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Parks & Recreation 09.15.08 Minutes
Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,  September 15, 2008

Committee Members Present:  Michael Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Michael Fitzpatrick (MP), Billie Luker (BL), Sergio Coviello (SC), Kathy Morgan (KM), Olga Arnold (OA), Lauren McMullen (LM), Lisa Dickey (LD)
Staff Present:  Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS)

Call to Order:
(MP)  7:10PM Quorum met, meeting called to order by Michael Prisco

Audience of Citizens:

Acceptance of Meeting Minutes:
No minutes presented, therefore nothing accepted.

Old Business:
Update on Maguire Field Renovation Project
(MT) Maguire Fields are currently shut down.  Irrigations heads and system have been taken care of to prepare for renovation.  The renovation aspect of the project is ready to start next week.  
(MF) North Reading Youth Soccer (NRYS) wants a copy of Bid.  
(MS) One will be provided once all signatures are received.  We have received the signature of the awarded bidder (Sports Turf Specialties) but the bid form requires the Town Accountant, Town Counsel and Town Administrator to sign off as well.  We are awaiting those final signatures and once received a copy will be forwarded to NRYS.  NRYS will receive a copy of each invoice. We are doing a 50/50 split.  
(MF) Joanne of NRYS would like a copy of each invoice.
(MS) She will receive a copy of each invoice therefore and our files should mirror one another.

Update on Wheeler Renovation Project
(MT) Waiting on one more quote which will make three.  

Update on Permanent Bathrooms at Ipswich River Park (IRP)
(SC) We currently have a ballpark figure on the project which is $160-$180K for bidding purposes.  The approximate breakdown is $50K for bathrooms, $50K for septic and $60K for pavilion.  The funding mechanism for this project is LUC (Hillview) Parks & Recreation.  A bill for $2,700 for the final plans and bid package needs to be approved for payment by LUC in order to continue and receive plans.  It was asked if we needed the money in place before we go out to bid.
(MS)  Yes, money must be in place prior for a bid project.

Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,  September 15, 2008

New Business
New Operations Director Status
(RM) States she is pleased to announce that the Operations Director, Department Head position has been officially approved and awarded to Maureen Stevens by the Town Administrator (effective 9/10/08) .

Summer Scholarships
(LC) Scholarships worth approximately $4,700 were allowed for 4 families in North Reading for the Summerscape Program.  These scholarships are generally needs based.  These scholarships do not cost the department any money as we did not have to hire additional staff or turn away any children from the program.  The reason for the update is to advise of the possibility of additional needs in the future and the possibility of placing a cap on the amount of scholarships awarded.  Also instructors with age appropriate children are allowed to bring their children to the program.
(MP) Made a suggestion that in FY10 we could have a line item for Summerscape scholarships that allows the Recreation Director initial approval and should additional requests be received it would be reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Committee.  
(LM) Asked if there was a process for applying for scholarships.
(LC) Yes there is an application process.
(MP) Further discussion will be done in regard to a budget number at FY10 budget time.

Upcoming Convention
(LC) Mass Rec & Park Assn is hosting their annual State Conference & Expo, October 26 to 28th.  LC and MT usually attend this conference and its various sessions and speakers and plan to attend this year.
(RM) Thought it might be interesting to other Recreation Members.  Asked if add’l copies be distributed to see if there is interest.
(MS)  We have a line item in the budget for this expense.

Pricing on New Steel Door at IRP Snack Shack
(MT) Received a quote on security doors for the Concession Stand at IRP.  The quote is from Collins Overhead Doors for steel overhead doors that go over the existing doors.  Quote of $3300 for both doors or $1900 for the double door only.
(MF) Since NRYS put in steel doors at Chestnut Street that have not had a break-in incident.
Michael Prisco makes motion to accept Collins Overhead quote to purchase and install both doors for $3,300
Kathy Morgan seconds the motion to accept.
Discussion - None.
Vote: “All in Favor”  Unanimous - PASSES

Fundraiser Dance – Hillview, November 21st
(LM) Wanted to remind everyone of the dance at Hillview on November 21st.  Asked if the deposit was sent to the band (Four on the Floor).
(MS) A deposit of $150 sent and confirmed received by Kevin Dooley.
(LM) Discussion about the forms of advertising that were going to be used.  
(LC) Fall Brochure which comes out 9/18/08 has the details of the dance under Upcoming Fundraising Events.  Will be on website.  
(LM) May advertise in Transcript.  Will do a Letter to the Editor.  Posters were mentioned and Olga offered to help with posters with Lauren and it was requested to work out the details at the Parks & Recreation office.  A
Parks & Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,  September 15, 2008

flyer would be developed to distribute and post at the Park but must go through the Parks & Recreation office.  Hillview will open at 7:30 and Band to go on at 8PM.  Tickets are $10/Advance, $12/Door, 450 people maximum.  
(LC) She could get some community service workers to take coats.
(MS) Need someone to take and sell tickets at the door.

Request for Overtime of the DPW/Parks Position
(MT) Due to the absence of one of the Parks DPW workers, authorization was requested to allow overtime for the Acting Foreman.  
Motion was made by Rita Mullin to approve up to $10,000 for Special Projects and overtime until the position is filled or until 6/30/08, whichever comes first.
Michael Prisco seconds the motion.
Discussion – General discussion about what type of work would be done.  The work could be a few extra hours a day to finish needed daily tasks.  At most it would be 10 hours per week.  It was asked if we couldn’t just hire someone seasonal.  Due to union issues, some of the daily tasks which is union work, should be offered and performed by a union worker.  Specials projects could be offered to others not in the union.  We have a line item for additional seasonal help for the Fall which may be pursued as well.
Vote: “All in Favor”  Unanimous - PASSES

Building on the Common (BOC)– Current Conditions
(LC) The Building on the Common’s current conditions are horrific.  There are coffee stains everywhere and they are huge.  We pay to clean it all year long with exception to the summer as we are not there from May to September.  Spoke to John Welsh, Facilities Director and he said that he cleaned it already this year.  Once the Wheeler property is renovated, some of the classes will move away from the BOC.

Town Meeting – Monday, October 6th
Next Recreation Meeting – Monday, October 20th (Budget Session)

Kathy Morgan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25PM
Olga Arnold second the motion.
Vote: “All in Favor”  Unanimous
Meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Prepared by:  Maureen Stevens