Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2011
Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF); Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: none
Absent: Rita Mullin (RM)
7:08pm Quorum. Meeting called to order Lauren McMullen
Audience of Citizens: NRSA, Keith Moore (KM)-Asst Director and Pierre Ancri (PA)-NRSA Hockey Parent
Acceptance of Minutes: 1/10/11 meeting minutes
(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to accept minutes from 1/10/11 meeting as is.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Accept: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Accepted
New Business
• NRSA - Outdoor Skating Rink Proposal
(MT) Marty informed everyone of the proposal the NRSA had discussed with him regarding installing an outdoor skating rink at Ipswich River Park at Ray’s Meadow for the community to enjoy. They asked to come to the meeting to brainstorm regarding this project and to see if P&R was interested in the proposal.
(PA) Pierre presented a NR Outdoor Ice Rink Handbook document to everyone. He is volunteering to install an ice rink along with other volunteers if they can find an approved location. Pierre is not looking for P&R to support the project monetarily. He is hoping the project with be financially supported through fundraising and NRSA has agreed to financially support the project as well. Pierre has a few locations in mind: #1 Ray’s meadow at IRP, #2 behind P&R barn to the right by the pump house. If installed behind the barn, Pierre stated that the parking lot clean up could be a stipulation. Where ever the rink was installed, it could be taken down and stored during the off season. He also suggested installing a concrete pad to flood during winter months for the Rink and used for
roller skating during the warm weather. Pierre stated that they would have volunteers staff the rink during open hours. He would like for a rink to open up on Thanksgiving Day and close down after the cold weather ended. NRSA and volunteers would maintain and be in charge of keeping the rink in working order, installing and braking down the rink. They wanted to meet tonight to see if there was a location available that they could even begin to think if such a project would be possible. Pierre proposed that such a project would cost around $10,000 for liner, grates, and boards. Side boards would be about 4’ high. Pierre would put together what an ongoing maintenance budget would be and send it to P&R for review to give a better idea at the cost per year. They would like to start out with free skate times for the public and hopefully work their way up to practice time for hockey teams, figure skating lessons and free skate time.
They would like to run the rink like the Street Hockey Skate rink is run by P&R. Pierre will come up with at least 6 other locations and get back to P&R.
(KM) Keith stated that NRSA is fully supportive of this project physically and financially. They could engage in fundraising to support project. They would support with policing the rink, maintenance, set up and breakdown. They have many volunteers interested in helping out with this project. Again they are just here tonight looking to see if there is a location available that P&R would support
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(LM) Lauren informed our guests that there are a lot of details to be considered when dealing with maintenance of a facility on Town owned land. We have to take into consideration the town by laws regarding land use, maintenance work force law versus volunteering work force, etc. Also, the public’s safety is first and foremost, so having to maintain an ice rink may be last priority to clearing of walkways, paths, etc., during inclement weather. Finding a location has requirements as well. Some of our parks and areas are for passive recreation only, such as Ray’s meadow at IRP. We also have to work with other committees, such as LUC and get approval by the town for projects. There is a lot of careful thought research and brainstorming that goes into supporting projects before P&R can
even support an idea.
(LM) Lauren excused herself from the meeting and turns the meeting over to Billie Luker at 7:58 pm.
(BL) Billie asked Keith and Pierre if they have presented their idea to the School Dept or Private land owners (such as stop n shop) to see if there is availability of a location through anyone else and Pierre responded they have not approached anyone else. Billie suggested many different locations such as: Wal-Mart ball field, Stop n Shop, Old DPW area, Parish Park, Parking lot at IRP Middle School Tennis Courts, Left of IRP, and Concord St Parking Lot area. Can Eisenhauer Pond be used?
(LC) Lynne supports the idea of a skate rink and she thinks it would be great for the community once the wrinkles are ironed out. She is concerned about policing rink properly as are committee members and if programs are offered on the rink and if so who do the programs fall under. Will NRSA be offering programs for a fee?
There would have to be lights installed for project. The rink would need electrical access where ever the location.
(PF) Pat is supportive of rink idea. She asked who does the control of the rink fall under. P&R would have to take legal responsibility. What if people use when rink is closed?
(MF) Mike thinks it is a great idea; however he is concerned regarding the policing of the rink as well. He is asking if a volunteer or NRSA would be prepared to have someone their at all times? Mike also wants to know if NRSA’s financial support and fundraising will be for the first year only or be consistent for each year.
(SC) Sergio is supportive of the idea. He is concerned with policing of the rink and the financial responsibility it could eventually place on P&R.
(MS)Maureen supported it and did not see any great impact on permitting as it is during slow permit season.
(MT) Marty said that there is a lot to research and take into consideration with all the locations that have been brought to the table. We must take into consideration that an Ice Rink is not Passive recreation therefore we can not place it is a Passive Recreation area. It must also have the ability of access to electrical and water. We need to be careful about who maintains access to such a facility due to town bylaws. The economy is not very good right now so P&R could not afford another project expense. Many of the locations discussed do not have good access for the public and we have to be careful of the surrounding neighborhoods. We have tried this project before for about 4 years and the lack of participants and citizens not using the facility did not make it feasible to upkeep such a
NRSA and Pierre will research more ideas on location, financial end of the project, etc and reschedule to appear before the committee with their findings.
Pierre Ancri and Keith Moore left our meeting at 8:25pm
• 2011 Goals
Sheila passed out 2010 goals for everyone to review. Goals will be reviewed at the next meeting. Billie would like for everyone to try to come up with at least one new goal for 2011 and bring to next meeting.
• Committee Elections
This is tabled until next meeting.
• Liaison Appointments
This is tabled until next meeting.
• Wine & Food
Sheila updated everyone on the progress of the wine & food. Volunteers are coming in strong. Maria has confirmed 12 restaurants. We have started selling tickets. We are receiving sponsor donations and we are receiving Auction items. We need to go over advertising schedule with Lauren and do Letter to the Editor.
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Old Business
Parks Director Updates (MT)
• Athletic Sub Committee meeting
The meeting was about knowing how to determine what kind of banners would be appropriate to let at the field. Kathy Willis said she would research. 16 Yes’ approved by school and Maureen would like the 16 names.
AAU team wants to put monies into the baseball field at the Middle School.
Recreation Director Updates (LC)
• Winter Session
Lynne informed the committee that the first week of programs we have had to postpone because of snow. Registrations went ok. This year’s registration #’s are comparable to last years.
• Summers programs
Lynne and Maria are working on reorganizing the Summerscape program for 2011. Nick T. is coming back. Still not sure where the program will be held, waiting to hear from Kathy Willis.
• Meeting with Superintendent
Lynne and Lauren met with the Superintendent of Schools, Kathy Willis on 1/11/11 and went over user fees from the schools, competing programs through the schools and access to the schools facilities, etc. Kathy is going to take a look at all of their concerns and get back to them.
Operations Director Updates (MS)
• Budgets
Maureen informed everyone that she submitted the budget to finance dept on 1/18/11. She spoke with Joe Tassone on 1/20/11 and he let her know that he did not see any concerns with the budget she submitted.
• Enterprise Warrant Article
Maureen informed everyone she submitted the warrant article for P&R to become an Enterprise. The warrant article will be at the June Town meeting.
LUC Updates (RM)
No Updates Rita Absent
FONRPRC, Inc Update (SS)
• Bricks
Sheila also informed everyone that they have received 40 brick orders. She is trying to meet up with Rita to answer question regarding brick vendor, contractor, project plans, etc. Through discussion a decision has been made to extend the brick sale promotion until 3/31/11.
Other Business
• Next Meeting date (SS)
February 2/23/11 in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm
• Agenda items for next meeting date (SS)
o 2011 goals
o Liaison Appointments
o LUC-Carol Smith meditation garden
o LUC reserved funds for projects and criteria for use(i.e. Neptune)
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:24 pm
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Approved: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Pass