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Parks & Recreation 11.03.08 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of November 03, 2008

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM), Lisa Dickey (LD), Billie Luker (BL), Kathy Morgan (KM), Olga Arnold (OA)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Tardy: (MP) Mike Prisco arrived at 6:58pm
Absent: none

(RM)   6:36pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin.

Audience of Citizens:
Mark Hall (MH), NRYSSA, Bonfire at IRP for New Years.

Acceptance of Minutes
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept minutes from meeting on October 20th, 2008 as written.
(KM) Kathy Morgan seconds the motion.
        Approved: 8             Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept minutes from June 2nd, 2008 meeting as written.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
        Approved: 8             Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed.

Old Business
Update on Maguire Field Renovation Project & Plan (MT)
(MT) Marty updated the committee on the progress of Maguire Field Renovations.  The grass is finally popping up and it looks great. He informed the committee that he is still gathering the final numbers for the project and as soon as he has them he will update the committee. Marty feels that the amounts are right on target with what was budgeted.
(RM) Rita has requested that we send a letter of thanks and appreciation to NRYS (North Reading Youth Soccer league) along with a photo of the project.  (MT) Marty will take action on the letter.
(LM) Lauren made a suggestion to contact the Transcript for a photo and article on the project.  (SS) Sheila will take action of contacting Bob Turosz of the transcript. (MT) Marty feels that a photo should be taken with NRYS at the site.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick informed the committee that NRYS is extremely pleased regarding the outcome of the project.

Update on Wheeler Renovation Schedule and Plans (MT)
(MT) Marty informed the committee that he has received all the bids from contractors for the Wheeler Project and he has made his final decision to choose Lombardo Contractors.
Page 2- Update on Wheeler Renovation Schedule and Plans (continued)
The Wheeler project will occur in phases.  The first phase is demolition of the interior.  If the work is prolonged to begin by one more month then Marty and his staff can begin the work themselves and save Parks & Recreation monies by not contracting out the first phase.  The committee agrees that this would be a good idea. The committee asked Marty if he has the schedule laid out for the project.  Marty responded that he does have a schedule and will submit a copy to the committee.

Turf Field Update (RM)
(RM) Rita has informed the committee that she is getting two more quotes for the engineering plans for the Turf Project.  The first quote came in around $80 to $120 thousand dollars. The complete project is projected to cost around anywhere from $2 to $3 Million dollars.  Rita is still collecting information from all town departments regarding any views or concerns on this type of project.  The Turf Committee is also investigating other options other than turf; such as real grass being used for the project, lesser of an area being renovated, etc.  The Committee has asked if they can have a list of names of people who are willing to be on the Turf Committee.  Rita will forward the information to the committee. (SS) Sheila will take action on locating the Turf Committee sign up sheet from the April Turf Meeting.

New Business
NRYSSA Bonfire Fundraiser (Mark Hall-MH)
(MH) Mark Hall presented to the committee NRYSSA’s idea of the Bonfire Fundraiser they would like to hold at IRP on 12/31/08 for New Years.  The proceeds would go to NRYS (North Reading Youth Services). NRYSSA would be asking for a permit to build a bonfire in the park on the other side of the playground structure on the grass area near the fire hydrant and according to all safety regulations set forth by Parks & Recreation and the NR Fire Department.  Marty and Mark did complete a walk through at IRP and agreed to the area that would best suit the location for the bonfire.
NYRSSA would be responsible for all set up, clean up and activity during the event.  They would like to have the fire, concession and hayrides, a shuttle from the parking lot into the park, open BBQ, music and possible other small activities for this family orientated event.  Mark has assured the committee that there would not be alcohol at this event. Admission monies would be collected at the gate(s).  The event would most likely end before midnight.  NYRSSA would take care of all the clean up from the event and make sure that the park would be in perfect condition after the event. If the event is successful NRYSSA would like to think about hosting it every year.

(KM) Kathy Morgan made a motion to approve NYRSSA the use of IRP and concession stand for the New Year’s Eve bonfire event on 12/31/08 for their fundraiser with all necessary permits in place.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
        Approved: 8             Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed.

Financial Review (YTD Budget to actual) (MS, All)
(MS) Maureen distributed copies of the YTD Financials to all present.  A discussion was had regarding the YTD financials.  There were various line items that were questioned and answered as to their current status.  

FY2010 Operating Budget (MS)
(MS) Maureen Stevens updated the committee on the status of the FY2010 budget deadlines.  The budget is due on 11/14/08.  A level line budget would be submitted and a 3% reduction operating budget would be submitted as requested by the Town Administrator.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept the 3% reduction budget as presented to the committee and the level line operating budget as presented to the committee for FY2010.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
        Approved: 8             Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed.
Page 3
(MS-excused herself from the committee meeting at 6:59 pm to attend the BOS meeting regarding Budget issues.)

Fundraiser Dance (LM)
(LM) Lauren updated the committee on the status of the Adult Fall Fundraiser dance.  The committee made the decision that if someone purchases 10 tickets then they can reserve a table for their party.  

Wine & Food (SS)
(SS) Sheila updated the committee on the Wine & Food Social.  The restaurant letters have been mailed out.  The next phase is Auction request letters and then Sponsor letters.  

Other Business
Next Meeting Date
(SS) The next meeting date is November 17, 2008 at 7pm in Room 5 at Town Hall.
(RM) Rita has asked Marty (MT) to begin scheduling more leagues to come to the meeting for their annual Q&A. Marty has informed the committee that he is thinking about scheduling another Sports League meeting with all the leagues at one time like he held last year.  

Documentation process for Committee members (RM)
(RM) Rita asked that if information is received in the office by the staff or by any committee member that will be reviewed at meeting please forward copies of the documentation to all members and staff by email prior to the meeting so that it can be reviewed ahead of time.  

Clark Park Hours of Operation (RM)
(RM) Rita requested that a sign be posted at Clarke Park stating its hours.  (MT) Marty will take action on this.

IRP Bathroom Project (LC)
(LC) Lynne has asked (RM) Rita for the official financial numbers for the IRP bathroom project so that the staff can create a fundraiser meter for the project and to better inform the community on needs of funds and progress.
(RM) Rita will request the numbers from LUC next Wednesday.

Mike Prisco regarding Chair person position (MP)
(MP) Mike has informed the staff and committee that he will be resigning from the Chair person position of the Parks & Recreation Committee because he feels as though it could be a potential conflict because he is the Chair of the FAC (Financial Advisory Committee).  Mike he expressed his appreciation to the committee and staff.  He wishes to remain on the Parks & Recreation Committee; however, he feels that it would be in the best interest for the department if he stepped down from the Chair position.
The committee as a whole expressed their gratitude and respect to Mike for thinking of the Parks & Recreation Dept. on this angle and commends him for all his service to the committee, staff and the Parks & Recreation programs as a whole.

(MF)    A motion was made by Mike Fitzpatrick to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm.
(BL)    Billie Luker seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  7            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20pm