Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of January 10th, 2011
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF); Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: Lauren McMullen @ 7:30pm, Billie Luker turned meeting over to LM at 7:30pm
Absent: Rita Mullin (RM)
7:21pm Quorum. Meeting called to order Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of Minutes: 12/13/10 meeting minutes
(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to accept minutes from 12/13/10 meeting as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
Accept: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Accepted
New Business
• FY2012 Budget (MS)
Maureen distributed a copy of the FY2012 budget and summarized it for all. Discussion was had and reviewed line by line.
(MF) Mike asked if we have a maintenance schedule for equipment and facilities or capital structures.
(MT) Marty explained that he has a log of when work was done but maybe we should make up a maintenance schedule to keep track of repairs and expenses.
(LM) Lauren believes that there should be a “Long Term Capital Item” line item on our budget. The committee agrees.
(MS) Maureen will research and add to budget.
(MF) Mike asked about raising fees again. Consensus of the committee is that the economy is bad; therefore it is a bad time to raise fees. We raised fees about 2 years ago and we are trying to keep the fees as low as possible and competitive with other programs.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to accept the FY2012 budget with changes discussed.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
Accept: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion accepted
• Ethics Commission Conflict of Interest Law Summary(SS)
Ethics Commission Conflict of Interest Law Summary acknowledgment form was received from Marty Tilton.
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• Policy on League fees, payments and interest charges(MS)
Maureen summarized to the committee the issues the department is having with receiving payments from the leagues timely. She also summarized the Permit application form, payment policies and procedures from the dept and the Fields and facilities handbook. Maureen explained that the timing for sending the leagues their invoices needed to be shifted to the 15th of the month the invoices go out because of work flow in the office. The committee agreed. Also, discussion was had and agreed upon by the committee as a whole that the policy on initial and final payments shall reads as follow:
o “Initial payment of the user fees (see League User Fee Schedule) which must equal
the total for each registered participant included on the roster submitted with application.”
o “Required within 2 weeks after Final League Registration deadline not to exceed 30
days after the first game date.”
They will update the handbook to include the standing interest charge policy held by Parks & Recreation as follows:
o “A late fee of 1.5% per month will be assessed to a league for user fees not paid by the
outlined due dates. The 1.5% will be based on prior year’s user fee payments. “
The Committee agreed to make the following change on the League Notification of fees due:
o Delete- Attention: Maureen Stevens
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to incorporate the standing “Late fee Charge” policy, into the Field and Facilities Policy and Procedure Handbook as stated above.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to implement and change the above policies and procedures in the Fields and Facilities handbook on pages 12 and 13 on the permit application, as specified above.
(PF) Patricia Fillmore seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.
The committee asked that when the handbook is updated to please forward to all leagues.
Old Business
Parks Director Updates (MT)
• Painting of Town Hall gym
P&R received approval from Town Administrator to move forward on painting the Town Hall gym.
Project probably will begin in about 2 weeks.
• Skate Park Quote
Marty received a quote on the repairs needed at the Skate Park at IRP for $33,000 to replace the boards and other small repairs. Marty research the materials needed and the cost which was about $5,000 in total. Marty said that his staff would repair the skate park if need be to save on the monies if need be. (BL) Billie asked if the condition of the park was dangerous. Marty responded that if it was dangerous he would have closed down the park immediately. The park is not being used now due to snow. (SC) Sergio asked if Marty and his crew could handle the repairs and if all the boards needed to be replaced. Marty reassured the committee that they could do the job themselves and that all the boards should be replaced in order to do the repairs properly. Sergio also asked how long it has been since we
needed to make such repairs and Marty said it has been about 7 or 8 years. Sergio stated that if we can not maintain the skate park then we should shut it down and remove it completely.
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Recreation Director Updates (LC)
• Winter Brochure
Lynne informed the committee that the winter brochure will be published in the transcript on 1/13/11 and registration will begin that morning at 8am.
• Meeting with Superintendent
Lynne and Lauren are meeting with the Superintendent of Schools on 1/11/11 to touch on Specific topics such as, user fees from the schools, competing programs through the schools and access to the schools facilities, etc.
Operations Director Updates (MS)
• New entry lock system at Town Hall
Maureen informed everyone that there is talk of a new entry locking system for all of Town hall and it may be a card entry system. More details will be available in upcoming months.
LUC Updates (RM)
• Carol Smith Meditation Garden
Table until next meeting
FONRPRC, Inc Update (SS)
• Town Wide Yard sale (LM)
Lauren contacted Mary Prenney of Senior Services and Mary informed Lauren that the Town Wide Yard sale should be the first weekend in May. FONRPRC will be participating in the Yard sale as a fundraiser.
• Bricks
Sheila also informed everyone that they have received 29 brick orders. Sheila asked question regarding Brick Vendor. Marty stated that the Turf committee is meeting again to discuss subject so Sheila could give them the questions to bring to the meeting.
Other Business
• Upcoming meetings
Athletic Subcommittee meeting- 1/25/11 at 1:30pm regarding Arthur Kenny Turf Field Banner program.
FONRPRC-2/7/11 from 6-7pm room 5 Town Hall Black Friday Bowl and Bricks
• Next Meeting date (SS)
February 7th, 2011 in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm-NRSA attending meeting-Skate Rink
• Agenda items for next meeting date (SS)
o 2011 goals
o LUC-Carol Smith meditation garden
o LUC reserved funds for projects and criteria for use(i.e. Neptune)
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:35 pm
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Passed