_________________________ Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of November 16, 2009
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: None
Location: Town Hall, Room 5
Quorum: 7:16pm meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of minutes 11/2/09 meeting
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept minutes from November 2, 2009 meeting as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Passed
New Business
2010 Wine & Food-(SS)
Sheila asked the committee on the wording of the Wine and Food letter as to whether it should be changed for purpose of “IRP Bathroom project” to something else because bathrooms will be done. Committee wants to keep the purpose of the fundraiser earmarked for the Bathroom project because there will be a lot of small items to complete after project is done, such as landscaping, supplies and maintenance.
(LM) Lauren asked the committee opinion if the ticket price should be increase for sales. Most members agreed that it should not increase and that it should be kept the same as prior years at $40 per ticket.
Skate Rink sign-No Dogs-(LM)
Lauren informed the committee that Holly Popeo has offered to volunteer to stencil and paint a sign on the gate to the Skate Rink park at IRP that would state “NO DOGS ALLOWED” because there are still people letting their dogs run lose in the confines of the rink.
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to have Holly Popeo paint a “NO DOGS OLLOWED” Sign on the gate to the skate rink park at IRP according to the stencil she has provided.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion Passed
Donation Information in kiosk’s-(LM)
Lauren made a suggestion that we have information in the kiosks at the parks on how people can make donations to Parks & Recreation and how to contact our staff for the purpose of Donations.
Committee agreed entirely. The office staff will take action on this request.
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Turf Field Opening Ceremonies-(MP, RM, MT)
Wednesday Nov. 25th-Opening day
Rita summarized the arrangements for the Turf Field Opening Ceremonies which will be held on Wednesday November 25th starting at 11:30am at the new Turf Field located at the High School. Tom Tower will be the master of ceremonies and making the speeches. The NRHS Marching band will be playing. The NRHS football team and cheerleaders will be introduced along with other team, and committees. Suggestions were made on how to make things run smoother and faster.
Concession stand will be run by the Boosters club. We will need a cash drawer for sale of the Bricks, We need a credit card machine for sale of the bricks, A table will be set up to sell the Bricks to the public, P&R staff will be there early to help set up, sell bricks and security. A donation box will be placed at the field.
Thursday, Nov. 26th - Thanksgiving Day game.
A table will be set up for brick sales again and staff will be used for security again.
Friday, Nov. 27th- Turf Field is closed
Saturday, Nov. 28th
The High School teams will be slotted time to have at the turf field.
Sunday, Nov. 29th
The youth Sports Leagues will have slots to have time at the turf field. Mike Prisco will coordinate block schedule for time slots for youth leagues on Sunday.
Lauren updated the committee on the FONRPRC business.
Old Business
IRP Bathroom-bid updates (SC/MS/MT)
(MS) Maureen informed the committee that the Town Administrator sent a notice of award for the IRP Bathroom project to Target Construction LLC in Salem NH. Maureen will begin the PO for the bathroom building structure because it will take up to 5 weeks to receive building.
(MT) Marty informed the committee that the bridge over the creek in the back parking lot field was reinforced so when time comes for IRP bathroom project to begin vehicles will be able to exit/enter.
(SC) Sergio asked if we have received a solid in writing quote for the actual building structure for the bathrooms. Maureen will check on it.
Parks Director Update (MT)
- KidSpot- Marty updated the committee on KidSpot.
- Turf Field- Marty updated the committee status of turf field and timing on events.
Recreation Director Updates (LC)
Operations Director Updates (MS)
- Conflict of Interest law-Maureen informed committee and staff that there is a new law pertaining to conflict of interest and ethics regarding town employees or volunteers on town boards. Everyone who is on a committee, board or employee must read material take a test and be certified through the town clerks office that they have complied. This will become an annual activity of all involved
- Reminder of Committee Oath- Maureen reminded Rita and Mike F. That they still need to be sworn in by the town clerk for their seat on the P&R committee.
Other Business
Meeting Dates-(SS)
Next meeting will be on Dec. 7th, 7pm, room 5 at Town Hall.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed