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Parks & Recreation 10.19.09 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 19, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: none

Location: Town Hall, Room 5
Quorum:  7:03pm meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)

Audience of Citizens: Maria Brown

Acceptance of minutes 09/21/09 meeting
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept minutes from September 21, 2009 meeting with said changes.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
                Approved:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

New Business
Turf Field Operations and Maintenance-(MP)
Mike asked the committee for help in creating rules, procedure, permitting, liability and policy handbook for controls for the Turf Field Facility.  A sub-committee will be organized to create such a document. Mike asked to get together with Maureen and Marty to put something together.

There has been discussion about the need for a sidewalk to be installed along the driveway entrance to the High school along the field side.  However, there is not a lot of room between the fencing and the road.  Mike asked that we keep the area in mind for future reference of a sidewalk in doing any construction near that area now.

RAD Inc. took down the permanent fencing on the practice field side leaving only the temporary fencing there.  After RAD is done and there Temporary fence is removed there will be no fence at all on that side separating the Turf field at all.  RAD has been told to leave the temporary fencing until after Thanksgiving for crowd control.

((RM) Rita turns the meeting over to VC Lauren Mullen at 7:33pm to go attend the Board of Selectmen meeting)

Mike informed the committee that the turf committee is working on landscaping the front entrance gate to the turf field with lighting and a 2 foot wall and as part of a fundraiser the engraved pavers for the walkway.

Friends of NR P&R 501 C3-(LM)
Lauren updated the committee of the first FONRPRC meeting and its discussions.  There will be meeting once a month to begin and they will meet one hour before a scheduled P&R meeting. The next FONRPRC meeting will be on Nov. 16th from 6-7pm in Room 5 at Town Hall.

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Old Business
IRP Bathroom-bid updates (SC/MS/MT)
Maureen informed the committee That 19 companies have pulled plans for the IRP bathroom project.  There is a possibility of an addendum being added and if so it will be sent out by Tuesday of this week to all companies who have already pulled plans and the addendum will be added to plans for all companies pulling plans from tomorrow forth. Maureen wants to remind everyone once again of the following important dates regarding the bid process.

Central Registration – October 7th
Site visit meeting - October 14th at 10am at IRP
Bid Opening – October 29 at 11am Selectmen’s room at Town Hall

Parks Director Updates-(MT)
KidSpot- Marty updated the committee that the equipment is finally in and the cement footing for the swings will be poured tomorrow, the car and the fence will be stained and hopefully the park will be opened as of next Saturday.  KidSpot is coming in under budget, for what is done so far but basketball court is in great need of repair.

IRP Neptune-Marty informed the committee that a new web for the Neptune will be close to $11,000

(Lauren turned meeting back over to Rita Mullen at 8:03pm)

Recreation Director Updates- (LC)
        Salon 77-Lynne summarized a fundraising event hosted by Leah McCann owner of Salon 77.
        Leah donated $600 to parks & Recreation specific for the IRP Bathroom Project.
Rita suggested writing a letter to the editor of thanks to Leah and Mike Prisco suggest making a thank you sign for our office to have out and promoting Leah’s business.  Sheila will take action on each.

Other Business
Lights at IRP-(MP)
Mike asked Marty about a light that is tucked into the brush and covered with trees and can it be cleared out for better lighting.  Marty will take action.

Luc Updates-(RM)
  • Golf Tournament- Luc wanted to send their Thanks and gratitude for all the help that staff and P&R Dept gave with the Golf Tournament.  
  • Rowe Property- Warrant did not pass for the Town to purchase the Rowe Property as suggested by the LUC.
Carol Smith Fund-(RM/MS)
Monies are still being received from donations in the name of Carol Smith.

NRYSSA Director Position-(RM)
Rita informed the committee that the Board of Selectmen is voting against recommending the NRYSSA Director position to be funded by the Town Budget at the Special Town Meeting.  There is a special hearing on 11/2/09 with NRYSSA and Board of Selectmen in Room 14 and the Special Town Meeting is scheduled for 11/9/09 at 7pm at the High School Auditorium.

Rita asked to have on the next P&R agenda the topic P&R/ NRYSSA Relationship.  There was discussion among the committee about the need for such a position in the Town of North Reading along with some fears that members have regarding adding a new position at this time.

Lynne talked of how she Billie Luker and Maria Brown visited the Bedford Recreation Center and how they had an area for kids to go called the “Corner” and how well their program is run.

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(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
        Approved:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed