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Parks & Recreation 11.19.07 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2007
Committee Members: Mike Prisco (MP), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Lauren McMullen (LM), Nasos Phillips (NP)
Staff:  Lynne Clemens (LC), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Brian Wood (BW)

(MP)   7:08pm Quorum, meeting called to order Mike Prisco.

Audience of Citizens: NYRSSA-North Reading Youth Services Support Association
Committee members attended: Christine Fisher, Giles Norton, and Joanne Pawloski

        NYRSSA is a non-profit fundraising entity made up of 11 committee members; Christine Fisher (Chairperson), Giles Norton, Mark Hall, Judy Hall, Joanne Pawloski, Kathy Dardeno (Treasurer), Michael Cuddyer (secretary), Tracey Helms, Kathleen Walsh, Ed Santosuosso, Robyn Dapolito.   Their objective is to raise monies to support a position for a Director of Youth Services.  North Reading Youth Services is an entity which is being established to provide social services to the teens of North Reading between the ages of 11 and 21 years.  Jenny O'Leary has been appointed as Director of Youth Services and she will report to the Town Administrator.  Jenny has joined us with experience of running the Youth program in Winchester, Mass.
        The NYRSSA Committee summarized the mission and hopes for their future here in North Reading.  They have based their organization on the guideline from Andover and North Andover Youth Services.
NRYSSA and Parks and Recreation Committee are looking to work together for the betterment of the youth of North Reading.  Parks & Recreation has suggested having meeting with NRYSSA to keep each entity updated on progress and to brain storm.  Lynne Clemens has let each committee know that she has been working with Jenny O'Leary very closely to help gather information and to give her insight on budget processes, policies and procedures that Parks & Recreation use.  Jenny O'Leary has an office with in Room 10 at the Town Hall.  

Minutes from 11/05/07
(LM) Lauren McMullen made a motion to accept minutes from November 5, 2007 meeting as revised
(SC)  Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  1*
                *Nasos Phillips abstained.  He was absent at last meeting.

Other Business
Special project Updates
Clarke Park Bio-Retention Pond
(BW) Brian Wood summarized that the progress at Clarke Park regarding the installation of
The Bio-retention pond is complete.  He did have to modify more of the land than anticipated but it
worked out great.  The well has been tested and it has electricity.  Brian would like to do one more test.   

Page 2- Clarke Park Bio-Retention Pond
IRP Bathrooms
(BW) Brian Wood, Sergio Coviello and Marty Tilton are meeting with Mike O'Neil on 11/20/07 to go over drawing and plans for IRP bathrooms for septic vs. Non-septic set up.  Mike O'Neil will give a quote for new plans if needed.  
(SC) Sergio Coviello reminded the committee that LUC has a say on where the Bathrooms will go at IRP.  He will be attending an LUC meeting on 11/28/07 to go over the information with LUC.

Special Project Priorities
The committee has put together a Special Projects itinerary for Brian Wood to focus on:
a.      Provide Rita Mullin a rough draft "Matrix of the School vs. Parks use and maintenance of fields".  Please contact and work with Ms. Mullin directly.
b.      Assist Sergio Coviello on the planning and layout of IRP bathroom.
c.      Meet with JT Berry/Lincoln Properties with Marty Tilton to establish a final plan for Mullin Park and Rail Trail.
d.      Assist Margie Salt with preparing a plan for renovating KidSpot. - include Marty Tilton in discussion.
e.      Provide a suggested plan and specs. For new Volleyball Courts at IRP to Marty Tilton.

Updates by email on Special projects.
(MP) Mike Prisco has asked Brian Wood for a weekly email updating him on the progress of all special projects being worked on.  Brian has expressed that it has been difficult because he has been out in the field. Also, Brian stated that he thought in the Job description he was to correspond through the liaisons, Rita Mullin and Sergio Coviello.  Mike Prisco stated it would be very helpful and appreciated if Brian would still send a weekly email update.

Turf Field
(SC) Sergio Coviello has asked the committee if they are planning on using the space at the Barn at Wheeler property for a community center or a new turf field for sports. The committee responded that they are still researching the ability of the High School field vs. the Wheeler property because of parking and the High school already has set up for lights and a track already there.  But nothing is set in stone yet.
Sergio has stated that he is still interested in placing the turf field at the Wheeler property.
(RM) Rita Mullin explained that getting quotes on both locations may help the committee with a decision or an outlook.

New Business
LUC meeting results and information
(RM) Rita Mullin presented results from the P&R and LUC joint meeting. LUC Committee has asked P&R committee to prioritize the committee's needs.  
LUC Committee would like to see:
a.      IRP Bathrooms
b.      A Pavilion at IRP
c.      Bridge crossing Duvall property to IRP
d.      Volley ball courts at IRP

The Hillview committee has suggested that they would be interested in contributing monies toward the repairs needed at KidSpot playground on Chestnut Street depending on a plan being presented to them as to what is needed.  The plans should be presented by P&R Committee to the LUC Committee.

New Business
New Spreader for Parks
(MT)  Marty Tilton has expressed the need for a new spreader.  He will acquire quotes for a replacement.  Currently he is borrowing the Hillview's spreader.  Marty has been looking and most models that would be worth purchasing are up around the $3000 range.

Page 3- New Spreader for Parks cont'd
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to spend $3500.00 on a new spreader for Parks Dept.  This would become a new line item on the budget.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Approved: 4             Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0

Wheeler Property-update
The committee is looking into the correct zoning for the Wheeler property.  Joanne Haley has stated that a title search is best done during the winter months.  There are also a number of properties listed in the Open Space Plan that having a title search done on would be helpful.  There is $3900 left over from the Open Space plan budget that LUC committee, Conservation Committee and P& R Committee agree could be used for the title searches.
(MP) Mike Prisco has asked Marty Tilton is he understood the Title search process.  Marty has confirmed that he does understand the process.

(RM) Rita Mullin has presented a letter to Parks & Recreation Committee a letter from the (LUC) Land Utilization Committee  stating that they have voted to offer Parks & Recreation Department the first right of refusal to use the structure known as #5 Central  Street and its immediate surroundings.
LUC has approved the renovations of taking down 2 walls to the stairs leading into the basement, cleaning out of the basement and removing the 911 system, general housekeeping and looking into a new FHA/AC natural gas heating system.
(MP) Mike Prisco stated that he was going to go over to the Wheeler property during the upcoming weekend to take some measurements.

Holiday leave & Comp. Time off approval
(MP) Mike Prisco has informed the committee and the staff present that the Town Administrator would like the Department to submit to him all Holiday leave, vacation, comp time requests through him for approval.  

Schedule for next meeting & league invite
The Meeting schedule will be as follows:
12/3/07         12/17/07

Old Business
Dog Park
(SS) Sheila Sturdevant informed the committee that the Dog Park Letter has been signed and is ready to be sent to the Town Administrator and the Board of Selectmen.

IRP Hockey Park Estimates and Work Plan
(SC) Sergio Coviello informed the committee that the fence for the IRP Hockey Rink is being completed on 11/20/07.  This project is as complete as it can be until the spring time when the resurfacing can take place.
(MP) Mike Prisco complimented Marty Tilton on job well done.

Wine Tasting-scheduling and tasking
This item will be on next meetings agenda.

Update on IRP Bathrooms
This is listed under special projects.
(RM)    A motion was made by Rita Mullin to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 pm.
(SC)    Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        In Favor:  4*           Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
                *(LM) Lauren McMullen had to leave the meeting at 8:49pm