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Parks & Recreation 4.23.08 Minutes
                                                                                   TOWN OF NORTH READING
                                                    _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of April 23, 2008   Attendance: Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Lauren McMullen (LM), (BL) Billie Luker,), Kathy Morgan (KM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Olga Arnold (OA) Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT) Absent: Lisa Dickey (LD    (RM)   7:00pm Quorum, meeting called to order Rita Mullin.   Audience of Citizens: Bob Needham (NRYFL)   Accept meeting minutes. Minutes were not discussed or voted on.                   Old Business Discussing upcoming override Vote on May 6th, 2008 (MP) Discussion was had regarding what the affect will be for P&R if the override does not pass on May 6th, 2008 vs. if it does pass.  As per last meeting discussion had on raiding user fees according Whether override passes or not.   (RM) Rita Mullin made a motion if override vote does NOT pass on May 6th, 2008 new league user fees will be increased to $45 per child from July 1st, 2008 and forward.  If override Does pass on May 6th, 2008 new league user fees will increase to $20per child from July 1st, 2008 and forward. (OA) Olga Arnold seconds the motion.                         Approved:  7                Opposed:  0                 Abstained:  0   The committee questioned who the user fee was paid for by the football league and basketball league.  Does it go to the School Dept.?   IRP Bathroom and Plans Sergio Coviello (SC) presented a letter from O'Neill and Associates regarding the septic design for IRP bathroom project.  The letter specifies the completion of the design of the subsurface septic disposal system and site plan for construction of a pavilion.  Board of Health has approved and issued a Disposal Work Construction Permit.  The letter also summarized the next step in the bidding process for this project.  The committee went over the added option costs. SC Explained to the committee that if we have O'Neill & Assoc. write up the bid process for 11 extra items it will be an additional cost of Old Business (page 2) $2750.00.  If we do the bidding process on our own and general contract the process we could save money.  It was asked if Mike Sorenson (Town engineer) could be consulted to see if he could advise committee on which option to exercise.  Marty Tilton (MT) will take the action of speaking with the Town Engineer.  It was asked if there will be a drain in the center of the floor for drainage inside the structure.   Schedule Painting of Hockey Rink Discussion was had regarding the scheduling of painting of the Hockey Rink at IRP.  It was suppose to be May 15th, 2008 but will need to be rescheduled.  SC will let committee know when it will be scheduled and they will work around the Hockey Program taking place the Recreation Dept. on Wednesdays. (MT) Marty Tilton presented the committee a hand written proposal to have the rink painted for the cost of $450.00 by Mike Silva for labor plus cost of paint and supplies.  The committee as a whole agreed that it would be worth paying to have it painted according to the estimate.  MT will take action on notifying and overseeing the painting project.   Schedule New Surfacing Committee will revisit as soon as Hockey Rink painting project is completed.   Finalize Wine and Food 2009 Date Discussion was has to confirm 2009 date for the Wine and Food social with Hillview Country Club.  The date will be March 27, 2009.   Discuss April 14, 2008 NRYFL joint meeting results Acknowledgement of Bob Needham (NRYFL Board member).  (MP) Mike Prisco summarized the April 14th, 2008 meeting with NRYFL and asked for feedback from the rest of the committee members as to their thoughts  MP presented the committee a draft letter of "Written Warning for Violations of Committee's Rules and Regulations".  The letter summarized conditions to be met in order to apply for a field permit from P&R.  The committee agreed as a whole that they feel that all sports leagues meetings including NRYFL should be open to the public.  Bob Needham agreed and stated that he thought the meetings were open forum.  Committee members confirmed to Bob that they were told that NRYFL Board members stated that their meetings were closed to the public. Bob Needham summarized for the committee that all paperwork has been submitted and is in process through the Attorney General's office.  At last NRYFL meeting was informed that Attorney General had checks in hand with paperwork and was in process.  But cease and Desist has still not been lifted as of yet.   P&R explained to Bob that all leagues are invited to join P&R for a meeting every year to brainstorm, strengthen communication processes, perform Q & A and go over permit application procedures.  (NRYFL has not attended such a meeting yet this year.)  While at meeting, leagues are given a packet for the permit process from P&R.  Leagues also proved P&R with financial information and 503 ( C ) compliance records at such meeting.   Discussion was had regarding the CORE process through NRYFL and who will ensure that everyone is CORE evaluated including the Cheerleading staff and volunteers.   Recreation policy and permit application should ensure that all issues are adhered.  The committee would Page 3 Discuss April 14, 2008 NRYFL joint meeting results (cont"d) like to make sure that the public is made known the conditions of the permit, the policies and procedures to follow, that anyone can come to P & R Dept for complaints and/or clarification and the P&R will motions to investigate incidents, uphold and or revoke permits. First time incident complaints, the citizens would be directed to go to NRYFL to follow Grievance policy. If a grievance is not investigated or answered within a reasonable amount of time then the citizen could come back to P&R and they would investigate and follow through.     (RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept the letter dated April 23, 2008 from North Reading Parks & Recreation to NRYFL regarding a written warning and field permit for 2008.. (LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.         Approved:  5                Opposed:  0                 Abstained:  2* *Kathy Morgan and Olga Arnold Abstained   Letter will be public and filed with Minutes at clerks office and on website.   New Permit Application Forms & Conditions. Preliminaryy written permit will be completed by May 5, 2008 for review by committee.   New Business Facilities Use *P&R Barn & Police current occupy The mechanic for the Police department is still occupying the barn.  Town Administrator thought they had vacated. Mike Prisco will discuss again with the Town Administrator. * Wheeler Property  On Hold until the committee gets the results of the override vote.   *Town Hall Gym  On hold at the moment   (LM) Lauren McMullen left the meeting at 8:20pm.   (BN) Bob Needham left the meeting at 8:37pm.     Adjournment (RM)    a motion was made by Rita Mullen to adjourn the meeting at 9:47 pm. (SC)     Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.             In Favor:  6                  Opposed:  0                 Abstained:  0 Meeting Adjourned at 9:47pm