Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2007
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Nasos Phillips (NP)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT),
Absent: Lauren McMullen (LM), Nasos Phillips (NP), Brian Wood (BW)
(MP) 7:07pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.
Audience of Citizens: None
Minutes from 11/19/07
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to accept minutes from November 19, 2007 meeting as revised
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 1*
Other Business
Special project Updates
Brian Wood was not able to attend meeting. This subject will be updated at next meeting.
Turf Field Project
Mike Prisco has asked for the committee to do more research on a Turf Field Specifically regarding
Bacteria issues with Turf Fields. Marty Tilton summarized that he has spoken with someone regarding
Turf Fields and he was informed that there is a lot more maintenance involve with Turf Fields due to the
Upkeep and eliminating the possibilities of bacterial growth and public health issues.
Employee Update for Parks
(MT) Marty Tilton updated the committee on the status of Dan, who will be needing surgery. Therefore his absence will be long-term. Dave Hanlon, Director of DPW has offered his help to Marty for coverage.
(MP) Mike Prisco has ask the Town Administrator if P&R could look into having someone fill in temporarily while Dan is absent.
Monies left over from Open Space project
LUC has expressed that there is $3900.00 left over from the Open Space project that they feel could be used to do title search on the land listed as available in the Open Space report. They would also like to purchase a GPS system.
Scheduling for School Gymnasiums
(LC) Lynne informed that committee scheduling of the school gym must go through the Athletic Director from now on.
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New Business
LUC meeting results and information
(SC) Sergio Coviello updated the committee on a meeting he attends with LUC (Land Utilization Committee).
LUC approved spending $1350 to get the project plans for the Ipswich River Bathroom updated and revised through Mike O'Neil's Office. LUC wanted to ask if there is the ability to get a variance for the plans for 1" lower grade on the land for the septic plans. Sergio explained that Mike O'Neil would have to supply yet more documentation which would cost more money.
Schedule for next meeting & league invite
12/17/07 Committee meeting has been cancelled. The next meeting will be on January 7, 2008 in Town
Hall, Room 5 at 7pm. January 21, 2008 is a holiday therefore the meeting will be shifted to Wednesday,
January 23rd, 2008. The beginning of the meeting with be with LUC in Room 10 and then the P&R
Committee will resume in Room 5 when finished at the LUC meeting.
02/04/07 Committee will be inviting the North Reading Little League to join the meeting at 7:30pm in
Room 5 at the Town Hall
Old Business
Wheeler Property-update
(MP) Mike Prisco updated the committee on issues regarding the #5 Central St. Property (Wheeler Property).
1. The committee is looking for a name for the building/Project and underneath the name it should state, " a subsidiary of the Hillview commission".
2. A neighbor has requested that the bars be taken down off of the windows.
3. Any and all "uses" of the property must get approved through LUC.
4. LUC has already approved the following actions:
" Front Stair updated w/ railings
" Clean up & minor maintenance
" Update heating
" Remove walls around basement inside entrance
" Close up basement inside entrance and replace with flooring
" Remove bars from Windows
" Install HVAC
" Clean up landscaping on property
" New Sign out front of building
(MP) Mike Prisco and Rita Mullin were on site at the property on 11/23/07 to evaluate the project. There are a number of problems that need to be address on site. (See list attached)
1. The heating needs to be confirmed whether it is oil or natural gas
2. Dehumidify basement and mold control
3. Treat pressure treated deck
4. Dispose of two heating units left inside
5. Dispose of sinks left in basement by Police Dept.
6. Lighting outside needs to be updated
7. Need to decide on new floor plan which works best.
8. Install a kitchen (appliance donated by Richard & Mary Giordano)
9. Painting, replacement of wall board
10. Update Heating/AC -getting quotes from American Air and Royal Air.
11. Close up Fire place for safety of children.
12. Update plumbing for bathrooms.
Page 3 Wheeler Property-update (cont'd)
13. Update windows
14. Need to update stairs leading to the upstairs.
15. Holes in upstairs flooring need to be fixed.
16. Water heater should be replaced
17. Basement should be waterproof sealed.
18. Need to have the septic reviewed
19. Chimney needs to be inspected and if hazardous taken down.
20. Must have up to code Fire and Smoke systems.
21. Electrical must be inspected
22. Siding on house must be repaired where missing
23. Decide garage's use, take off garage door & replace with regular entrance door install a window.
24. All flooring would have to be replaced throughout first floor.
25. 911 Room has to be cleared out and updated
(MP) Mike Prisco has spoken with a contractor regarding some ideas as to what could be done with space inside to optimize use of space. They talked about possibly taking down the wall between the kitchen and living room area to open up room and replace header and add columns for support.
The committee had a discussion regarding sharing the office space with Jenny O'Leary, NYRSSA Director of youth Service. There are some concerns regarding having teens/people comings and goings while having recreational programs running. A major concern is having troubled youths around small children. The committee has asked Lynne Clemens, Recreation Director to speak with Jenny O'Leary regarding the Youth Services program and what it entails.
(SC) Sergio Coviello made a motion to research possibility for NYRSSA to acquire and office at #5
Central Street (Wheeler Property).
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Wine Tasting-scheduling and tasking
(SS) Sheila summarized for the committee the progress of the Food & Wine Social. So far there are 11 restaurants committing to participating in the Food and Wine on April 4, 2008.
Update on IRP Bathrooms
On next meeting agenda.
(SC) A motion was made by Sergio Coviello to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 pm.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion.
In Favor: 3 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0