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Parks & Recreation 10.17.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall at 7:00pm

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Pierre Ancri (PA)
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Lynne Clemens (LC); Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Call to order: 7:31pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  Rich Giannatassio

Acceptance of Minutes:  9/12/11 and 10/3/11
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 9/12/11 as is.
(PA) Pierre Ancri seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
        Approved:               Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 10/03/11 as is.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
        Approved: 4             Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

New Business
•       Camera’s at IRP (MT)
Marty introduced Rich Giannatassio to everyone and committee and staff introduced themselves.  Rich presented a variety of options for security cameras at IRP to watch over the concession are, skate park are, Barn and Recreation Center and entrances.  Rich and Marty did a walk through at IRP. Rich suggested starting off small and building onto the camera system as time goes on.  He suggested starting at concession stand and skating park.  A wireless system we would need internet installed. It could be networked through out the park to the recreation center and eventually to the police station. We would need a line of sight in order to do wireless.   Otherwise a hardwired system required digging a ditch from skate Park to concession.  Any camera’s anywhere else in the park would have to be hardwired in as well.  Rich stated that in order to install properly what we would like it would be expensive.  He could lend us some equipment for the short term in order to have something there ASAP.  Rich gave us a general guess that a 16 channel recorder would cost approximately between $4000 to $6000.  He stated that if we did a hardwire network ourselves , installing ourselves, with dome camera’s to the skate park and shack with a recorder at the shack , we may be able to get it all for $8000.  
Rich will get an estimate and get back to us.

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Old Business
•       Parks Director Updates (MT)
o       Skate Park at IRP:  received only 27 boards for the repairs.  13 boards short of what was needed.  Will cost another $2742 includes $285 for shipping.  Charlie Watson, the contractor is still working on the project while waiting for rest of boards to come in.

o       Lawn Mower: Mower should be in on Wednesday or Friday of this week.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)
No updates

•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Financials: FY2011 Budget handout was distributed for review. Maureen summarized and reviewed for everyone.
o       BBQ Analysis: Distributed handout.  Maureen summarized and reviewed for all.  Profited over $6000.
o       Banners at Skate Park:  A mom approached Maureen asking if Advertisement banners were allowed at the Skate Park or if we would consider it as a fundraising method.  Maureen replied that she would bring the idea to the committee.  Rita will consult with LUC and get back to the committee.

•       LUC Updates (RM)
o       LUC golf Tournament: The event netted over $4094.  There were 72 golfers and all the volunteers were great.  There are shirts left over.  We need to remember to give Kevin Benecke an XL shirt he said he did not get one.
o       Meditation Garden at IRP: NRYSSA did a large portion of the work.  Rita, her sons, HS volunteers and Bill Reed finished up the work.

•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-(SS)
o       Black Friday Bowl: We are gearing up for the Black Friday Bowl.  Everything is going according to plan.

Other Business
•       Ice Rink (PA)
Pierre polled the committee to see where they stand on the ice rink idea.  He is also asking what would need to be done in order to get in up and running for Thanksgiving weekend. Marty stated that Thanksgiving would be too early because the ice would not freeze.  Rita asked where would it go.  Billie responded that it would be constructed between Recreation center and barn in that parking lot are.  Pierre is asking for a 85’ x 300’ rink.  Marty said there is not enough room there for such a size rink.  Pierre and Billie are going to meet at IRP and do a walk through to see if there is anywhere that can fit that size rink. Billing also asked if NRSA is willing to foot the cost of the perimeter boards.  Pierre responded that NRSA is willing to help out but NRSA stated that we can use 1’ high earth borders all the way around the rink and that should be sufficient.  Topic tabled until after walk through is completed.
•       Community Center(PA)
Initially the community center was presented in conjunction with the ice rink idea. Are we still interested in doing a community center at IRP?  Are we looking into a structure?  We need to start somewhere and starting to work on plans would be the first step.  Once we have plans we can work on fundraising to begin the rest.  Are we willing to do this in phases? Sergio agrees we need to start somewhere.  Billie asks everyone to bring idea of what we would want in a community center .  Pierre asked if we would be limited on capacity do to parking.  Marty responded yes.  Pierre asked if we have a map of IRP to take a look at.  Sergio believes that Mike O’Neill may have one. Sergio will try to bring it to the next meeting.  Pierre asked about placing a center at Rita Mullin field.  Rita stated that this park was specified for Open space only.  Rita said the Smith property would cost too much to develop for a community center.

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•       Next Meeting date (SS)
November 7, Monday at 7pm in room 5 of Town Hall

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:54 pm.
(PA) Pierre Ancri seconds the motion.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
No Discussion-Motion Passed