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Parks & Recreation 05.18.09 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of May 18, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM),
Tardy: Billie Luker (BL) arrived at 7:30pm
Location: Room 5, Town Hall

7:09pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin (RM)

Audience of Citizens:
North Reading Youth Softball- Mike Carney (President), Kurt Ferrazzani-

Acceptance of Minutes for 5/04/09 meeting.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on May 4, 2009  As is.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  4            Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed                                           

Billie Luker arrived at 7:30pm
Mike Prisco left meeting at 7:40pm to attend the Board of Selectman meeting.

New Business
BBQ Fingerprinting- (LC)
Lynne shared her idea of having a vendor come to one of the summer BBQ for free identification fingerprinting.
Rich Wallner with NY Life insurance would have a table at the event and do fingerprinting for children.  Each participant would receive the information on a CD as well. Vendor does not keep any information. The Committee liked the idea but asked Lynne to confirm with the NR Police Dept. first.  If there are no problems with them then the committee agrees.

North Reading Youth Softball (NRYS)-(Mike Carne- MC, Kurt Ferrazzani-KF)
(MC) Mike Carney expressed interest in a member of the Softball Board Joining the Committee for P&R.  He requested a Citizen’s Activity record which Maureen (MS) provided for him.
Mike and Kurt came before P&R to ask if Youth Softball (NRYS) could construct a “Home Run Fence” at field 1 of the Little School softball Complex and also asking for help with funding of the project.  The fence would be about 300 feet of fence chain link fence including a safety cap. They informed that “Home Run Fence” would benefit not only Youth Softball but Varsity Softball and the Athletic Director, Dave Johnson and the High School Varsity Softball Coach, Coach Russell are in favor of the project. Mike (MC) stated that he is not sure of the process of making such a request and would like to be guided by P&R on the process.

Page 2- North Reading Youth Softball (Continued)
Mike stated that NRYS has “some” funds that can be applied to the project but they are looking for help from P&R.  He is not sure how much the total project would cost, but NRYS has some monies allocated toward clay that they would be willing to reallocate toward this project.  Also they believe they could be able to acquire a considerable donation from a citizen. Mike said that if he had to guess at the cost he would guess about $3000 in total.
(RM) Rita informed Mike and Kurt that NRYS would have to submit plans, diagrams, 3 quotes, project description to Parks & Recreation.  The Project proposal would have to be approved by the Little School Principals, Wayne Hartaker and the Superintendent of Schools and School committee.  Rita let NRYS that they would not approved advertising on the fence.
(MC) Mike stated that he will draft up diagrams and proposal and get to P&R ASAP.
(RM) Rita has asked Maureen (MS) and Marty (MT) to draft up their opinions, pros and con’s of such a project
So that it can be submitted to the Superintendent and school committee along with NRYS‘s Proposal.

Water Pumps (MT)
Marty updated the committee on the status of the water pumps.  He ordered both pumps.  It will take about 1 ½ weeks to receive and each pump cost about $3000 (ordered 2 pumps) plus it will cost about $600 or $700 for labor.

Groomer- (MT)
Marty informed the committee that the infield groomer is no longer working. It was bought used several years ago. We share the groomer with the school dept.  It could be repaired but would cost at least $3000 or we could look into leasing a new one. Marty would like to look into leasing or purchasing a new one and offering the old one to the School Dept. to spend the monies to repair it.  He spoke with Wayne Hartaker and Wayne would like to take a look at both options of possibly repairing old groomer and keeping or going in with P&R on buying a new one.  A Toro dealer is coming to go over a purchase price vs. a lease price.  It would cost about $14000 for a new groomer. A new groomer will also be able to be used on a Turf Field. Marty will borrow a groomer from the Hillview until he acquires quotes on options and presents to the committee.
(RM) Rita asked Marty what his opinion on the situation is, whether he would like to repair the groomer and continue to share with the school; split the cost of a new groomer with the school; or buy/lease a new groomer for P&R and give the old groomer to the school to repair.
(MT) Marty expressed that ultimately he would like to have the ability of P&R have their own groomer. However, depending on funding Marty is willing to work with the School Dept. to continue to share the groomer, but the operators of the equipment should be limited and properly trained to reduce wear and tear.  
(MF) Mike agreed that P&R should have their own groomer.
(SC) Sergio stated that if the School Dept would like to share the groomer with P&R then they should pay for half the cost.  If they do not pay toward the new groomer they should not be able to use it.
(RM) Rita suggested that if we continue to share equipment with the School dept. then an agreement should be written up between P&R and the School dept. specifying use, terms and conditions of said equipment payment responsibility for repairs, etc. and it should be signed by Dr. Troughton, Wayne Hartaker, the P&R Committee and/or Marty.
(MS) Maureen gave the committee a brief update on finances to get a feel if P&R can afford a new Groomer.  She will research further and bring information to next meeting.

Maureen informed the Committee that the Chef Stove that Mike Prisco donated to Parks & Recreation has been sold.  The proceeds will be applied toward the work being done at the Recreation Center at IRP (RC@IRP).

Page 3-
Old Business
Rita (RM) summarized the second meeting with NRLL.  Rita let the committee know that Lauren (LM) informed Rita that she was comfortable with the notes that Rita forwarded to everyone. Rita informed committee that she advised NRLL to not pay out on any bills owed yet, she would bring all the information back to the P&R committee and they would render a decision and get back to NRLL ASAP. Rita asked the committee what their thoughts were on the payment process vs. completion of bathroom project at the NRLL field and what decision would they like to give NRLL. Rita asked Marty (MT) and Sergio (SC) if they had a walk thru the bathroom building at the little league field with the NRLL members.  They answered no and Sergio and Marty would like to do so but want to make sure Sib Masiello is in attendance.

Sergio (SC) stated that there was a completely different type of atmosphere at the second meeting. NRLL member’s attitudes had definitely gotten better.  Sergio also stated that the calendar fundraiser that NRLL sponsored and had hoped to raise a large amount of monies is over and they should have those funds to pay off some debt.  He also informed the committee that the largest of all the season for NRLL is over and most expenses are paid before the season begins for NRLL, with that said, he stated that NRLL still is showing a $51,000 balance in accounts. Sergio stated that the NRLL player agenda, Ed Cady, informed them that NRLL had 663 registrations and gave out 30 scholarships and still anticipated some late sign ups to come thru

After much discussion the committee members collectively agreed that NRLL should pay at least ½ what is owed (approx. $14,000) to P&R for the user fees which is $7000.00 immediately.  The other portion of monies NRLL currently has earmarked for project should go toward paying off what is owed to vendors and to button up the building structure with windows doors siding etc, in order to make it safe to the public and weather resistant until the project can be completed.  Committee members went through a list supplied by NRLL selecting what they thought would be completed to button up the building which totaled approx. $8900.  However, Mike (MF) expressed that NRLL should supply invoices and solid documentation of bills and invoices for all expenses.  The committee is also concerned about the timing of receiving the owed user fees from NRLL and how it will affect P&R budget for year end. The committee wants to set a definite payment date for receiving the payment from NRLL.

•       Committee is comfortable with NRLL paying $7000 to P&R for ½ of the monies owed immediately by specified date
•       Marty Tilton and Sergio Coviello will do a walk through inspection with Sib Masiello and members to determine what is needed to be completed to button up the building and summarize at the next P&R meeting on June 1, 2009
•       After determining what is needed to close up the building safely, the committee will meet on June 1, 2009 and determine  if they comfortable with NRLL paying approximately $9000.00 on doing so and applying what is left to vendors owed as long as it is backed up by solid documentation.

IRP Bathroom (MS)
Maureen informed the committee that a site meeting was being held at 10am on May 5th at IRP for the Bathroom Project.  Marty Tilton, Maureen Stevens, Mike O’Neill and Sergio Coviello will be at the meeting with the vendors interested in the project.  8 bid plans have been taken.

Turf Field Updates (RM)
Rita informed the committee that the process for the Turf Field project is running on time.  According to the spec. plans there are three trees along the outer edge of the high school field by the street that would have to be taken down so Marty Tilton will be holding a tree hearing on June 10th at 9am in room 10 at Town Hall.  

Page 4- Turf Field Updates (continued)
It has been advised that the trees be removed so that their root system will not disturb the track structure or turf field over time.
Rita has spoken with the Town Clerks office regarding the structure of the Turf Field Committee members.  It has been advised that the Turf Committee members be sworn in because that would give them the ability to approve and vote on invoices and bills being received by contractors and vendors.  This way the process will not be held up if the Turf Committee does not have to wait for P&R to take votes on bills and then send back to the Turf Committee.

(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to have the seven members of the Turf Committee (Dave Johnson, Rita Mullin, Jack Collins, Marty Tilton, Tom towers, Michael O’Neill and Ed Rocco ) became an Ad Hoc committee under Parks & Recreation and have members sworn in by the Town Clerk as such.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

(RM) Rita presented the committee with a bill from Gale Associates for $10,500.00 for the engineering plans for the Turf Field project.

(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to pay $10,500.00 to Gale Associates for the plans and engineering study for the Turf Field Project.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

Friends of NR P&R 501 (C) (3) (MS)
Maureen has informed the committee that Lauren McMullen has begun the application for the 501(C) 3.
Maureen has received donation from both Lacrosse and youth soccer to Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation with specific intentions of being applied to the Turf Field Project.

Other Business
Clarke Park- (MT)
Marty informed the committee that the Martin’s Pond Association held a Paint Day at Clarke Park to repair and cover up vandalism at the site.  There were 40 volunteers including children and they also strengthen the train.  He suggested that all members go by and take a look.  

Wheeler House-Open house- (MS)
Maureen passed out invitation to all the committee members for the Open House at the new Recreation Center at IRP (RC@IRP) on June 2nd from 4-7:30pm.

Plans for community center-(SC)
Sergio has asked to be put on the next meetings agenda to discuss plans for a Community Center.

Attorney General- (RM)
Rita would like to set up a meeting to have the Attorney General come in for an informative seminar for all 501
(C) 3’s and other North Reading organizations.  She would like to have P&R sponsor this meeting by June 20th if possible.  She would like the office to look at the calendar to pick a date.

Rita updated the committee on the status of Jenny O’Leary position. Rita would like to invite Jenny to attend a committee meeting to go over her mission. Rita also feels that Jenny could meet with the leagues and run seminars on bullying, team competitiveness, etc.  

Page 5-Other business (continued)
Marty summarized the BBQ schedule for the committee, beginning on July 8 and going through August 26th.

Softball hitting vehicle on Lowell St. - (SC)
Sergio informed the committee that a vehicle was struck by a softball being hit from the field at Mullin Park on Lowell Street.  No one was injured.  He feels that the committee should investigate if the field needs to be reconfigured due to this safety issue.  Marty Tilton is taking the action of investigating.

Incident at IRP between Men’s Softball and Youth Soccer- (MF)
Mike Fitzpatrick addressed the issue that occurred last weekend between a player on a men’s softball team and youth soccer coaches/parents at IRP.  Mike commended Billie Luker for his quick response being at the park during the incident and thanked him for his assistance.

Mower from Hillview-(MT)
Marty informed the committee that the Hillview is giving P&R a wide deck mower because they are purchasing a new one. Te new mower will be specific for IRP and Maguire fields.

Cameras at Clarke Parke- (LC)
Lynne informed the committee that Laurie Lynes called P&R to ask about placing a “FAKE” camera at Clarke Park to deter crimes.  Laurie informed Lynne that the Martin’s Pond Association is installing motion censored lighting to help the situation.  The committee informed Lynne to ask the Town Administrator about the idea but they feel it was not a very good idea because it could cause a liability issue. Lynne will give the information to Marty.  Rita asked for the subject to be tabled until Marty could investigate.

(MF)   a motion was made by Mike Fitzpatrick for the Committee to adjourn the meeting at 9:45pm.
(BL)    Billie Luker seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.