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Parks & Recreation 05.04.09 Minutes
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of May 4, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Lisa Dickey (LD)
Tardy: Billie Luker (BL) arrived at 7:28pm
Location: Lunchroom at Town Hall

7:22pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin (RM)

Audience of Citizens:
No Audience

Acceptance of Minutes for 4/15/09 meeting.
(SCM) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on April 15, 2009 with specified changes.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  4            Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed                                           

Billie Luker arrived at 7:28pm

New Business
Wheeler House-Open house- (MS)
Committee would like to invite LUC, Hillview commission, Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator, staff, committee members and vendors who worked on the project to the open house.  Refreshments will be served to be determined later. It will be held on June 2nd, 2009 Tuesday from 4:30-7pm at the Wheeler house.

Naming of the Wheeler house- (ALL)
Discussion was had to rename the Wheeler House project.  It was suggested by Lynne to rename “The Recreation Center at Ipswich River Park”

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to rename the Facility at the Wheeler house property to “The Recreation Center at Ipswich River Park”.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion Passed

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Marty and Maureen will order a new sign for the facility.  The committee would like it to state its new name “The Recreation Facility at Ipswich River Park” (RC/IRP) along with the address of 5 Central Street.

Wheeler Parking/Soccer Parking (LC)
Lynne informed the committee that the traffic going through the RC/IRP parking entrances is causing a problem with dirt and dust kicking up and coming into the facility making it difficult to maintaining cleanliness or keeping the windows open. Also, the general public is speeding into the entrance and exit driveways at RC/IRP.  This is going to cause a problem when we hold classes over there for children. Lynne felt that the entrance ways should be roped, chained or blocked off to the general public.  The Committee agreed with this suggestion.  Marty will look into getting signs for the driveways posting that the driveways are for patrons of the RC/IRP only.  The Committee also would like Saw Horses placed at the entrance and exits immediately.  The committee has asked the office to email all sports leagues immediately informing them of the changes and stating the guidelines.

Friends of NR P&R 501 ( C )(3) (LM)
Lauren summarized the creation of the “Friends of North Reading Parks & Recreation 501 ( C ) (3) non-profit committee. The responsibilities of this committee are to fundraise for Parks & Recreation purposes.  Many entities will not even speak to P&R regarding donations because it is a municipality and not a non-profit organization.  This will give P&R the ability to fundraise, receive donations and grants through federal and state.
The Committee will consist of a President, Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Clerk.  Also, their will be a Board of Directors consisting of at least 3 members but no more that 5 members.   The following people have volunteered their time to be on this committee for the following positions:
                        President: Lauren McMullen
                        Vice-President-Maria Brown
                        Treasurer-Maureen Stevens
                        Clerk- Sheila Sturdevant
                        Board of Directors-Mike Prisco, Sergio Coviello and Mike Fitzpatrick with 2 open seats.

The committee will run on the same fiscal year as the Town Budget of July 1st through June 30th of every year. Elections will be held in May of every year. All members will be volunteers.  There will be a filing fee and an IRS fee to obtain the certificate of 501 c. Lauren and Maureen have written the Purpose. Lauren McMullen is writing the By-laws.

Purpose: To support, foster, encourage interest in and promote all athletic and recreational activities and facilities in the Town of North Reading through fundraising and other booster activities; to acquire and own such real and personal property as may be necessary; and for all other lawful purposes.

To seek funding through donations, fundraising events, grant writing, corporate gifts and gifts or bequests in kind of goods and services to financially support the good works of North Reading Parks & Recreation. Such efforts may include; service program development and facility improvements or renovations not otherwise funded by Town of North Reading.
The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and/or scientific purposes under section 501( C )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Mike Prisco has offered to make a donation to the Committee.

Water Pumps (MT)
Marty has been working on the irrigation pumps at the pump house for quite some time.  The pumps have cracked.  Last fall the weather turned freezing very suddenly earlier than expected, however the water was kept on to clean out the concession stand which was not done on a timely basis.  In turn, this has caused the damage to the pumps. Marty is looking into winterizing the pump house so that it will never happen again. He is unsure of cost of repair at this time.  There are still some monies left in the emergency fund which will be applied to repairs. Marty has already repaired the pipes damaged. However, the pumps need to be services professionally.
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Old Business
NRLL (MS, SC, MT)-please refer to meeting minutes of Special meeting on 4/23/09 with NRLL
Maureen updated the committee and staff on the on goings at the special meeting with NRLL on April 23, 2009 to go over issues of non payment of the P&R user fees.  She explained how she opened the meeting by explaining the purpose of the meeting to NRLL.  She informed the P&R Committee that NRLL’s goal is to finish their bathroom building project first which they do not have all the monies for and still need to raise funds before paying any monies owed to P&R for user fees.  NRLL asked if they could pay the owed user fees over a time period of 4 years and not commencing to do so until next spring baseball season.  Maureen received a balance sheet, check register and 901 forms from NRLL which she distributed to the committee and staff.

Marty felt as though NRLL was not fully disclosing all their knowledge and still misleading P&R. NRLL stated that they are hoping to raise $10,000 from a Calendar fundraiser they have started.  Marty received documentation stating that NRLL is hoping to raise a NET of $27,000 from this same fundraiser.
Sergio feels that NRLL was misleading also.  He feels that any organization should be held responsible for paying their bill payables before continuing on any building project.  Fiscal responsibilities should always be a priority.
The committee is questioning whether a 501 c organization is allowed to invest collected funds into a money market.  Many Committee members feel that the Bathroom Building permit should be pulled and project should be stopped until NRLL takes care of their fiscal responsibilities and then NRLL can meet with P&R and both can work together and go over a plan of organization to complete the building project.  The facility at the Benevento Field is ultimately the responsibility of P&R and the Town of North Reading.
Rita has asked for the opportunity to meet with NRLL one more time and inform them of how P&R committee feels and invites any and all Committee members and staff to attend the meeting.  The Committee agreed to this.  Rita has asked Maureen to set up a date and time to meet with NRLL.
Mike Prisco has asked to have NRLL submit their bank statements to P&R for audit to make sure that they are fiscally sound.
P&R committee may schedule a special meeting before the next schedule meeting on May18th, 2009 to go over the results of meeting with NRLL.  The committee as a whole agrees that this is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately and not left to linger.

IRP Bathroom (MS)
Maureen informed the committee that all specifications for the IRP Bathroom project have been completed and submitted. CD was burned and plans were copied. The bid opening is schedule for May 27th at 10:30am at the Town Administrators office. Checking to see if the building manufacturer we are using will have to be bid out.

Turf Field Purchases and expenditures (RM)
Rita summarized the drawing submitted by Gale Associates for review.  Rita informed which drawing the Turf Committee liked better.  Rita asked P&R committee if they are supportive of approving Gale Associates to be awarded the contract for drawing up the plans and winning the bid.  Committee was very supportive. Gale Associates came in a very low bid, The Committee agreed that they would support Gale and be at the public hearing for the turf committee showing their support and decision.

(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to support the Turf Committee and accept the Bid from Gale Associates for $98,790 for Design, services and plans for the Turf Field Project.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick second the motion/
        Approve: 4              Opposed:  0             Abstained: 1*
                                                        (*LM-conflict of interest)
Motion passed

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Update on Summer Program Location (LC)
Lynne summarized for the committee that the summerscape program will be moved to NRMS due to the Asbestos removal at the Little School taking place this summer. Kid Connection is also going to be placed in an alternative location.
Lynne met with Bud Miller, custodian at the MS and Maggie Dalton and went over plans and arrangements for the summer program. Lynne was thrilled that they were all on the same page with arrangements.  They would cone off the round about entrance in front of the school and the exit from the old parking lot for playground use.
The program would use the gym and cafeteria inside the building and use the exit to go out back to the fields through the loading docks.  We would also have full use of the tennis courts. The new side parking lot where the drop off during school time is will be the general parking for all visitors and staff.

Other Business
Wheeler House project –supplies needed (LC)
•       Lynne has asked Marty in the future to build shelves in the breezeway between the house and the garage at the wheeler for storage.
•       Looking for a Microwave cart or traveling island for center of the room.
•       Email blast went out regarding play equipment donations and has been receiving an overwhelming response.
•       Lynne is looking for small table and chairs for indoors at the wheeler for Kid Connection.

Plans to expand Wheeler-(SC)
(SC) Sergio has been checking around to get an idea of prices for plans to be drawn up for an addition/expansion at the wheeler house.

Signs for staff/committee vehicles-(LC)
Lynne showed a sample of magnetic sign for staff vehicle’s driving into IRP or other parks.  When an employee enters the park they are to place the magnetic sign on the vehicle door for identification.
(RM) Rita asked Sheila to make magnetic signs for all committee members for next meeting.

Port-a-potties at IRP
(LM) Lauren inquired to Marty if there was a need and if all the port-a-potties at IRP were thru our dept.  Marty explained that some of them were moved over by the Soccer league because of the shut down at Maguire Field because soccer has moved over to IRP.

(MP)   a motion was made by Mike Prisco for the Committee to adjourn the meeting at 9:48pm.
(MF)    Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.