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Parks & Recreation 09.03.08 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of September 3, 2008

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullen (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Kathy Morgan (KM), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Lisa Dickey (LD)
Tardy: Olga Arnold (OA- 7:16pm) Billie Luker (BL-7:28pm),
Staff:  Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Maureen Stevens (MS)
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM),

 (MP)   7:07pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens:
Acceptance of meeting minutes from 08/18/08 meeting
(KM) Kathy Morgan made a motion to accept the minutes from the August 18, 2008 meeting.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        No discussion was had.
Approved:  6            Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0

Old Business
Update on Maguire renovations
(MT) Marty Tilton spoke with conservation department about Maguire field and they said it is fine for renovations to go forward.  The work will begin next week.

Update on Wheeler Property      
(MT)  Marty is waiting on bids come back from contractors.  The mold needs to be removed before the work can begin.  Marty is looking into having wooden stairs constructed for the front entrance because of cost. He is hoping to have the building in working condition by the end of this winter. The committee asked if looking into Trex composite material for the stairs would be cost effective. The siding of the building will remain wood and match what is already there.

Update on IRP Bathrooms
(LC) Recreation Director asked how close we are to making the bathrooms at IRP a reality. Lynne would like to display a progress chart for the public to view regarding construction cost and how much we have risen so far and how close to our goal we are. The public is asking question regarding these goals and she does not feel comfortable with the knowledge she has.  She would like to acquire updated factual information so that she can inform the public correctly. How much do we have?  How much does LUC have? What will be the bottom line number for construction?  Rita (RM) said she will go to LUC to get there input at the next meeting.  (SC) Sergio informed the committee that it will be between $90k-$100k, with pavilion it would be about $150k.

Page 2(Old Business Cont’d)
Update on NRYFL
(MT) NRYFL were not happy about the user fee assessed for the cheerleaders. They acknowledge that the
topic was discussed but said they never received anything in writing. (MT) Marty informed the committee that he and NRYFL-Ernie Arena, President, did come to a compromise.  NRYFL agreed to pay $15 user fee per cheerleader (modeling the Basketball league).  NRYFL requested port-a-potties to be placed at the field and have agreed to pay that cost. NRYFL requested to have the field lines painted and Marty informed them that they had to go through the school for that topic.  The school made NRYFL pay for the painting of the field. NRYFL was very upset about all the new fees and wanted to know what they are getting for them.

LUC Golf Tournament
(MP) The committee was updated on the details for the LUC Golf Tournament being held on October 5th at the Hillview Country Club.  After the tournament they will be having a BBQ and awards, all included in cost of ticket.

Turf Field Program Update
(MP) Mike informed the committee that he was speaking with someone in Medford regarding their Turf Field.  He was told that Nike Corp. wanted to pay to place a turf field in Medford with the Nike Logo painted on the field and the scoreboard, but it did not go through because of the location of the field.  Mike is going to research the possibility for North Reading and report back to the committee.
(RM) Rita informed the committee that a lot of work has been done on the video.  They have done a lot of interviewing.  They have also spoken with Rep. Brad Jones office and are looking into grants.  Once the video is complete Rita would like to ask for a commitment from all the sports leagues.

Update on KidSpot
(KM) Kathy informed the committee that the ConCom does not want to transfer the KidSpot land over to P&R, but they are fine with P&R updating and maintaining the park.  The representative from the state said it would be ok.

New Business
New version of Permit Application
(MS & MT) Maureen added the “Time Boxes on the Application page of the handbook, along with the note” enter time needed in from and to format, I.E. 9am to 12pm.”
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept new version of the Permit Application, page 11 of the Field and Facility Permit Policies Handbook as changed, along with the revision # at the bottom of page 11 being changed to #2 with the date of 9/3/08 and also updating the index page to reflect the updated changes in the handbook.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
        No discussion was had.
        Approved: 8             Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0

FY10 Budget
(LC) The Recreation Dept is still working on closing out the summer schedule and getting the fall brochure up and running.
(MS) Maureen informed the committee that the dept Heads said that at the last Dept Head meeting that they will let everyone know very soon when the budgets will be do

Middle School Sports Field Project
(RM) Rita informed the committee that she submitted the idea of the Middle School sports field project to Dr. Troughton and he brought it to the School Committee.  The School Committee does not want to committee to the project they wish Parks & Recreation to handle the project.
The committee feels that if P&R does all the work then they should have 100% jurisdiction over the field.
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Other Business
New Instructors for Recreation
(LC) Recreation Director has verbally offered the two open instructors positions to two candidates.  She has not sent the written offer letter yet.  Lynne has also asked the Town Administrator to change Maria Browns position from an assistant instructor to a programmer position.  Maria is no longer assisting in programs but is in the office working when not instructing her own programs.

Vending machines at IRP
(OA) Olga Arnold asked who owned the vending machines at IRP, who stocks them and repairs them.  She was inquiring if it would be cheaper for us to lease them on our own and stock ourselves.
(MS) Maureen Stevens explained that we could look into leasing our own and have Rich Giordano stock them for us.
(SC) Sergio explained that we would need to take a close look at the numbers to see if it is worth the dept while, esp. due to vandalism.

Concession Stand at IRP
(MT) The concession stand was broken into again Saturday evening 8/30/08.  We are looking into getting roll down doors for security.

Upcoming meeting dates
9/15/08 10/20/08        11/3/08 11/17/08

Executive Session
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to enter into Executive session at 8:45pm for the purpose of discussing personnel business.
(KM) Kathy Morgan seconds the motion
        In Favor:  8            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0