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Parks & Recreation 5.19.08 Minutes
9132008_93508_0.bmp                                                                                                                                                                                     _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of May 19, 2008

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Billie Luker (BL), Sergio Coviello (SC), Olga Arnold (OA), Kathy Morgan (KM)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT)
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM), Lisa Dickey (LD)

(MP)   7:08pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens: None

Acceptance of meeting minute:
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept meeting minutes from March 3, 2008.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
                In Favor:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained: 3*
                        *(BL, OA, KM not present at 3/3/08 meeting)

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept meeting minutes from March 17, 2008.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
                In Favor:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained: 1*
                        *(KM not present at 3/17/08 meeting)

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept meeting minutes from March 31, 2008.
(KM) Kathy Morgan seconds the motion.
                In Favor:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained: 1*
                        *(OA not present at 3/31/08 meeting)

(KM) Kathy Morgan made a motion to accept meeting minutes from May 5, 2008.
(BL) Billie Luker seconds the motion.
                In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained: 2*
                        *(SC, RM not present at 5/5/08 meeting) 
New Business
Summer Scholarships
(LC) One family has applied for a scholarship for summer program.  They have submitted all proper paperwork.  This family is a return scholarship request.
(BL) discussion was had requesting how many scholarship request do we receive every year. The director of Recreation informed committee that only about 1 or 2 are received every year.

Page 2-
Summer Scholarships (cont’d)
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept scholarship application for summerscape.
(KM) Kathy Morgan seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  6            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Proposed parking changes at Benevento Complex
(MT)  A diagram was handed out explaining the proposed parking changes that have been suggested at the Benevento Little League complex.  The change in traffice flow is due to sa

Page 2-4th of July Committee (cont’d)

(KM) Kathy Morgan made a motion to allow the 4th of July Committee the dates of July 2nd through July 6th, 2008 at IRP for the 4th Of July Festivities.
(OA) Olga Arnold seconds the motion.
Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Hockey League (NRSA)
(MP) Mike summarized for the P&R Committee that NRSA has been looking for property for years to build a skating rink in North Reading.  He has done extensive research to help NRSA try to find a piece of land in North Reading that may be usable.

Greg Titus, Treasurer, handed out an informational packet to everyone summarizing a mission, plan, cost of project, size of land needed for project, revenue projections, and the difference between a rink and a multi-purpose facility (rink/turf). Greg added that a rink will benefit NRSA and their audience but a multi-pupose facility will benefit NRSA and 80% of all other leagues in NR as well.

(MP) Mike asked Greg if NRSA has the money to fund a study to show the worth of such a profit and what it could bring to North Reading for revenues and benefits to the public.  Greg said that NRSA does have the money for such a study.  Mike will take the action of bringing this idea to the Board of Selectmen (BOS) to see what they would require for a study and guidelines to bring this idea to the public’s viewing.
(MP) Mike also mentioned that he thought the Smith Property may be a potential site for such a project as a multi-purpose facility. He will take the action of to set up a walk through of the Smith property once it has been discuss with all the proper boards, the Town Administrator and with the absent members of P&R.

Discuss Dr. Troughton’s summer enrichment course
(LC) Lynne Clemens summarized for the Committee her recent struggles with Dr. Troughton and his introducing his upcoming enrichment programs.  Lynne informed the committee that she introduced in this Spring/summer brochure a number of new classes, specifically a pottery class.  She has been asking Dr. Troughton since January for the ability to run this class at the High School’s art/pottery classroom at the high school.  Lynne has secured the art teacher, schedule and was waiting for Dr. Troughton’s answer on the facility to put in the brochure.  Even after many attempts of asking Dr. Troughton for an answer he still did not have a sufficient answer by the time of print for the brochure.  Lynne explained that she was going to advertise the class with the teacher and facility being at the High school with hopes they could work everything out and Dr. Troughton said fine he would get back to her ASAP. After many weeks of waiting Dr. Troughton final told Lynne that he was planning an enrichment program offering recreational type classes through the school and his brochure would be going to print soon.  One specific class was and art/pottery class with the same teacher, same class description and offering the class during the same weeks as P&R.   Lynne had a conversation with Dr. Troughton expressing her dismay that he planned this enrichment program knowing that she had already spoken with the teacher, booked the time, had 12 registrants signed up for the class and was still waiting on HIS answer for the classroom to hold the program. Lynne received an email from Dr. Troughton with many reason’s why he
Is waiting on the facilities but still did not give her an answer as of yet.

(MP) Mike explained to Lynne to ask Dr. Troughton why he did not answer her question and when she emails him to copy Mike on the email along with the rest of the P&R committee and everyone Dr. Troughton copied and the school committee members.

Old Business
New Permit Application Forms & Conditions
This topic was tabled and will be discussed at a future meeting.

IRP Bathrooms & Plans
This topic was tabled and will be discussed at a future meeting.
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Update on Painting Hockey Park
(MT) Marty update the committee on the progress of the painting of the Hockey Rink at IRP which will be finished tomorrow 5/6/08.  

NRYFL -update
(MP) Mike Prisco mailed the Written Warning letter to NRYFL on April 23rd and still has not heard a response.
(OA) Olga informed committee that NRYFL has a meeting this Thursday evening and they may be waiting to discuss it at the meeting.

Other Business
Update on Tennis court resurfacing
(MT) Marty update the committee on the progress of the resurfacing of the tennis courts at IRP.  The contractor will have to come back one more day to complete.

Signs for facilities
(LC) Maureen Stevens has ordered the signs for the tennis courts and the Hockey Rink(No Dogs Allowed, No Skate Boards Allowed, Etc.)

YMCA Auction Item
The YMCA membership that did not go during the Wine and Food Social was placed on P&R website this week to be auction off via the website.  Since Monday the item started at $50 and is currently at $350.  The Auction will continue until May 31st.

Town Hall Gym
(MP) Mike spoke with the Town Administrator(TA) regarding taking over the responsibility of the Town Hall Gym and the TA has concerns regarding the septic system and its capacity with large groups using it because what happened during the St. Patrick’s day event. Mike to the TA that if P&R took over the gym P&R would update the bathroom facilities.  
(LC & BL) Lynne explained to Mike that the problem with the bathroom during the St. Patrick s event was not due to P&R participants because the problem happens after on 10 or 15 minutes after the event started. Billie agreed that he was the person to discover the problem on that day and it was no way possible due to the event.
(MP) Mike explained that Lynne and Billie may want to explain to the TA the happening of that day to ease his mind.

(KM)    A motion was made by Kathy Morgan to adjourn the meeting at 9:38 pm.
(BL)    Billie Luker seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Meeting Adjourned at 9:38pm