Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 18, 2010
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL); Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF); Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Staff: Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS),
Tardy: none
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM), Rita Mullin (RM); Marty Tilton (MT)
7:10pm Quorum, meeting called to order Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of Minutes: 09/20/10
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept minutes as is for 09/20/10 meeting
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Accept: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Passed
New Business
Old Business
Parks Director Updates (MS)
(Maureen updated the committee on Marty’s behalf)
• Arthur Kenney Turf Field Signs (BL)
P&R will meet with the Hillview commission on 10/27/10 to ask for their official approval of the signage at the field, and then the next step is for P&R to go in front of the School Committee. The Athletic Sub Committee liked the presentation.
• Abutter to IRP
A gentleman came into the office explaining that he is an abutter to IRP and he is having trouble with people going through his land to get to the park. The gentleman said he is going to send Marty a registered letter regarding his complaint. Marty is waiting to receive the letter to see how to follow up and see the specifics of the gentleman’s complaint.
Recreation Director Updates (LC)
• Update on Programs
Fall programs are down on registration after a hard summer of low registrations. However, we have a yoga class that is full and have a wait list, but we do not have any facilities to hold a larger class so we have had to turn people away for this class.
The Department is not negative in numbers on the revenues but we are not making as much as we usually do around this time of year. Programs that normally have no problem running such as cooking are not running at all. Just want to make everyone aware of the situation, for future reference so that decisions can be made appropriately if an expense arises that you will be aware that revenues are not as high.
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Still no one is signing up for adult programs other than yoga. We are worried about the outlook for winter program registrations.
Maybe FONRPRC, Inc could run one large program a year such as a winter festival to help supplement some of the revenue. Maureen suggests Movie nights on the weekends during the nice weather.
Operations Director Updates (MS)
• Financial Update
Revenues-Maureen summarized the financials for everyone. All revenues from the youth leagues are down, which means the registrations were down. Field rentals were up. Some monies for the turf field were received after 7/1/10 so they are not on this budget. Over all Recreation revenues are up a little.
(MF) Mike asked if we think we are charging the correct amount for the electricity charge for use of the lights. Maureen believes we are covering all the costs, but we are still in our first year of use.
(SC) Sergio asked if we should be including the demand charge in the cost of the lights and Maureen responded that she believe the hourly fee covers that as well.
(MF) Mike questions the Grants/Sponsorship line item Under Enterprise Revenues. Maureen explained that this line item is for grants received and sponsorships such as revenues received for signage at the Arthur Kenny turf field if that goes through. It was asked if Maria has received any grants. Two have been applied for. The first one we did not get and the second one we are still waiting to hear. Lynne stated that grants are difficult to predict, even though you apply for them it is not a guarantee that they are awarded, so putting a number on it on the financials makes it difficult to uphold. Lynne also stated that Maria brings in revenues through the advertising in the brochure and the wine and food social.
Expenses- Maureen went over the expenses line by line for everyone. Heat and Town water expense was mention because it was so high. It is explained that it is up because the barn heat was switched over to propane heat this year and the cost of propane has risen.
Under Parks Expense/personnel it was mentioned that the seasonal #5 sanitation employee is Rich Giordano. We thought this expense would go up because we added the IRP Bathroom responsibilities on him, but he has been very good and working it into his regular hours.
Seasonal #3 is actually last year BBQ coordinator not this past summer so next year we should see a decrease in that. Marty stayed under budget as a whole on the Parks expenses.
(MF) Mike questions asphalt expenses and what that pertained to. Maureen responded that it for repairs on parking lots, pathways, etc.
LUC Updates (RM)
FONRPRC, Inc Update (SS)
• Black Friday Bowl Fundraiser
Sheila asked for Billie Luker to be at Next FONRPRC meeting on November 1st to discuss expectations of P&R regarding fundraiser.
Other Business
• Skate Park (SC)
Sergio is asked if we have received any word on the repairs at the skate park. Maureen informed him that we have not heard anything. Sergio has ask for an update for the next meeting.
• Bathrooms at IRP (SC)
Sergio informed the committee that he was down at IRP and the left side door to the bathrooms was wide open. We need to make sure it gets closed. Maybe the spring on the door needs to be adjusted to ensure it closes on its own. Marty needs to be updated and made aware.
• Maguire Field Drainage (BL)
Billie asked Mike Fitzpatrick if he has heard if Maguire field was having any issues with drainage since the repairs were made. Mike responded that he has not heard anything.
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• Next Meeting date (SS)- Next meeting is scheduled for November 1st in Room 5 at Town Hall at 7pm
• Agenda items for next meeting date (SS)
o Wine and Food
o Signs at Arthur Kenny Field
o Skate Park
(MF) a motion was made by Mike Fitzpatrick for the meeting to adjourn to adjourn at 9:03pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Accepted: 4 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed.