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Parks & Recreation 09.12.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2011
Room 5, Town Hall at 7:00pm

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF),
Patricia Fillmore (PF), Pierre Ancri (PA)
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Absent: Sergio Coviello (SC)
Call to order: 7:03pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  NONE

Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of 07/18/11
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of 7/18/11 as is.
(PA) Pierre Ancri seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

New Business
•       Welcome Pierre Ancri to Committee
Committee welcomes Pierre Ancri as an official member to the NR Parks & Recreation Committee.

•       North Reading Youth Soccer (MF)
NR Youth Soccer approached Mike him to ask the committee if 2 portable lighting units are available for soccer to use for the practices during dusk at Maguire fields starting in October. Marty said it is and he will get it down their ASAP.  Marty requested that a liaison be appointed between Youth soccer and himself to keep all communications through two people.  Mike will pass the request along to soccer.

•       Camera’s at IRP (MT)
Marty has already met with someone to go over what would be needed and what type of equipment would be best at IRP. Billie Luker has research online.  Marty requested to table until next meeting.

Old Business
•       Parks Director Updates (MS)
o       Skate Park at IRP:  Marty took apart the equipment that needs to be repaired and started doing the work.  Since he has injured his shoulder and it is a lot more work than anticipated.  Marty is going to have the project re-quoted from this point. Since Marty has taken apart everything that needs to be taken apart the quote would be to install the new materials and to finish. The office has been getting a lot of inquiries on progress of the repairs and when park will completed.

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(RM) Rita Mullin motion to spend up to $5000 for labor expenses to fix the skate park at Ipswich River Park, if the funds are available in our budget.
(PF) Pat Fillmore seconds the motion.
Discussion had: Mike F. would like to see the financials before agreeing to motion.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  1 (MF)                Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

o       Lawn Mower: Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to support the lawn mower on the Town meeting capital warrant.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)
o       Update on summer programs: We are still waiting for invoices to be received and process so we can have our final numbers for the summer programs. The Summerscape program did a complete turnaround from last year on the better end.  Enrollment was up and we implemented water day and IRP day.  The staff made great improvements. Kid Connection program numbers were lighter than previous years.  We did extend to have Friday’s and those numbers were low.  Will rethink for next year.  Sports camps went well except for Skyhawks.  We are very disappointed in the Skyhawk program this year.  May look into another vendor for next year.  Challenger Soccer Program is a new soccer sports program we used.  They did a great job.  Very smooth and consciences. O one signed up for the Schools summer enrichment programs.  

o       Summer Scholarships: We will go over those numbers and report back what we did and did not use.
o       New Summerscape director search: Our Summerscape Director Nick Tymoskczo is taking a teaching position in Vermont and will not be returning to our program next summer.  We are going to start searching for a new director.

o       Fall Brochure: Fall Brochure is at the printers and will go out for distribution on September 15th through the Transcript. Maria managed to bring in monies from advertising in the brochure not only to pay for the entire expense of the brochure but also $400 over!  

o       Other programs: One of our instructors is leaving and going to teach at the Hilltop. We are not going to replace, will use other instructors. Maria is trying to find sponsors for the Pumpkin decorating party to help with expenses. A play group in the area has requested for Maria to visit their group for a presentation of our programs.

•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Financials: We are still working on the fiscal year financials, and moving everything over to an enterprise. It is very complicated to transfer everything over.
o       911 Event: thank you to everyone who helped out for the 911 event.  It was a great success. We grossed over $1100 for concession sales.
o       BBQ Update:  Do not have the numbers yet for the BBQ series. Did great on all the dates.  We let Courtney Beverage go and Pat Fillmore saved us by stepping in. We will revamp the program to see how to run. The public loved the raffle idea.
o       Facilities Software: Starting to research again.  RecPro which is the program we liked, is not server based therefore we would not be able to access it outside the office via internet.  We need that capability.
o       Finance Director Retirement:  wanted to inform everyone that Joe Tasone’s last day of work is Friday.

•       LUC Updates (RM)
o       Meditation Garden at IRP: Eagle Scout backed out of project.  Youth Services will take over the project.  They will begin in October.
o       Golf Tournament: Please pass the word around, we are light on golfers and sponsors. Rita may bring a TV for the Patriots game. Maureen will put up on facebook.

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•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-(SS)
o       Walk of Fame: We are going to begin to promote again. For the fall.
o       Black Friday Bowl: We are going to contact Chuck Carucci and Rob Taylor to confirm Black Friday Bowl.
o       Next Meeting: October 17th

Other Business

•       Next Meeting date (SS)
October 3rd, Monday 6pm in room B104 at High School
October 17th, Monday at 7pm in room 5 of Town Hall

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)
Re-quote skate Park
Ice Rink and Community Center

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:08 pm.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
No Discussion-Motion Passed