_________________________ Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of July 21, 2008
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Olga Arnold (OA), (LM) Lauren McMullen Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullen (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC),
Staff: Marty Tilton (MT), Sheila Sturdevant(SS)
Absent: Lisa Dickey (LD), Kathy Morgan (KM), Lynne Clemens (LC),
(MP) 7:07pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.
Audience of Citizens:
Minutes were not discussed at this meeting.
Old Business
Update of Parks Foreman Position
Dan Foynes
Update on KidSpot
(MT) The KidSpot project has to go out to bid. Marty Tilton and Maureen Stevens will take action
on putting the project out to bid once they know the status of the grant.
Update on Maguire Field Renovation Project & Plans
(MT) Maguire field renovations project is moving along. The bid package has been put together and
is available at the Parks & Recreation office. Four companies have already signed for copies to view.
The bids will be open on 8/7/08 through the Town Administrators office.
(Update) New Permit Application forms & Conditions
The Field & Facility Permit Policies Handbook was passed out to committee members to review and
respond with any changes they may wish to make by the next meeting on August 4th, 2008. All changes
should be sent to Sheila in the office.
(MP) Mike Prisco wants to add on the front cover of the handbook that all information within the handbook
is subject to change. He also wants a section added to the Application page for “office use only” with a
space for Approval Signature and date, Denial Signature and date and also denial reason. MP would also
like approved permits to be on colored paper which should be a different color every year alternating along
with an embossed Department seal. The Applicant would receive the only original permit while
Parks & recreation will keep a copy. Copies made of the original permit are not acceptable. There is to
be only 1 Original. If for any reason the permit is revoked the original permit is to be turned back into
the Parks & Recreation dept. with an explanation on it for revocation.
Page 2 New Permit Application forms & Conditions (cont’d)
If the permit is being requested by a sports league the president of the sports league should have their
signature on the permit.
IRP Bathroom & Plans
(SC) Sergio Coviello updates the committee on the IRP Bathroom plans. Mike O’Neill & Associates
need to clean up all the details and specifications in order to put the final copy together. This copy
will include the building, extra options for bathroom which would be well over $25,000.00. Once
the package is complete O’Neill Associates will submit the bid package to the Town Administrator
for approval. Summary of Bathroom building unit itself are:
Building unit $32,500
Shipping & Handling $5,744
Extra Options $6,835
Total $47,079
There will be a gravel base with a pipe from the septic tank 6 feet away. Contractor will make connection
to water and electric which is included in the price. Also need one more water hook up not included in price.
(RM) Rita Mullin would like pictures taken of the project as it progresses in order to give to LUC to show
the status and progress of project. She would also like to make a fundraiser meter showing how much
money is needed for project in total and how much we have raised to date.
The next step is having Mike O’Neill & Associates put package together, get approved by the
Town Administrator and then put it out to bid to the public. Financials will be handled by LUC, The
Hillview Commission and Parks & Recreation. Any questions regarding bidding of the project
should be handled through Marty Tilton and Mike O’Neill.
IRP Hockey Rink Vandalism
Marty Tilton summarized the status for the committee on the outcome with regard to the vandalism at
IRP Hockey Rink. The NR Police department will be summonsing the vandals due to non-payment
on the damages to the rink. MT will keep us posted.
IRP Field and Nets vandalism Status
MT also updated the committee on the status of the vandals from when IRP Fields were driven over
and damages and soccer nets were damaged. The NR Police dept. will also be summonsing the
vandals due to none payment of damages. MT will keep committee updated.
Concession Stand Breaking on July 20, 2008
The snack shack concession stand in IRP was broken into last evening on 7/21/08. The side doors were
pried open The police department is investigating. So far it looks like about $300 worth of candy and
drink inventory has been stolen. A list has been provided to the police dept. Mike Fitzpatrick suggested
to install a 2x4 stud with l brackets across the inside of the door for locking up.
Turf Field
Rita Mullin updated the committee that they will be begin a video project to promote the Turf Field
Project. They will be interviewing League members, School Dept Head, Parks Director to provide a
view on the project for plan, financials and benefits. The project is projected to be about 1.5 million
dollars with lights but without the practice field. The School Department is very anxious to move
forward on this project.
Bill Corbin entered the meeting at 8:21pm
Page 3
New Business
FY09 Manpower issues
This topic is on hold through the Town Administrator office. The committee would like to see Maureen
Steven position rename to Operations Manager which would be a non-Union Position. This would
be able to have Maureen become Department Head. A job Description has been submitted to the
Town Administrator.
FY Final Budget
This topic will be revisited at the next meeting.
FY10 Budget Activity
Committee would like to review the FY10 Budget as soon as possible with the new members of the
committee. Committee would like to meet with the Board Of Selectman to get an informal overview
of what to expect in the upcoming year and how it will affect Parks & Recreation.
The committee would like Marty Tilton to put together a log of what Parks & Recreation does for
all the Leagues and School Dept on all the different field and Facilities. MT should have that at the
next meeting.
Capital item for October 2008 Town meeting
Rita Mullin expressed that she would like to plan on doing th4 Middle School Multipurpose field and then
the Turf Field. Does the committee need to write up an article warrant for the October Town meeting.
If so Rita Mullin will take action on writing up the article.
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion that Parks & Recreation supports an Article Warrant at the October 2008
Town meeting to upgrade the all purpose field at the Middle school including baseball field, rehabilitating
the irrigation system and well for approximately $200,000.00.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Approved: 7 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion carries.
Wheeler building
Discussion was had regarding the start up of improvements at the Wheeler property for the use of
Recreation. Marty Tilton informed the committee that the Police Dept. mechanic was not vacant yet.
November Fundraising Dance
(LM) Lauren updated the committee on the status of the Dance on 11/21/08. Lauren believes that Maureen
Stevens has made the deposit to the band. Ticket will be sold in advance for $10 each and at the door for
$12 each.
Upcoming meeting dates
8/4/08 8/18/08 9/3/08 9/15/08
Difference in monies
Difference is monies Board of Selectman promised Parks & Recreation from $33,000 to what the actually
took of $45,000 is $12,000. Will Parks & Recreation be asking for difference of $12,000 back at town meeting?
(RM) Rita Mullin made a to adjourn the meeting at 8:50pm
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion
In Favor: 7 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Meeting Adjourned at 8:50pm