Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, January 7, 2013
Room 5 at Town Hall at 7:00pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF);
Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Ron Kern (RK),
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC)
Call to order: 7:08pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: Maria Brown, Staff; LUC Members-Ken Tarr, Bill Reed, Mike Tyner, Tony Giordano
Acceptance of Minutes: 12/03/12
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to accept the minutes of 12/3/12 as is.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
• Officer Nomination:
Mike Fitzpatrick nominated Bill Luker to remain as Chair Person of committee.
Billie Luker accepted nomination.
Mike Fitzpatrick nominated Rita Mullin to remain as Vic-Chair of Committee
Rita Mullin accepted nomination.
Billie Luker nominated Mike Fitzpatrick to remain as clerk of committee
Mike Fitzpatrick accepted nomination.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept nominations of all positions on the committee.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.
• Goals: Goals should be emailed to all members.
• 2013 Wine & Food: Rita asked the office to put together a budget for wine and food and present it to the committee and give the budget for wine and beer to Mike Fitzpatrick. 7 Restaurants have confirmed.
• Community Center(RM):
o RM contacted Gale Associates regarding design concepts and quote.
o Need to get Riverwood map to Gale Associates. They will come back with a cost of where an entrance at Riverwood could go, bridge over wetlands and develop area for a community center and how feasible it may be.
o Refer to email by Rita Mullin.
o LC handed out documentation from research of other centers visited by herself and Maria Brown. Lynne summarized visits for everyone. All centers had movie area, dance room, gym, kitchen, art room and sinks in all rooms.
o Recreation is asking if LUC is onboard with the community center concept.
o BL asked LUC if they are aware of how IRP may change if community center is located there.
o BR is interested in seeing what architects would come back with.
o KT stated that LUC has had this on their radar for a long time.
• Community Impact Team Review (RM)
Old Business
• Park Director Update (MT)
o Cleaning out the Barn
o Quotes for Walkways: researching and receiving, Parking lots, ramps at RC about $1800.
o NRY Softball Tournament: Probably will be running tournament.
o Little School Retaining wall: quotes are between $35k-$150k
o Chandler Memorial Bench: was vandalized working on repair.
o Vending Machine: someone has generously donated and older vending machine so that we can try it at the park.
o Ornamental Lighting: Marty would like to try to install the ornamental lighting we have to give the area at IRP by concession more visibility for cameras.
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• Recreation Director Update(LC)
o Winter Brochure: Brochure going out on 1/10/13, added more Saturday classes.
o Advertising: Maria sold $723 for advertising brochure only cost $580.
o Community Center: Lynne and Maria have been touring community centers in the area for ideas.
• Operation Director Update (MS)
o Budget: It is due on 1/22/13 we do not meet until 1/28 will ask for an extension. Town wants to see a level budget.
o 4th of July permit: a request has been made for a 4th of July permit. Marty would like to see a plan before permit is approved.
o Turf Field Permit Request: We are already receiving permit request for turf field for next summer usage.
• LUC Updates (RM) Attended by Bill Reed, Ken Tarr, Mike Tyner, Tony Giordano
o Trail Committee: Bill put together a letter in the transcript paper asking if any public interest in a trail sub committee. Have received 5 or 6 email inquiries; have met with some candidates; In process of putting together a handbook regarding trails.
o Craft Fair: May 18th; rain date May 19th. Recreation will do concession. Same format and fees as in the past.
• CIT Updates (RM)
o Liaisons to leagues could give Rita a name of a member that could join CIT. Please email Rita the Name.
• FONRPRC Updates (SS):
o MS Dance 1/11/13: We have MS dances scheduled for 1/11/13 and 2/8/13. We have the DJ confirmed and Moose hall confirmed. Sheila asked for someone to take over the 2/8/13 dance as she will be out of town. She will prep everything before she leaves.
o GO Payment: We bought and received a mobile credit card payment system that goes onto our smart phones.
o 2013 wine & Food: confirm $40 a ticket still, approval to pay DJ, Committee names and numbers on Flyers, Ticket sales.
Other Business
• LUC (BL):
• Next Meeting date (SS)
1/28/13 in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm This meeting will be for Budget.
• Adjournment
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:12 pm.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed