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Parks & Recreation 02.02.09 Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                      _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2009

Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Mike Prisco (MP), Kathy Morgan (KM), Lisa Dickey (LD), Olga Arnold (OA), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF),

(RM)   7:05pm No Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin

Audience of Citizens:

Acceptance of Minutes
No minutes were discussed at this meeting.

New Business
Advertisement in Brochures (LC)
Lynne informed the committee on an idea of placing public advertisement in the brochure to bring in more income.  The committee likes the idea. At the next meeting Lynne will work up a procedure, price base and structure and present it to the committee.

Wine & Food (SS)
Sheila informed the committee on this years Wine and Food social and the progress. Sheila will meet with Lauren McMullen to review procedure from past.

Turf Field Warrant Article (RM)
Rita informed the committee that the Turf Field Warrant Article will be on the April Town Meeting agenda. The Turf Committee has interviewed 4 separate companies and received proposals. The High school game field would be Turf, The practice field would be natural materials.  The Turf Committee had an idea of holding a public forum meeting to inform everyone on the project. The BOS is hesitant on supporting this article at this time.

Recreation meeting on 2/23/09 (MS)
Maureen let the committee know that she would not be able to attend the 2/23/09 meeting or any meeting held on the 4th Monday of a month due to another commitment.  She was asking for the meeting to be changed.  The committee said it would not be a problem for her not to be at the 2/23/09 meeting, but due to schedules the meeting will still be held.

Old Business
Renovation at the Wheeler House-(MT)
Marty updated the committee on the progress of the Wheeler building.  The work is on schedule and going great.  They are getting ready for the contractor to begin soon starting with installing windows.
Page 2-Old Business continued
Committee Liaison listing
The committee reviewed the Liaison listing and suggested some changes. Sheila will contact Rita to review again before published.

Update on IRP Bathrooms- (SC)
Sergio updated the committee on the progress of the IRP Bathroom project. A suggestion was made to Sergio to kitty corner the structure of the bathroom building next to the concession stand instead of having it flush next to the concession stand to promote location of facility and make it easy to spot. Sergio asked Rita to check with LUC to make sure they would agree with that.
In order to begin construction of location large trucks will have to enter and exit the park.  The vehicles should not enter or exit on the walking path due to not ruining it.  So the rear access bridge over behind the barn has been discussed to repair to make access for trucks.  Conservation said that the land around the bridge can not be disturbed at all.  So Sergio and Marty have talked about reinforcing the steel plates over the bridge for access and weight limit.
The bridge repairs will be review in the near future to see how we can permanently restructure by code.

Other Business
Committee member involvement-RM
Rita informed the committee that Kathy Morgan has opted to not re-up her term for Parks & Recreation Committee. Sheila will contact Kathy to ask her for a written resignation to be submitted to the Town Administrator.  Sheila will also contact Olga Arnold and Lisa Dickey to see what their intentions of commitment are also.  
The committee discussed advertising for additional Committee members.

Community Calendar-(LC)
Lynne discussed the possibility of hosting a Community Calendar by the Recreation Dept.  The Dept. would contact all local town groups and post activities location and times on the calendar.  Also, space on the calendar can be sold for advertisement and the calendar can be inserted into the quarterly release of the brochures for the public to receive.  The calendar could generate revenues. Lynne feels that we can have Maria Brown work on this project.

IRP Bathroom Project Warrant Article-(MS)
Maureen informed the committee that the Hillview Commission has address the monies for the project by increasing their capital line item by $60k.  The warrant article is still on for April until a status is received.

Wheeler project fundraising-(LC)
Lynne asked the committee about beginning serious fundraising to support the Wheeler Building project.  It is difficult to find space in town facilities for Recreation programs and the department would like to start to move forward on fundraising to create a community center at the Wheeler building. The committee agrees that a community center is something that they would like to start to work toward for the community.  They feel it would be an enormous asset to the town and would receive great support. Some members and staff feel that a community center should set precedence over a bridge from the High School over the IRP. Sergio felt that even though the economy is struggling it is a good time to bring forth the idea because he feels the town is looking for Parks & Recreation to become a self sustaining entity financially and having a community center would allow us to create the income we would need to do so. Sergio would like to work with Marty on brainstorming for such a project.

Ray Penny-Hotdog vendor at Parish Park-(MS)
Ray Penny asked for Parks & Recreations feed back on having his hot dog cart at Parish Park and if we felt there were any issues to be addressed from last season.  He will be renewing his permit soon. Maureen polled the committee to see if they are still in favor of this venture. Committee member do feel that a CORI check should be done and agree the terms from last year are to still stand.
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Mr. Penney has asked if he can put Chess Boards out on the picnic tables at Parish Park for the children and adults that stop by to have something to do and he could even offer lessons and put out flyers.  The committee agrees that Mr. Penney should NOT advertise in any way for such a program.  If he would like to have a chess board at the park for his personal reasons that is fine but he can not promote running a program to the public.

Next Meeting on 2/23/09
•       NRYLL will be attending the meeting on 2/23/09-(MT)

•       Committee will review last year’s goals and discuss future goals. Rita has asked for all members and staff to brainstorm on goals and bring them to the next meeting.

•       A vote will be taken at the next meeting regarding the Turf Field Warrant Article.

•       Liaison listing should be completed and reviewed at the next meeting.

•       Discuss possible New Member advertising

(SC)    a motion was made by Sergio Coviello to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 pm.
(BL)    Billie Luker seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.  Meeting Adjourned at 8:54 pm