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Parks & Recreation 01.05.09 Minutes
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2009

Committee Members: Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL), Kathy Morgan (KM), Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Lisa Dickey (LD), Olga Arnold (OA), Rita Mullin (RM),

(LM)   7:03pm Quorum, meeting called to order Lauren McMullen.

Audience of Citizens:

Acceptance of Minutes
(KM) A motion was made by Kathy Morgan to accept the meeting minutes from November 3, 2008 committee meeting as is.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion.
        No discussion was had
        Approved:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1
Motion passed

(KM) A motion was made by Kathy Morgan to accept the meeting minutes from November 17, 2008 committee meeting as is.
(MP) Mike Prisco seconds the motion.
        No discussion was had
        Approved:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1
Motion passed

New Business
North Reading youth little league has had an issue with the company they used for their registration process.  The company that took the credit card payment from the public for registration purposes has not paid out to NRYLL.  North Reading is not an isolated town with this company.  The company has not paid out to many of their clients.  The company owes NRYLL about $40k. The committee is questioning whether NRYLL may approach Parks & Recreation and asks for us to help bear the burden due to their financial distress and not receiving the monies.  No one has approached P & R committee as of yet. It is estimated that NRYLL would owe P&R about $34k which we usually receive sometime in the spring of 09. Recreation will be sending out a new league package to NRYLL for the New Year.

Page 2-New Business
FY1- Revolving Account
The operating budget has already been submitted to the Town Administrator.  On 11/19/08 meeting the Town Administrator and Finance dept ask for a 3% reduction in the budget.  Approximately $10k was cut from the
budget.  The committee went over budget line by line items that were affected by the cut backs.  The committee is worried about the economy drop.  They wish to take a look at a 10% reduction for FY10 as a projection to see
what may be possible.  Maureen Stevens will take a look at projection and bring to the mandatory special meeting on January 14th, 2009 in Room 14 at Town Hall at 6:30pm.  The committee is asking all members to be present so that they can work on and approve the budget which must be presented to the Board of Selectman on January 21, 2009 at the Board of Selectman’s meeting.

Meeting Schedule
There is a mandatory committee meeting on January 14th at 6:30pm in room 14 of the Town Hall.
The February meetings are scheduled for 2/2/09 and 2/23/09 both in Room 5 of the Town Hall.

Member involvement
The committee has grown much larger in member numbers than in the past. However, it is important for all members to remember that if they do not show up to meetings than it makes it difficult on the committee to obtain a quorum therefore topics can not be voted on, hence, no progress can be made.  
It is less complicated at times to have a smaller committee therefore quorum can be obtained and items voted on.
Members need to make sure that the committee is something they can commit to.  Other possibilities are members stepping aside if commitment is difficult but remaining an Associate member, whom is someone still involved but does not have voting authority.

Old Business
Department updates
Liaison to committees- a listing will be made up for next meeting to go over and chose new liaisons for committee contacts.

Wheeler updates-(MT) Marty and Chris have started the first phase of demolition at the Wheeler house.

IRP Bonfire for NRYSSA- (MT) Marty didn’t think there was as good of a turnout that they thought there would have been. Too much responsibility was put upon Marty.   The wood still needed to be cleaned up by Mark Hall and the fencing will be cleaned up Wednesday of the upcoming week.

Other Business
Committee appointments
At the next meeting on January 14th, 2009 the committee needs to nominate and approve new officers on the Parks & Recreation committee.

(KM)    a motion was made by Kathy Morgan to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.  Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 pm