated that NRLL is trying to work the schedule at the fields so that it works for both leagues.
o Rita stated that the fees are separate for each league and we have received complaints. NRLL should be before club teams
o Marty stated that fees are separate and the practices are on a first come first serve basis, however EMIBL seems to be taking over most of the time frame at the fields so NRLL is not getting sufficient time to practice. He stated that communication must go through P&R for scheduling purposes not thru the two leagues alone.
o Phil Dardeno suggested looking at other area’s in North Reading to add field space. We need to make a list of available properties in NR.
o Marty stated that lights being installed at the HS baseball field could extend scheduled playing at that field and would help tremendously. Everyone agreed.
o Sergio stated that NRLL needs to know what P&R policies are.
o NRLL seems very interest in monetarily helping with developing another field in NR.
Page 2 NRLL continued
o Maureen stated that she wants to make sure through scheduling NRLL has priority.
o Ed Cady stated that if P&R is unsure or receiving mixed communications please contact him.
Old Business
• Hillview 25th Anniversary Event
o Rita summarized the event; asked if we can pass out flyers throughout town; she asked who can volunteer on day of event: volunteers-SC, PF, BL, MT, MS, LC, SS. Lynne will ask Maria.
o Lynne summarized agenda
o Pat suggested to ask Clerk if we can hand out at Town Meeting and asked for Hillview to make announcement at town meeting.
• Parks Director Update (MT)
o Student Parking at IRP
Sent draft to John Bernard of MOU. School can not fulfill conditions.
o Barn repairs
Received 3 quotes
o Recycle Committee
Ed McGrath requested for MT to go to recycling meeting. Marty was told Selectman suggested that Recycling and P&R to come up with a warrant article to better recycling in NR. Marty Stated that he has 12 recycling bins to use and when there are events he has to move them throughout the parks to accommodate the recycling needs. He is going to give the recycling committee an inventory on bins. Recycling committee want a sub committee with P&R members on it as well.
Committee wants to know exactly what Recycling committee wants. Committee agrees we do not have the man power as well.
Marty states that recycling takes up a good amount of time even with the limited bins we do have because the bins and trash barrels do not fit on the trucks all together so two trips must be made.
He does encourage recycling but the public is through recycling in trash barrels not bins.
Marty believes recycling committee should come in for a meeting.
• Recreation Director Update(LC)
o Fall Registration
Registrations numbers are down. Toddler numbers are low. Weekend numbers are very good. We will look into another Saturday instructor. We are trying to do more marketing.
Sergio asked if we can do a survey.
Pat asked about a welcome wagon committee. Lynne like that idea.
o Modular’s
Lynne asked Superintendent about acquiring modular’s from HS after project is done. Sup. Willis told LC to go by and view the structures.
We have hired a new instructor, Nichole Fortin
We need to hire someone for Saturdays.
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• Operation Director Update (MS)
o Financials
Maureen is almost ready to put out a report. Discussion had.
o Permitting program
Maureen is looking into permitting programs and will put out a shout out to MRPA.
• LUC (RM)
o Golf Tournament
Receiving golfers
Sheila is doing work on golfers and Maria is doing sponsor and raffle items.
Marty please bring to equipment to Hillview on Friday. We will go over what is needed.
Rita asks that Maria ask New England Redemption to donate soda and Monadknock to donate waters.
Community Service sign-ups will be online and at Back to school night at HS.
Need raffle gifts and tickets
Pat Lee is donating food and coffee.
• CIT Updates (RM): None
• FONRPRC Updates (SS): None
Other Business
o Trailer at BBQ site
Rita asked if we could replace trailer at IRP that we use for storage for the BBQ with one of the modulars from the HS. Marty will look into.
o Next Meeting: October 7th at NR HS Teachers lunch Room at 6pm
o Next Agenda: Hillview 25th event update
o Adjournment
(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:18 pm.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed