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Parks & Recreation 2.27.08 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of February 27, 2008

Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT)

 (MP)   7:08pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens: none

Minutes from 1/23/08
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to accept minutes from January 23, 2008 meeting as revised.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Other Business
 NRYFL issues and Corrective Actions
(MP) Mike Prisco would like for Lynne Clemens to order everyone a copy of Roberts Rules book
There was a discussion regarding complaints that Parks and Recreation Committee have received from parents whose children play football and also from citizens who have been involved with the NRYFL Board.  There was a letter dated 02/21/08 letting NRYFL that Parks & Recreation received complaints and wish to meet with the NRYFL Board to address the issues.  Parks & Recreation is invited to a meeting of NRYFL on 02/29/08 at 8pm.
A major concern of citizens is that not all the bylaws are being followed by the NRYFL and that the C.O.R.E. are not completed on all adults required by bylaws.

Meet with LUC to vote on IRP Bathroom, Pavilion, and Septic and discuss any other issues
(SC) Sergio Coviello gave Parks & Recreation Committee member quotes on bathroom structure "extras" to view.  
(MP) Mike Prisco would like to place on a future meeting for discussion.

LUC (Land Utilization Committee and (P&R) Parks & Recreation Committee joined together at 7:37pm to discuss the installation process and plans of the bathrooms at IRP project.
LUC members attend are Bill Reed-Chairperson, Trisha Collela, Ken Tarr, Karen Martin, Margie Salt, Mike Tyner.
(MP) Mike Prisco summarized for both committees the progress made on the plans and process of the IRP bathroom project regarding the Pavilion, Bathroom, location of Septic.
(SC) Sergio Coviello produced a profile plan of the project created by Mike O'Neill of O'Neill Associates which shows the sight line of the structures along with the land grade at completion of project.
It was explained that a pavilion would be possible closer to the walking path, not on top of the septic area.  Septic would be closer to the playing fields on the other side of septic.  The land grade would be 5 feet higher than current height.  Vents for septic system would still be able to run up the side of the pavilion for venting

Page 2- Meet with LUC to vote on IRP Bathroom, Pavilion, & Septic and discuss any other issues (cont'd)
smell well above populated area.  Both committees would like to vote to move forward on project by accepting plans drawn up by Mike O'Neill.
LUC voted unanimously to move forward with the preliminary plans drawn up by O'Neill Associates for the bathroom project at IRP.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to approve and move forward with the preliminary plans dated 02/04/08 from O'Neill Associates  for Bathroom, leaching and Pavilion as drawn  with exception to the leaching field  be narrowed to the extent possible to avoid encroachment upon playing fields and preserving existing trees.

(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion was had.
                Approved:  4                    Opposed:  0                     Abstained:  0

(SC) Sergio Coviello handed out documentation regarding extra features for bathroom structures to review which would be the next step in the project.
(BR) Bill Reed explained that the LUC Bathroom Sub-committee will review features and get back to P&R.

Little League Mtg. Action Items-follow up
(MT) Marty Tilton is searching for a new vendor for the picnic table for the Little League field. Old vendor is obsolete.
(MP) Mike Prisco updated the committee on Bathroom project at the little league field.  Brian Wood's license was on the project but taken off when he retired.  Mark Sandborn who is project manager does not feel comfortable using his license.  P&R's position is that this project is being overseen by member of the NRYLL and the bathrooms are being funded by the NRYLL as a gift to the town.  P&R has not been overseeing the project; therefore, someone needs to step forward to pull a permit through the NRYLL on their behalf that is on the committee.

LUC and P&R had a discussion regarding KidSpot.  Margie Salt summarized project updates.  Preliminary costs should be $40k for site work and $36K for improvements.
(RM) Hillview commission wants to pitch in $50k toward project keeping it as a volunteer build and asked if P&R could pick up the balance of expenses.  P&R agrees that could be possible.  P&R and LUC will sponsor a warrant article for KidSpot but P&R will draft warrant.

(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion for Parks and Recreation Committee to approach the Land Utilization Committee to approach the Hillview Commission, asking them to fund up to $50k for the KidSpot repairs and improvements.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion was had.
                Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Rezoning of 5 Central Street Warrant Article
Discussion was had with LUC and P&R regarding rezoning of 5 Central Street A/K/A Wheeler Property, from residential zoning to recreational zoning.  It is unclear of the status as to whether the property should be rezoned or a formal request be made to "designate" land use along with jurisdiction responsibilities.
Rita Mullin and Mike Tyner will take action on researching issue to explain to Board of Selectmen on 3/3/08 at the Board of Selectmen meeting.  

LUC Craft Fair
Ken Tarr is asking P&R to check on May 30th, 2008 to book craft fair for LUC fundraiser at IRP with a rain date of June 1, 2008.  Lynne Clemens will take action by checking with Maureen Stevens and getting back to LUC on availability.
Page 3-Other Business (cont'd)
Wine & Food Social
(LM) Lauren McMullen summarized the wine and food social for LUC and asked if they knew of anyone who could help with volunteering or donate item for the silent auction to please contact the P&R office.  Lynne Clemens handed out 10 tickets to each member of LUC asking for their help to sell tickets keeping in mind for them to record numbers on tickets with whom they sell them to for our record keeping.

LUC departed the P&R meeting at 8:43pm.
Discuss CPC Offer to accept New Property under P&R legal letter
(MP) Mike Prisco informed the P&R Committee that he has given Marty Tilton the legal letter he found on the topic of the tot lot at Valley Road where town counsel states that P&R should not assume responsibility of the land as proposed by Warren Pearce.  Marty Tilton explained that he tried to contact Mr. Pearce but he was out of the office.

Hood School Fundraiser Donation Request
(LC) The Hood School has contacted P&R asking for a donated scholarship for the Sumer Program for the Hood School silent auction.  Lynne feels that this would NOT be a good idea because we process scholarships within our program for families in need.  If we donate to one cause everyone will be asking for a donation which will take away from our ability to help within our program.  Committee agrees that we should not start donating scholarship as such.

Rita Mullin remaining on LUC and Parks & Recreation Committees
Rita Mullin explained to P&R Committee that she has been serving LUC as a voting representative of P&R and in order to continue to do so P&R committee must re-establish approval through a vote.  
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion for Rita Mullin to remain as a voting member of LUC representing Parks and Recreation Committee.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
No discussion was had.
                Approved:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1-Rita Mullin

Lynne Clemens will take action on typing a letter to inform the clerk's office and the Town Administrators Office.

New Business
Already discussed with LUC

Request for 100% Ownership of Town Hall Gym
(MP) Mike Prisco summarized for the committee that he has asked the Town Administrator to turn Town Hall
Gym over to Parks & Recreation Dept.  This would bring in more revenue into Parks and Recreation and they could re-invest in repairs and upkeep.  P& R would construct a new entrance for Town Hall Business at the top of the stairs in the lobby for Town Business and to separate Gym use and access especially for the weekend schedules.

Insurance Agency Donation
(LC) Lynne Clemens distributed a letter to the committee from John Olsen, a local business man trying to open a new insurance agency in North Reading, who is proposing a fundraiser for up to $5000.00 to be donated to IRP bathroom project. The Insurance Company would donate $10 for every person who came into the insurance agency to get a Quote on their car insurance. (No purchase is necessary.)  The funds would be placed in an escrow account to be disbursed as agreed upon.  All John Olsen asks of P&R is that they are available at the opening of the agency and at the presentation of the monies raised at the end of the fundraiser.

Page 4- New Business (Cont'd)
2008 Goal setting (homework assignment)
(MP) Mike Prisco has asked the committee members to review and revise goals for 2008 to be discussed at the next meeting of 03/17/08.

Parks & Recreation New Member requests Applications
(LC) Lynne Clemens has received an application from a citizen asking to be considered for a member on the Parks & Recreation Committee.  Lynne has forwarded to the Town Administrator.  
(MP)Mike Prisco has also received a request from a citizen to be considered for a member on the Parks & Recreation Committee, which has already been forwarded to the Town Administrator.
Both applicants will be invited to the 03/17/08 meeting.

Scholarship Request
(LC) Lynne Clemens request that P&R Committee consider a scholarship for 2 children whose family is struggling with a parent who has a serious illness and therefore is experiencing financial hardship.   The scholarship would be for each child to attend one class each during the winter session.

(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to approve a scholarship for the 2 children to attend one class each during the winter 2008 session.
(LM) Lauren McMullen seconds the motion.
No discussion was had.
Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

NRYSA & New Skate Rink
(MP) Mike Prisco informed the committee that (NRYSA) North Reading Youth Skating Association will be attending the next P&R meeting on 03/17/08.  NRYSA is looking into land on Concord Street in North Reading to propose the location of a New Ice Skating Arena.

Chairman seat on Parks & Recreation Committee
(MP) Mike Prisco explained to the members that he has been chairperson of the P&R Committee for 2 years now and would like to offer up the opportunity for any of the other members if they would to.  The other committee member declined interest in the position at this time.

Old Business
FY2009 Budget meeting with FinCom
A discussion was had regarding FinCom meeting which Rita Mullin and Maureen Stevens attended.  Rita summarized questions asked by FinCom to P&R, such as, what would P&R do if FinCom took over the monies in the P&R revolving account?  It was explained to FinCom how P&R is a self sustaining entity other than 3 administrative salaries and how the impact of the revolving account being taken from P&R would be detrimental to the existence of the P&R program, because al the programs and other salaries are supported by funds raised by P&R and maintained in the revolving account.

Wine Tasting
(LC) Lauren Clemens handed out 25 tickets for the Wine and Food social to each committee and staff member for them to sell to the event. Members need to keep track of the ticket numbers corresponding to whom they were sold to.
(LM) Lauren McMullen has asked Sergio Coviello to check on the possibility of obtaining the chafing dishes again this year.  Renting is too expensive.
Still no luck on a sponsor for the appetizer trays but we are still looking into it.
(MT) Marty Tilton has check the wine glasses received to make sure they are not damaged so that we can issue payment. Banner is completed and hanging on fence at High School and will be moved along fence according to schedule,
Page 5- Old Business (cont'd)
Wheeler Property
(MT) Marty Tilton updated the committee on meeting with Mark Hall at 5 Central Street a/k/a Wheeler Property regarding upgrading the garage portion of the structure.  Mr. Hall explained to Marty that- reconstruction or repair to the garage portion would be costly and wasteful in the long run,-Repairing the structure vs. new construction.  Mr. Hall explained that organizing a "Barn Raising" on a volunteer basis could be beneficial and much less costly-more for the monies.  Constructing a larger structure (a barn) out in back of the Wheeler house) with new materials and through volunteer laborers.  
Mark Hall inquired if NYRSSA would be able to have a part in the project and use of the facility.
(LC) Lynne Clemens explained to the committee that having a larger structure and being able to shift the summer program over to the Wheeler property would save the P&R program a ton of money right from the get go.  P&R is interested in the concept but have a lot of questions to research such as, septic, size of structure, location, etc.
(MP) Mike Prisco wishes to revisit topic at a later date.

Parks Director Status
(MP) Mike Prisco informed the committee that Human Resources and the Town Administrator are meeting to make a decision on a Parks Director applicant.

Dog Park
(LM) Art Grossman called Lauren McMullen to see if P&R has heard anything from the Trustees of Reservation regarding assistance with establishing a dog Park in North Reading.  Also, Mr. Grossman asked if the land between IRP and behind the barn wooded area at the Wheeler property be used for a dog park area.
(MT) Marty Tilton let the committee know that people have been complaining about dogs being let off their leashes at the parks and the need for reinforcing the leash law.
(SC) Sergio Coviello expressed the need for a "NO Dogs Allowed Sign" in the tennis courts and skate rink at IRP.

(LM)    a motion was made by Lauren McMullen to adjourn the meeting at 9:58 pm.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Meeting Adjourned at 9:59pm.