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Parks & Recreation 6.2.08 Minutes
9132008_93635_0.bmp                                                                                                                                                                                     _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of June 2, 2008

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Lisa Dickey (LD), Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullen (RM), Kathy Morgan (KM), Olga Arnold (OA), Sergio Coviello (SC), (LM) Lauren McMullen
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC),  Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Sheila Sturdevant(SS)

(MP)   7:05pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens:
Bob Russell (Asst. Director, Dan Driscoll (Director), Keith Moore

Minutes were not discussed at this meeting.
New Business
Sports League
Will be discussed July 21, 2008

Turf Fields
(RM) Rita - LUC not interested in Wheeler location.  Interested in HS.  (SC) Sergio accepts HS as location met with Dave Johnson.

Jack Collins - Hillview Commission met with Hillview Members and polled group to see if HS was best
location and first option on where to invest in right now.

Met with Gerry Venezia and Superintendent of  Schools regarding cooperation between schools and Recreation.

(RM) Rita - $600 from LUC or Recreation for video to promote field for solicitation   Each league $100,000 - $1.4 million for turf field.

(MP) Mike does not think a vote is required.  (MP) Mike approved - Recreation agreed that (RM) Rita can take up to $1,000 towards video if LUC does not approve.

(MP) Mike wants financials from us.

Vending Machines
(MT) Marty explains situation with vending company not giving us monies due as we think they should be.

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$3,000 for machine.  Would like Rich Giordano to fill vending machine - Profit is all P&R.

(SC) Sergio thinks we should look into lease. Ask Nicole to look into lease price.

Permit for Hot Dog Vendor at North Parish Park
(MT) Marty - Ray Pennie owns cart.  Approved to BOH wants to use Mullin and Parish.  Group discussed and felt it was generally not a good idea.

(MP) Mike entertained motion.

(LM) Lauren - Made motion that P&R declines permit for Ray Penny in regards to his vendor service.

(RM) Rita seconded the motion.

(RM) Rita asked for hours. - Wednesday - Saturday 11-3
                                              Monday - Friday - 4:30 to dusk

(KM) Kathy - temporary permit.

(LM) Lauren - Should run CORI check.

(MP) Mike - Any more discussion

(RM) Rita thinks it could be a good idea

(KM) Kathy  - Little League concession is run by a vendor.

(MP) Mike - Can this be approved with CORI check?

(KM) Kathy - Parish might cause traffic problems.  Mullin might be a better spot.

(RM) Rita - Ask Town Administrator if we have authority.

(MP) Marty - Have (MT) Marty check with Town Administrator

(LM) Lauren - Withdraws motion.

(KM) Kathy makes a motion to approve the vendor.  Ray Penny to run vending service on a 90-day trial at Mullin Field only to be re-evaluated at end of 90-days, based on approval of the Town Administration and a satisfactory CORI check.

(RM) Rita seconds motion.  Discussion followed.

(RM) Rita - concerns with Little League concession run by Angelesco.

(MT) Marty - What is the benefit to P&R?

(BL) Billie thinks Mullin could be a problem with trucks.

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In favor:  (KM) Kathy
Abstaining:  (SC) Sergio

Object:  Five - (RM) Rita, (MP) Mike, (OA) Olga, (LD) Lauren, (BL) Billie

Motion:  Fails

Discuss Potential Fund Raising Ideas
(MT) Marty - Score boards with sponsors
                   - Advertising in brochure
                   - Signs on rinks etc.
                    - Reinstate bricks
                   - Dance - monthly

(OA) Olga   - Wants to build picnic tables at cost

(MT) Marty - $150 - 8" pine.

(MP) Mike   - Perhaps buy and have Olga stain - not build.  Have donated by families etc.

(RM) Rita -    Vendors from craft fair coming to BBQ for make-up and perhaps add to BBQ series.  Put in
                      Ray's Meadow.  Hire two kids for entrances.

(BL) Billie -   Skating Rink - $14,000 investment super glide.  Get investment back within 2 years.  

(MP) Mike -   Asked for more info.

(MT) Marty -  Start research on boards and sponsor fees locations.

(MP) Mike  -   Get list to call sponsors with - turf field - score boards - picnic tables.

(LC)  Lynne -  Will e-mail MRPA ask sponsor program

(RM) Rita -      Check with LUC for advertisement on Skate Rink

(LM) Lynne -  Wheeler barn - dances, fairs, etc. - Adult dance @ Hillview

( MP) Mike -    Wheeler House - naming rights - i.e. CVS Recreation Center - (5 yr renaming rights)
                         LUC - i.e. Sports Authority Board

(RM) Rita -       Set-up meeting through LUC after walk through.

(LM)  Lynne -  Dog park at end of Mullin Field - needs to know where Conservation owns - Kathy M.  will
                         find out.

(MP) Mike -     Need volunteers to call potential sponsors.

(OA) Olga -      Wiling to make some calls.

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Old Business

Kids Spot
(KM) Kathy - Reads memo from Heidi Griffin re:  Kids  Spot.  Heidi is looking for grant money.

(RM) Rita would like letter forwarded to Margie and have her work on applying for grant.

(BL) Billie thinks some repairs must be addressed immediately.

(KM) Kathy - Grant does not allow work to start until July 2009.

(MT) Marty -  Areas washing out needs repair.

(MP) Mike - Any more discussion


(MP) Mike - Next meeting, meet at Barn at IRP on June 16 at 6:45 pm., to review barn with LUC.

(MP) Mike talked with G. Mauceri - Police mechanic will be out by Wednesday.  Re-look for recreational purpose should re-do locks.  Update on Park foreman - Greg approved Dan as foreman with probation period of either six months or one year.  Chris can apply for position as of July 1, 2008.  Town budget pays Dan's salary.  P&R pays $33,000 in expensed.  Benefits are going to be covered by town.

(RM)  Rita will confirm numbers with Joe Tassone.

Permit application forms and condition. (SS) Shelia should get new revised copies.

IRP Bathrooms & Plans
(SC) Sergio - do we have approval form LUC on 2nd portion?

(RM) Rita - Have not had LUC meeting.  She will get an answer prior to next meeting.

(MP) Mike - We need a letter of intent from LUC.

Update Painting Hockey Park
(MT) Marty - Police think violators will pay $2,500 for repairs ($1,500-Duraseal, $1,000 P&R)

(MP)  Mike - Clarify that theyasked workers to come back and fix poor job.

(SC) Sergio - $1,500 to Duraseal if we receive money from violators.  If we don't get it they get nothing.  $6.650 entire job.  Refinish - $2,500 - Paint $l,100. - Wood - $6,800.

(MT) Marty - Parking at Benevento - had Viking come in for quotes.  Nothing started.

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Other Business

A motion was made by (SC) Sergio  to adjourn, seconded by (KM) Kathy
        In Favor:  8            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Meeting Adjourned at 9:45pm