Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, May 7, 2012
Room 5, Town Hall at 7:00pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Ron Kern (RK), Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: Marty Tilton (MT) arrived at 7:55pm; Patricia Fillmore (PF) arrived at 8:06pm,
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Call to order: 7:25pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of Minutes: 3/12/12, 3/19/12, 4/2/12
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 3/12/12 as is.
(RK) Ron Kern seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
(HC) Heidi Cushing-Candelario made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 3/19/12 as is.
(RK) Ron Kern seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
(RK) Ron Kern made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 4/2/12 as is.
(HC) Heidi Cushing-Candelario seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business
• Community Impact Team (RM)
A new committee formed consisting of NRPD Chief Murphy, NYRSSA Director Erica Hanson, NR Superintendant, Kathy Willis, BOS Bob Mauceri, and P&R Rita Mullin. They are hosting a seminar on 5/9/12 at 7pm at NRHS Auditorium.
• Recreation Center Roof: (MS):
On 4/21 and 4/22 the rains and wind lifted shingles and did damaged to the Recreation Center Roof, which in turn water leaking into the center did damage inside as well. We have submitted to the insurance company. There is a $5000 deductible. We have received quotes for fixing the roof ASAP. The lowest quote was just about $6000+. The insurance company said to go ahead and do the repair. It was repaired on 4/5/12. The insurance company also assess the inside damage and submit to them. Marty will assess the inside and submit.
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Old Business
• NRLL Liaison Meeting (SC)
Meeting went well. Sergio explained that NRLL is lower than normal for enrollment and registrations. They reported 455 registrations which is down from previous. The do not access late fees at all for registrations. NRLL stated that they had to repair batting cage and fencing due to a tree falling on them, which cost them about $4000. Marty commented that the batting cages were damaged due a fallen tree and NRLL did pay to repair but the cost was much more because instead of replacing what they had they chose to upgrade. None of the monies was used to repair fencing. Marty did the repairs on the fencing.
NRLL is concerned with the construction at the MS and losing the field. They were wondering if P&R has anything ideas in the works for more fields. Marty stated that the MS field has not been used by NRLL is some time.
NRLL has asked if they could get together with The Soccer league to work out scheduling for games because it seems to be interfering with the baseball schedule this year. Soccer league changed over to Essex League and the scheduling fluctuates know which there is no getting around. Ron will ask the president of Soccer to contact Ed Madden of NRLL to discuss the schedules.
• NRLL Scholarship (ALL)
NRLL is asking for an additional 5 scholarships over the allotted 5 already given by P&R. NRLL gave out 23 scholarships this year. They do not as questions of the families. If someone said they need a scholarship they just give it. No research is done. They have not given partial scholarships either. Ed Madden is waiting to hear about the extra 5 scholarships before sending P&R the final payment for fees. Sergio told Ed to send the check with the allotted 5 scholarships deducted and if we approved 5 more we could handle the transaction after.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to keep NRLL Scholarships to remain at 5, no increase.
(HCC) Heidi Cushing-Candelario seconds the motion
Discussion had Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
Sergio will contact NRLL to inform them that the scholarships will remain at 5.
• Skate Park Open Meeting (RM)
Rita distributed a document with Skate Park Rules and Regulations. Reviewed with everyone. Rita would like to shoot for May 21st before our P&R committee meeting for an open meeting with the public. Rita will contact the office tomorrow to firm up the date and time and will inform everyone.
• Vendor Cart (SS)
Ray Penney has taken the offer for the food vendor cart off the table. It is no longer available.
• Wine and Food
Table. We are still receiving bills. There is still left over wine and the barn.
• Parks Director Updates (MT)
o Bathrooms at IRP: Finally received valve. It was delivered to the wrong address a while ago.
o Lawn Mower: It is amazing. Takes much less time to mow the parks and is saving time.
o Bike Grant: We received a Bike Rack Grant Through the planning commission. We will receive about 8 to 9 racks.
• Recreation Director Updates (LC)
o Summerscape Director: finally secured someone for the position. Advertised through Craig’s List under the education section. Received a lot of hits for the ad.
o Spring session: Registration numbers started of low. Overall they are doing ok. We have added weekend classes.
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o Instructor Injured: Nancy Ursino injured her foot just before session began and can not work for a number of weeks. We had no time to interview so we hired a fill in Erica Clemens while Nancy is out. Maria and Lynne have also had to teach some classes to make up for missing instructor.
o April Vacation Week: We ran a lot of one day events and camps during April vacation and they were all very successful. This is the first year we have done this during April Vacation.
• Operations Director Updates (MS)
o Open Space Plan: Next meeting will be May 10th is room 14 for the committee. The next public meeting will be after town meeting in June. The OSP will be completed by September 2012.
o Michael Callahan donation: the Callahan Family would like to donate portable defibrillators to the P&R to keep at IRP. Discussion was had.
and do some research. Maureen feels more confident having vending machines at the shack now that we have cameras.
o Electronic forms in office: We are now using electronic forms online now for indemnity forms and for permitting fields and parks. It is helping to reduce paper use and saving on time as well.
o Budget Hearing: A warrant article will go to town hall regarding our payroll merit increases and buybacks. BOS approved to cover the extra expense that was over the budget that we could not plan on. Also, originally BOS was considering cutting our budget by about $20,000 and they are not longer considering that.
o Permits: Permit request are coming in heavy, especially for gazebo, pavilion and turf field. Also, have started to permit IRP on Saturdays and Sundays in the afternoon because soccer is scheduled only until around 1pm.
• LUC Updates (SC):
o Crafts in the Park: May 19th from 10 am to 3pm at IRP. There will be about 55 crafters. special guests and concession run by FONRPRC.
• FONRPRC, Inc Updates-(SS):
o Pitch Hit Run event: on April 29th at Rita Mullin field. About 8 children showed up. We will be holding the sectionals on June 3rd same location from 2 pm to 5pm.
o Relay for Life: We will be having a concession stand at the relay on May 18th. Serving dinner entrée’s and we will be working out of the concession stand.
o Craft Fair Concession: We will be having the concession stand at the Crafts in the Park event on May 19th.
o MS Dance: We are looking into hosting a dance for the MS kids.
Other Business
• Speed Limit at Recreation Center Area (SS)
Sheila stated that while at the Recreation Center on Saturday morning visitors going to soccer in the back parking lot area were speeding in and out of the area. Even with a roofing crew with vehicles all around the Recreation Center cars still speeding around the construction vehicles. Rita asked Marty to speak to Chief Murphy of NRPD regarding speed limit signs.
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• Next Meeting date (SS)
o Meeting at Town Hall on 5/21/12 in Room 5, Town Hall.
• Adjournment
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:27 pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0 No Discussion-Motion Passed