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Parks & Recreation 11.7.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall at 7:00pm

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Pierre Ancri (PA); Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC);
Absent: Sergio Coviello (SC), Marty Tilton (MT)
Call to order: 7:09pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes:  No Minutes

New Business
•       Wine and Food 2012 (All)
An Idea was presented to have a sub committee this year for the wine and food, assigning a person to each main task of the event.  Please email Lauren McMullen asking if she will still be involved in the event.  Create a group email for the subcommittee.  Maureen stated that we need a budget for the wine purchase because last year it was well over what was spent in prior years.  Rita stated that we should have a sub committee meeting at her house ASAP.  

•       2011/2012 Goals (All)
Email 2011 Goals to have everyone revise by next meeting.

•       Liaison to committee listing (All)
Email 2011 Goals to have everyone revise by next meeting. Liaisons should go to a meeting at least once a year.  All minutes from each league meeting should be emailed to the liaison. Pierre would like to have the policies, procedures and responsibilities defined.  Mike Fitzpatrick would like to have a standard form with questions developed for this position.  Mike would also like to see a disciplinary committee formed.

7:50pm Billie turned over meeting to Rita Mullin

Old Business
•       Parks Director Updates (MS)
o       Skate Park at IRP:  Skate Park Boards came in Chris spoke with contractor and he will finish up hopefully this week. Rita asked if we can postpone opening Skate Park until we get cameras installed or have someone police the skate park she is worried about vandalism.  Billie suggested waiting and see what happens with completing the repair with the contractor.  Maureen stated that we do not have the funds to pay someone for policing the parks.  Rita suggests getting parents names of kids who frequent the park and asking for help policing it.  Billie suggests having a public hearing.  Maureen stated that
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Marty is on medical leave and she does not know what to do about opening the park.  She will hold off and see what happens with the contractor.

Billie and Pierre met and took measurements for the rink. 85’x135’, location may be behind recreation center or in Ray’s Meadow. Pierre mentioned the cost to NRSA and they said their funds are low.  Billie also reiterated that P&R does not have the sufficient funds.

Pat Fillmore referred to previous meeting discussion and minutes stating that the committee was told that it would not cost P&R any monies and that NRSA would pay for the expense of the rink.  When the idea was brought to this committee it was said that they have the monies they just needed a location.  Pat recalls that P&R stated that we do not have the man power to maintain a rink.
Mike Fitzpatrick also agrees that he can not understand why we are being asked for monies for funding of this rink. Mike specified that the committee was very clear in previous meetings that we do not have the funding for this project.

Billie said the #1 location would be behind the recreation center but we would have to close off the entrance nearest to the ramp entrance to the center.  Location #2 would be Ray’s Meadow at the front of IRP, next to the recreation center.  Lynne expressed that we can not close off the entrance to the recreation center nearest to the entrance ramp of the center.  It is the main entrance to the center and the main parking area. The committee is leaning toward Ray’s Meadow location.  

Pierre stated that last year he did come to the committee saying they needed a location only not funding.  He considered that phase 1.  Phase 2 is asking or researching funding and putting feelers out to see where they could get funding from.  Phase three would be in regard to maintenance and would pay and maintain the rink.  The rink would take about 3-5 weeks to order and receive.

Billie Luker bought and donated a small learn to skate rink.

Sergio stated that he is not willing to approve any monies toward a skating rink project right now.  If NRSA would like to fund and/or donate it he will support it, but P&R can not fund such a project.  P&R could help install and prep the land for installation but NRSA would have to maintain.

Pierre summarized the discussion:  P&R has no funds toward the skating rink. P&R does not have the manpower to maintain the rink.  We are not sure if NRSA can do the maintenance or if we have to refer to DPW.  We will investigate that.  3-5 weeks to order and receive.

Billie stated that we should move forward and take a vote on funding and let Pierre go back to NRSA with results of discussion.

(PA) Pierre Ancri made a motion to finance 50% of $4000, up to $2000 to purchase skate rink materials.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion
Discussion was had.
        Mike F. stated that it would probably be upwards of $3000 for materials.
        Rita M. asked do we need a ridge on the sides all the way around.
        Pierre answered that they would need a ridge or about 20 sheets of plywood for the siding.
Approved:  0            Opposed:  4             Abstained: 1(Pierre)

Mike Fitzpatrick asked if we could get Ray’s Meadow tested to see why the land does not freeze up.  Marty will know who to call.  Maureen will research.

o       Arthur Kenney Turf Field:  There will be play off games all day on Wednesday for the Youth football league at the turf field.  Rita asked that we pass along to the NRYFL that there have been complaints about the concession stand at the turf field not being properly clean after they use it.
o       Marty on medical leave: Marty is on medical leave due to an operation and will be out for at least 2 weeks.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)
o       Pumpkin Decorating: This was the biggest pumpkin decorating event ever to date.  It was run in conjunction with youth service pumpkin carving event.  
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o       Game Night: This past game night we had 40 kids walk in.
o       EMARC: Special needs organization located in Reading. Lynne went for a meeting at EMARC to speak with them regarding programs we may be able to offer for special needs persons.  Director expressed that she would come train our staff on how to run a program for special needs personals and what kind of classes do well.
o       Health Time Fitness: Lynne met with the owner to talk about using her facility for some classes that we can offer.  We can pay her a small fee or run a program and rent out the facility.
o       Survey Monkey: Lynne, Maureen and Maria have put together a survey online through Survey Monkey.  Lynne has copies for the committee if they would like to see them.  This is a tool used to gather information and feedback on programs, facilities and idea.  Already received feedback and also received people who are interested in joining the FONRPRC.  Sheila will be contacting these people.  
o       Fall Classes:  Registrations are filling in.

•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Financials: FY2011 will be reviewed at next meeting.
o       New Mower: Our new mower is broken.  It is being sent out to be fixed.  
o       Enterprise restrictions: Maureen explained how our free cash account works now that we are an enterprise.  Our free cash must be certified and once I am we need to find out if we need to ask if we can spend it and how to spend it.
o       Rita as Maureen to explain to us how to add projects now that we are an enterprise.  What is the process?  
o       New Finance Director:  The new Finance Director for the town will be starting on 11/14/11

•       LUC Updates (RM)

o       Meditation Garden at IRP: Met with Marty and roped off the are to know what it willl look like.  We will be ordering the benches soon.

•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-(SS)
No Update

Other Business
•       Ice Rink (PA)
Pierre polled the committee to see where they stand on the ice rink idea.  He is also asking what would need to be done in order to get in up and running for Thanksgiving weekend. Marty stated that Thanksgiving would be too early because the ice would not freeze.  Rita asked where would it go.  Billie responded that it would be constructed between Recreation center and barn in that parking lot are.  Pierre is asking for a 85’ x 300’ rink.  Marty said there is not enough room there for such a size rink.  Pierre and Billie are going to meet at IRP and do a walk through to see if there is anywhere that can fit that size rink. Billing also asked if NRSA is willing to foot the cost of the perimeter boards.  Pierre responded that NRSA is willing to help out but NRSA stated that we can use 1’ high earth borders all the way around the rink and that should be sufficient.  Topic tabled until after walk through is completed.

•       Community Center(PA)
Initially the community center was presented in conjunction with the ice rink idea. Are we still interested in doing a community center at IRP?  Are we looking into a structure?  We need to start somewhere and starting to work on plans would be the first step.  Once we have plans we can work on fundraising to begin the rest.  Are we willing to do this in phases? Sergio agrees we need to start somewhere.  Billie asks everyone to bring idea of
what we would want in a community center.  Pierre asked if we would be limited on capacity do to parking.  Marty responded yes.  Pierre asked if we have a map of IRP to take a look at.  Sergio believes that Mike O’Neill may have one. Sergio will try to bring it to the next meeting.  Pierre asked about placing a center at Rita Mullin field.  Rita stated that this park was specified for Open space only.  Rita said the Smith property would cost too much to develop for a community center.

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•       Next Meeting date (SS)
November 21, Monday at 7pm in room 5 of Town Hall

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:37 pm.
(PA) Pierre Ancri seconds the motion.
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
No Discussion-Motion Passed