_________________________ Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of January 4, 2010
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: None
Location: Town Hall, Room 5
Quorum: 7:04pm meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of minutes 11/16/09 meeting
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to accept minutes from November 16, 2009 meeting as is.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Passed
New Business
Brick Sales (MP)
Committee was updated on sales of bricks. Committee would like to advertise more. Lynne said she would put in a press release.
Maria Brown Permanent Part time (RM)
(LC) Lynne updated Committee on status of Maria’s positions, Department needs, job descriptions, revenue intake and the benefits of such a position. Discussion tabled.
Committee went into executive session from 8:09pm until 8:28pm.
Old Business
IRP Bathroom-bid updates (MT)
Marty updated committee on status of Bathroom project commencing and board of health restrictions. The project was given the ok to begin on 1/6/10.
Parks Director Update (MT)
- Turf Field- Marty updated the committee status on the Turf Field opening day ceremonies and Thanksgiving Day game to the committee. Notes were made and do’s and don’t were tracked.
(RM) Rita asked if we completed the rental info or the handbook insert yet. (MP) Mike summarized info for handbook for rental, heat fee, light fee etc. It is still a work in progress. (RM) Rita is asking to have a preliminary document obtainable with in 6 weeks.
(MT) Marty updated the committee that the handicap lift is getting inspected on Wednesday and that is the last thing needed for an occupancy permit.
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(MT) Scott Collins from Collins overhead doors has offered to donate a steal roll down security doors for the windows’ of the press box.
(MP) Mike has suggested that we look into installing wind barriers for the open area below the bleachers at the track side to eliminate trash accumulation and other problematic situations.
(LM- Lauren McMullen left meeting at 8:39pm)
Operations Director Updates (MS)
- Financial FY10 update- Maureen summarized to the committee that revenues from the leagues is lower. NRLL has not paid for Summer or Fall season yet. Marty will s/w NRLL.
Sergio asked if we can find monies anywhere to repair the Neptune at IRP. Maureen is not sure if we can.
- Planet Aid –donation Box- Maureen received literature regarding placing a Planet Aid donation box at our parks. Overall consensus of the committee was “NO”
Other Business
FONRPRC Updates (LM)
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to adjourn for Executive Session at 9:30pm
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed